Miracle Doctor Princess

Chapter 636: Boat Show Love

"Don't you like it?" Su Yixia looked anxious at Ye Qingyi with a little anxiety in her heart. However, the next moment, he suddenly laughed, but fortunately he had two hands to prepare.

Then, Su Yixia whistled again into the sky.

In a hurry, a huge banner appeared on the huge kite, which said: Rather than a lifetime, my heart is light.

Ye Qingyi stared straight at the words above, naturally understanding the meaning. However, there was no trace of joy in his heart, he just felt angry.

You need to know how much manpower, financial resources, and material resources it would cost for such a play. Now, everything in this country is in a state of waste, and Su Yixia still has the heart to play this trick!

"Qingyi, you must know my heart, I treat you like the words on this banner. In my life, I only love you ..." Su Yixia looked at Ye Qingyi's side face affectionately, Speaking of inner feelings.

"Enough!" Ye Qingyi couldn't listen at all, and glared at Su Yixia, "I've made it clear before. I don't have any thoughts on these things. Also, if you do this trick again, in the future, Don't come to me again! "

"Light clothing ..." Su Yixia never expected that Ye Qingyi would react like this, and his heart was anxious and angry.

"Hahaha ..." Suddenly, Mu Lengqiu approached Su Yixia with a smile. He had already received news that Su Yixia invited Ye Qingyi to come here.

At that time, Mu Lengqiu knew that things were not good, and he did not expect that Su Yixia was first boarded by Jiezu. Now, Mu Lengqiu came here as fast as possible. Unexpectedly, when he arrived, he heard Ye Qingyi scold Su Yixia, and his mood was naturally good.

"Why are you here?" Su Yixia heard Mu Lengqiu's voice and looked back. When she saw Mu Lengqiu, she immediately asked him in shock.

Mu Lengqiu only glanced at Su Yixia provocatively and did not answer. Then walked to Ye Qingyi's side and said, "Qiyi, I'll take you somewhere."

"Don't go." Ye Qingyi just felt very unhappy after going through the events just now. Looking at Mu Lengqiu, Ye Qingyi guessed that because of these things, he was really not interested.

"Qiyi, this time. Just go with me, and I will never do this again." Mu Lengqiu looked at Ye Qingyi very earnestly, and the tone of his approach was close to pleading.

Ye Qingyi looked at Mu Lengqiu, but he couldn't bear it. He could only say, "Like you said, this is the last time."

"Okay, I promise!" Mu Lengqiu smiled happily after he got a positive answer from Ye Qingyi.

"Let's go." Mu Lengqiu took his horse in front of Ye Qingyi and motioned for Ye Qingyi to get on the horse. They passed together.

Ye Qingyi took a look at the horse and did not go up. Instead, he turned around and untied the horse on the carriage, watching Mu Lengqiu and said, "Let's go, you can lead the way."

Mu Lengqiu looked at Ye Qingyi's movements. Although he was not reconciled, at least Ye Qingyi had agreed to go with him. Therefore, he said excitedly, "OK." Then Mu Lengqiu immediately got on the horse.

Ye Qingyi quickly got on the horse and followed Mu Lengqiu toward the front.

"I'm going too!" Su Yixia worried that Mu Lengqiu would make a trick, and he quickly mounted a horse and caught up.

After arriving at his destination, Mu Lengqiu found that Su Yixia had followed him, very unhappy.

Su Yixia looked at Mu Lengqiu provocatively, and he came over. How can Mu Lengqiu take him?

However, the next moment, Mu Lengqiu laughed. Because, Mu Lengqiu hugged Ye Qingyi at the fastest speed and flew onto the ship he had prepared before, and ordered the ship to leave quickly.

Su Yixia had no choice but to stand on the shore and watch the ship getting farther and farther, angrily.

"What are you doing?" Ye Qingyi immediately broke free from Mu Lengqiu. He was unprepared and was hugged by him.

Mu Lengqiu quickly let go of Ye Qingyi and said with regret: "The emergency was really helpless." However, Mu Lengqiu's eyes were clearly excited.

Ye Qingyi is not too small, just if nothing happened just now. Looking at Mu Lengqiu, he said lightly, "What is it?"

"Please come in." Mu Lengqiu did not answer immediately, but raised the curtain of the ship, and asked Ye Qingyi to enter.

Ye Qingyi looked at it and thought it was coming, it would be better to see it clearly. As a result, Ye Qingyi lifted his feet and walked in.

The furnishings inside are very chic, which shows Mu Lengqiu's intentions. However, these are not important things for Ye Qingyi.

"Let's go." Ye Qingyi looked around and asked Mu Lengqiu.

Mu Lengqiu looked at Ye Qingyi's appearance and felt a little lost. This ship, both on the outside and on the inside, took great care to renovate. Unexpectedly, Ye Qingyi didn't even look at it.

However, Mu Lengqiu still couldn't give up, because the most crucial step in his preparation had not yet started.

"Just run all the way, are you tired? Have a cup of tea first," Mu Lengqiu said, and asked Ye Qingyi to sit down aside.

Ye Qingyi heard Mu Lengqiu's words and was really thirsty, so he went on and drank a cup of tea. Then, he stared at Mu Lengqiu, waiting for him to answer the previous question.

Mu Lengqiu has never been so nervous. Even with thousands of troops in front of him, he never blinked. But now, he felt nervous.

Ye Qingyi stared at Mu Lengqiu quietly, waiting for him to say. What does he want to say?

After a while, Mu Lengqiu slowly said, "Light clothing, in fact, you should have understood my mind." Speaking of this, Mu Lengqiu swallowed a conscious mouthful, "I like you!"

Ye Qingyi actually expected that Mu Lengqiu would say something similar, but did not expect that Mu Lengqiu would speak so plainly. At the moment, I was a little hesitant. For a moment, I really didn't respond.

"Light clothes, you believe me, as long as you want, I will give you everything. You will be my prince, and you will become the queen of South Vietnam. If you want the country of Dong Lai, I will definitely Satisfy your wishes ... "Mu Lengqiu uttered endlessly.

But Ye Qingyi's face was getting worse and worse. Mu Lengqiu even dared to make Donglai country's idea!

"Enough!" Ye Qingyi said lightly, stood up, and turned over the table directly. Taking advantage of Mu Lengqiu's moment, he kicked Mu Lengqiu directly into the river.

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