Miracle Doctor Princess

Chapter 634: meditation

After listening to Ye Qingyi's words, Su Yixia and Mu Lengqiu fell into meditation. However, there is only one thought in both people's hearts: get Ye Qingyi!

"You are the crown prince of the South Vietnamese nation. If you come out for such a long time, I'm afraid it will cause a lot of anxiety in the South Vietnamese nation?" Su Yixia shook her fan, looked at Mu Lengqiu with a smile, and said.

Mu Lengqiu glanced at Su Yixia coldly, what he naturally thought Su Yixia was thinking. Can't help but sneer and said, "Every one another. The two princes of Nishiike will leave the country, and there will be some turmoil."

"You are a prince and have a distinguished status, so it's better to go back soon." Su Yixia's eyes flashed, she closed the fan and looked at Mu Lengqiu.

Mu Lengqiu looked at Su Yixia's still tender face, but apparently felt the unhappiness hidden underneath. It would be ridiculous to just want to use such a phrase to dispel his thoughts!

"Since I am a prince, naturally I have my thoughts, so I don't have to interfere with people who have nothing to do with it." Mu Lengqiu has always been cold and pretentious, and it has never been his style.

Su Yixia listened to Mu Lengqiu's words, and frowned slightly, then said with a smile: "Unfortunately, the crown prince of the South-South Vietnam Kingdom has only such aspirations. I'm not afraid of jokes!"

The ridicule in Su Yixia's words was so obvious that Mu Lengqiu secretly gritted his teeth. It seems that Su Yixia really wants to fight him to the end!

"What's so great about just taking the time to talk?" Mu Lengqiu stared at Su Yixia, his body sullen. "If you have the skill, you can use your actions to see the real trick!"

"Okay!" Su Yixia was waiting for this sentence. "Since you have said so, we will act independently, but we must compete fairly. Do you dare?"

Su Yixia knew that other aspects might be lost to Mu Lengqiu, and he set up such a bureau in order to let Mu Lengqiu willingly follow him for such a bet.

Mu Lengqiu looked at Su Yixia and smiled. He naturally knew what Su Yixia was thinking, and he would agree, out of respect for Ye Qingyi. And, if he wants to get Ye Qingyi, he must make his opponent willing!

"What dare not!" Mu Lengqiu agreed quickly.

"A sneeze!" Ye Qingyi returned to his house, apparently the weather has been good recently, but I don't know why he has been sneezing.

"Miss, aren't you infected with the cold?" The girl looked at Ye Qingyi very worriedly.

"It's nothing, don't panic." Ye Qingyi looked at the girl like amusement, where is she so weak. It was just a sneeze, not so serious.

Ye Qingyi looked at the moon outside the window. It was almost fifteen, and the moon gradually became round. Full moon reunions, I really hope that this unnecessary dispute ends soon. I hope that the people of the world will be happy with their families.

The next day, Ye Qingyi slept soundly, but when he heard the noise outside the door, he tossed and kept waking up. He was immediately awakened.

"What the **** is going on? How could it be so noisy?" Ye Qingyi sat up, rubbed his eyes, and asked the girl-in-law outside. He was so distressed last night for national affairs that it took him a long time to fall asleep. I was awakened by the noise so early.

"Miss, there are two people outside." The girl-in-law had been waiting for Ye Qingyi to speak, but he also knew that Ye Qingyi had slept late last night, so he had been waiting outside, unwilling to wake Ye Qingyi.

"Who is it?" Ye Qingyi asked, frowning, while washing.

"Slave doesn't know." The girl rushed to help Ye Qingyi wash and wash at the fastest speed. The two people from the outside looked very good and looked very noble. Because of this, the girl didn't dare to neglect.

Ye Qingyi thought secretly, who would come to him at this time? And, in the end, two more came directly?

"Miss, do you want to have breakfast first?" The girl has already brought the breakfast and asked Ye Qingyi.

Ye Qingyi waved his hand and said, "No need, I'll go out and see first." Everyone came in, what other thoughts did Ye Qingyi have to eat?

When Ye Qingyi arrived in the lobby, he instantly understood why the two came to this place so boldly.

Mu Lengqiu and Su Yixia, the two of them, really have the strength and ability to come to Ye Qingyi's place.

Right now, Ye Qingyi looked at the two people in front of him a little bit unpleasantly and said, "Why are you here?" Didn't you just meet? Is it possible that something happened?

Su Yixia and Mu Lengqiu saw Ye Qingyi out, and both looked very happy. However, seeing Ye Qingyi's look so angry, both people felt a little overwhelmed.

"What's wrong with you? Why does your face look so bad?" Su Yixia looked at Ye Qingyi with a worried expression.

"No matter. Come on, what are you doing here?" Naturally Ye Qingyi couldn't blame the two of them directly, after all, in case what really matters to these two people?

Mu Lengqiu looked at Ye Qingyi and obviously felt that she was in a very bad mood today.

At the moment, Mu Lengqiu laughed with confidence and looked at Ye Qingyi and said, "I'll show you something to make sure you can laugh."

Ye Qingyi had never heard Mu Lengqiu say such a thing, and was really curious, so he asked, "What?"

Mu Lengqiu clapped his hands and yelled outside: "Bring me all."

"Yes." The outside responded very respectfully. Then he carried in a very delicate box and came in.

Ye Qingyi looked at the box, and the pattern was beautifully carved, but she wondered what was inside?

Mu Lengqiu watched Ye Qingyi very interested in the box, went to open the box in person, and said with a smile, "Do you like it?"

Ye Qingyi frowned immediately after looking at the contents of the box. Instead of getting better, his face became worse and worse. He looked at Mu Lengqiu with an unhappy expression: "Did you come here early to show me this?"

What does this big box of gold and silver jewelry mean? Now that the people are all hot in the water, where does Ye Qingyi dress up?

"I ..." Mu Lengqiu didn't expect Ye Qingyi to make such a big fire, and now I don't know what to say.

"Hahaha ..." Su Yixia smiled politely, then looked at Ye Qingyi and said, "You still look at me."

The next moment, Su Yixia's men brought in a few exotic flowers, which looked very unique.

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