Miracle Doctor Princess

Chapter 627: Soothing

Recently, Mu Lengqiu and Su Yixia joined forces. Under the fierce attack of Lai Guo, the crisis was looming near Beijing.

This news is undoubtedly a disaster for Ye Qingyi and Cang Yi. These two people are in the limelight. Seeing that Donglai Kingdom has been a bit daunted recently, they have repeatedly made provocative clamors in an attempt to anger the soldiers of Donglai Kingdom.

For the clamor of the two, Ye Qingyi set aside for the time being. Because the state of Donglai is in danger at the moment, she has already spent her spare time to deal with the provocation that the two are almost unreasonable. What they want is just her or one of her answers. It's all because of her, and she's responsible.

At present, due to the war, it is inevitable for the people nearby to be displaced, and their homes are almost impossible to see. And to maintain the strength of a country, the most essential thing is to win the hearts of the people. If the hearts of the people are lost, even if a country is too strong, it will be fragile and vulnerable.

Therefore, the most important thing now is not to compete directly with Mu Lengqiu, but to keep people's hearts is the fundamental.

After some thought, Ye Qingyi asked everyone to discuss it. She took the lead in expressing her own opinion: "It is the first thing to win people's hearts. I think the most important thing now is to see the recent situation in the nearby towns, so that the people will not be resentful. This is not good for us."

"The thing that Qingyi is saying is extremely, this matter will be left to me. In the next few days, I will go to Linzhen to take a look and try to soothe the restless minds of the people so as not to cause unnecessary changes." Huang Fuyi agreed, and Mao then recommended to go.

"Well, that's fine." Ye Qingyi nodded, and then said to the other two people in front of him, Rocky and Sun Yi: "Recently, Lu Lengqiu and Su Yixia have been very mad, and they may be waiting to attack me at any time. You peep in secret, a little wind blows, come to report the first time. "

"Yes, the subordinates listen to the order!" The two responded with high voices, then looked at each other, and retreated tacitly.

"Light clothes, I will pass by these two days, you take care of yourself, the military camp will be delivered to you first." Huang Fuyi looked at the back of the two of them, facing the beloved humanity.

"Well, I will take care of myself, but you will have to run around again, and it will be too laborious. I will study the terrain in detail in the past two days, hoping to find something." Ye Qingyi sighed. , Brows bland, can not see too much emotion to come.

This period of time has never ceased, and the constant war has already numb her heart, so that a common smile has become far-fetched.

"Light clothing, everything will be okay, no more worrying." Huang Fuyi reached out and stroked her hair, comforting softly.

"Well, maybe." Ye Qingyi fell somewhere in the tent at a glance, and a kind of unclear way of thinking gradually spread in his eyes.

Later, Huang Fuyi sorted out and went to the nearby town. When he left, Ye Qingyi couldn't wait to see him far away and turned back to the tent. She took the topographic map and took a pen to mark it on the top. A favorable place.

The terrain was intricate, and the dense road map and markings almost shook Ye Qingyi's eyes. However, she thought of the displaced people, and Mu Lengqiu and Su Yixia, who were still staring at the border, and had to clenched their teeth.

In Ye Qingyi's thoughts, he never gave up the word.

Today is such a haggard past. Mu Lengqiu did not come to attack today, presumably while clamoring, she wanted to see their reaction, especially her reaction.

What Ye Lengyi knows for Mu Lengqiu and Su Yixia is that she has a long-term commitment to her life, and she can no longer give birth to other thoughts. And these two people, unable to obtain her heart, made this method, which could not help but spur her, but how could they compromise?

If they insisted, she wouldn't give up. Everything has not been set, and she will never give up lightly.

This day is early in the morning. With a little mist in the morning light, Ye Qingyi woke up early, so that his mind could wake up in a deep sleep. She chose to walk around.

The frontier area is very desolate. Although it looks green everywhere, because of the openness, there are not many people going to and from it. It seems that it seems depressed.

As she walked along, she was sometimes injured, or the tired soldiers greeted her, she nodded, and then sat down on the wet grass that was still in the mist.

In the past few days, she didn't do anything besides researching the topographic map, so now she just calmed down, and what appeared before her was the topographic map. But within a few days, she had deeply imprinted her important terrain in her mind.

She walked back and forth in the topographic map of her mind like an action chess piece, and Mu Lengqiu and others were on the other side of the mountain. The two sides competed against each other to perform their tactics through this steep mountain. What Ye Qingyi has to consider now is how to bring this steep, winding mountain to an optimal state.

Suddenly there was a tingling itch on her hand, she looked down in confusion, but it was a group of ants, surrounded by a dying worm in the middle, and they were trying to remove it. .

Ye Qingyi stared at it with a whisper in his head, an idea flashed through.

Got it! Just use this method! There was a faint smile on the corner of her lips, and she rose quickly towards the camp.

Quickly recruited Rocky and Sun Yi back, Ye Qingyi did not twist, he simply spit out his thoughts. "The two of you directly gave up the siege on the mountain. Bypassing the mountain and surrounding it completely. Rocky, you take a crowd to wait for the ambush on the cliff, waiting for the signal from Sun Yi, Waiting for opportunity. "

This method is naturally good. It makes up for the mistakes that were difficult to make up before and after. Rocky and Sun Yi praised each other again and again, but the two thought of another thing and could not help but be a little bit embarrassed. It ’s because there are n’t enough people. The siege is naturally foolproof. If there is an injury nearby, it can be replaced quickly. But where can we find so much rescue now? ”

In response, Ye Qingyi laughed. "The two don't have to worry much about it. I have already considered it. My father still has some people who are allowed to use it. I will write a letter to the rescuers later." You just need to make good arrangements and make sure everything is right. I will take care of everything next, okay? "

"Yes! My subordinates understand!" The two retreated.

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