Miracle Doctor Princess

Chapter 663: Do it

"What, you said that mysterious woman is my wife?" Lao He sat on the chair with an incredible face, eyes wide.

"It's impossible, how could it be her, impossible, how could she be that kind of person!" Old He's eyes were dumb, he repeated his words blankly, shaking his head repeatedly.

Ye Qingyi's engraved silk clothing should be made of the silk brocade below. The gold inlaid jewellery bracelet on her right wrist, the pearls on the bracelet are the size of the thumb, and the size is consistent, bright and bright. Round and luxurious, it is obviously the jewelry of large families.

"Lao He, we didn't lie to you, indeed ... it was Fang Chen." Ye Qingyi looked at Lao He and said firmly.

Mu Lengqiu also echoed: "Lao He, this is true!"

Lao He gradually accepted the reality, raised his head helplessly, looked at Ye Qingyi and Mu Lengqiu and nodded.

The three did so silently, the room was silent.

The three sat in silence for a long time. Mu Lengqiu couldn't sit still. Looking at Lao He, he asked softly, "What are you going to do?"

Lao He's eyes were a little red. "I don't know, but you can rest assured that she ... is still nice."

Ye Qingyi lowered his head and stopped talking.

At this time, Fang Ye returned from the outside, and when he entered the house, he found that the atmosphere in the room was very depressed. Fang Ye seemed to notice something, but pretended not to know anything, and entered the room with a smile.

"Why are you all sitting there stupidly?" Fang Yan smiled as he walked.

Mu Lengqiu glanced up at Fang Yan, and said on the surface with a smile: "We are discussing what the mysterious woman is? We are thinking about who this man is tangled with?" After that, he took a special look at Fang Alas.

"Oh? Really, then ... have you found out who this person really is?" Fang Zheng heard Mu Lengqiu's words, his heart was shocked, and she was still calm on the surface and behaved very well. Curious look.

"This ... we have a clue." Mu Lengqiu replied softly.

"Then you can check it carefully," Fang Yan said with a smile.

Mu Lengqiu and Ye Qingyi did not speak. Lao He slowly raised his head and looked at Fang Yan with red eyes: "You are the mysterious woman."

Fang Yan saw that he had been spotted by everyone, but still said, "How do you say I am?"

Lao He said, "It's you, why don't you admit it, just let it go." The hand in Lao He's sleeve clenched unconsciously.

"Why should I stop? What have I done wrong? What is your relationship with her? Are you still unclear about yourself? If you do this, you will be blamed for my injustice!" Fang Ye seemed to be suddenly touched by someone A secret nerve suddenly became hysterical.

Lao He stood up in excitement: "No, no, it's not what you think. Where did you think of this, you listen to me explain, I tell you, actually ..."

Fang Ye was interrupted without saying anything, "You still want me to hear how you know each other? How can your heart be so hard!"

Lao He saw Fang Ye like this, hurried forward, wanting to hold Fang Ye, "No, you don't come!" Fang Ye shouted.

"I really didn't have anything with her. I only met because I helped them heal a man. There was really nothing between us. We were really innocent!" Lao He said from his heart.

Now why is this jealous Fang Ye now unable to hear anything, and he feels that Lao He and Ye Qingyi have an inexplicable relationship, "Do you think I will believe this mouthful of nonsense? What else do you want to lie to me Time? I won't believe you! "

Fang Xun flushed with anger, and Lao He thought how I could explain this clearly and not let her be so angry.

Lao He hurriedly said, "Really, I really didn't lie to you, you believe me! There is really nothing between me and Qingyi!"

Fang Yiyi listened to Lao He called Ye Qingyi called Qingyi, and turned his head angrily, staring at Lao He; "You still have nothing to say, why do you call her so intimate, why do you call her Qingyi, you Tell me to believe you, how can you tell me to believe you! "

Lao He just said in his heart that he was secretly shouting. It was so easy to say, but at this critical moment, Ye Qingyi was called Qingyi. Old He feels that he is really wronged, obviously there is nothing, "You really, you really believe me, there is really nothing between us!"

"I won't believe you!" Fang Yan said to Lao He with red eyes.

"Look at me, I am bound to compete with Ye Qingyi."

Ye Qingyi was watching beside him. I didn't expect that the artillery fire suddenly came to his head. At first, he was still a little hesitant, but when he saw Fang Ye looking at his fierce eyes, it was really difficult for him to think about himself. Mu Lengqiu a little pitiful Ye Qingyi aside.

Fang Yan was burning with anger in her heart, and her reason had been thrown away from the clouds. What she was thinking now was to talk about this **** who had hooked up with her husband.

Ye Qingyi saw the murderous Fang Ye in her eyes, and she wanted to escape, but now she knows that she cannot escape anyway, and can only compete with Fang Ye.

Ye Qingyi's temper is good or bad. If others don't mess with her, she won't mess with others. Even today, Fang Ye thinks that he and Lao He have an unclear relationship. Ye Qingyi is also a bit angry. Now Fang Yi has to compare with himself, Ye Qingyi doesn't want to hide.

Fang Xun rushed to Ye Qingyi with a short step. Lao He saw Fang Xun was going to do it, and hurried up to pull it, hoping to hold Fang Xun to stop her, but Na Fang Xun was too fast, Lao He couldn't hold it at all.

When Ye Qingyi saw Fang Yi rushed to himself, he took a dexterous move to the side, Fang Yi flew into the air, and his heart was even more angry. He raised his hand and hacked at Ye Qingyi. Fang Yan's hand blocked.

Lao Hejian both really raised their hands, rushing around like an ant on a hot pot.

Mu Lengqiu watched anxiously beside him, this Fang Yan's method is too fast, the starting speed is also fast, the intensity is also great, this makes Mu Lengqiu dare not to step forward, for fear of accidentally losing both sides.

Fang Yi saw Ye Qingyi blocking her hand, and was even more anxious in her heart. Her feet stretched forward, hoping to trip Ye Qingyi to the ground. Ye Qingyi looked at it and hurried to the side.

Fang Yan was really anxious now, not feeling tired at all, and flung to Ye Qingyi again.

Ye Qingyi was hoping that this misunderstanding would end soon. She looked to Mu Lengqiu for help, which was also anxious.

Lao He and Mu Lengqiu, who stood beside them, did not dare to rush forward, for fear of hurting one of them.

Mu Lengqiu and Lao He stood beside and looked anxiously, and they discussed how to stop them both.

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