Miracle Doctor Princess

Chapter 665: Direct question

Ye Qingyi did not know what to say, but such an awkward atmosphere could not be maintained like this. She silently watched the turbulent waves between Fang Ye and Lao He, and had to exhort the two men.

"You guys ... have something to say, sit down first, and something is clear."

When Ye Qingyi finished his sentence, Fang Ling's cold eyes cast in. Ye Qingyi noticed Fang Ling's gaze and was a little scared. After all, Fang Ling's fierceness just now, Ye Qingyi really saw it. However, although Ye Qingyi felt a little scared in his heart, after all, Lao He was helping himself to rescue Su Yixia, and the reason for Fang Ye and Lao He arguing was also because of himself ... Ye Qingyi's heart was unhappy.

She felt that if she did not help Fang Yan and Lao He to solve their misunderstandings and contradictions, Ye Qingyi's heart would be uncomfortable. Ye Qingyi these days, I also know that in fact, Lao He is a good and kind person, and loves Fang Chen, the contradiction between them must be resolved.

Therefore, Ye Qingyi stiffened his head, forbearing Fang Yi's not a kind-hearted look, took the lead to sit down at the table, and stood aside in a daze, Lao He returned to God, first looked at Ye Qingyi sitting at the table. Then, he looked back at Fang Yuan, Fang Yuan's sharp eyes were staring at Lao He without blinking.

Lao He hesitated, and finally decided to sit down. After all, he also had doubts in his heart. I don't know why Fang Yan suddenly became so cold. Just as Lao He sat down, Fang Ling snorted coldly. Her eyes were still aloof, but she sat down in front of the tea table according to the suggestions suggested by Ye Qingyi.

The atmosphere in the room was a bit subtle, and in the meantime, Fang Yan spoke, "A long time ago, I was an old girl and a horse ..."

Ye Qingyi froze for a moment, glanced at Fang Ye who suddenly began to speak, and also had some admiration for Fang Ye who was so direct in her character. After all, it was her own housework. Fang Ye didn't think it mattered. Ye Qingyi was in her heart. It is a little more respect for Fang Yi.

The next time, Ye Qingyi was listening to Fang Yan describing her love process with Lao He.

It turned out that Fang Ye and Lao He had known each other since childhood, Ye Qingyi couldn't think of it, Fang Ye and Lao He could be regarded as two young children, but it is possible that in this world, such beautiful things as "Qing Mei Zhu Ma" have continued. Not until after growing up.

The love between Fangyu and Lao He has been around since childhood, and the love between them has gradually become a love for each other between the day and night, but the plot of the dog blood always happens inadvertently.

Ye Qingyi listened, and felt that such a plot was not much different from the plot of the soap opera she saw in modern times. It was just that two young men and no guesses were always destroyed by adults.

Fang's family was a relatively wealthy family in the local area. At that time, the Fang's family was considered a large local family, but Lao He was not used, Lao He was just a mediocre person. In a large family like Fang Yuan, they are inconspicuous at all.

Lao He is just an elementary school student in a drug store. In such an era, Ye Qingyi knew that they were the most prudent in the business. Ye Qingyi did n’t even have to think about it, and she knew that Fang Ye and Lao He's love was definitely Nothing, because the family decided that they would not agree to let the old boy be a poor boy, so they married Fang Ye, even if they love each other so much.

This is indeed the case. Although Ye Qingyi didn't hear Fang Yan's introduction to Lao He's life experience, he could still hear a little information from those words. In fact, if Lao He's identity is to let Ye Qingyi live, In ancient times, it must be the same as Fang's family, and he would not agree to let Lao He and Fang Hui be together.

Fang Ye's family naturally despise Lao He as a primary school apprentice. Even if Fang Ye and Lao He love each other, there are always so many reasons for breaking up the two of them.

Fang Yuan was born into a family who is proficient in martial arts, and from an early age, Fang Yuan was the jewel in the palm of his family. What Fang Yuan did, Fang Yuan's family did it all, but only this one was related. The marriage problem of Fang Yi's life, even if Fang Yi's family spoils Fang Yi, Fang Yi's family cannot let Fang Yi decide for themselves.

Because Fang Yi's family is also a big family, the ancients paid particular attention to the right person, and they did not have such an open mind now, so rigidly thinking will naturally not allow Fang Yi to stay with Lao He as he wishes.

However, Fang Ye is also regarded as a spoiled child. Moreover, she is a willful woman. The family can't help Fang Ye, nor can she tell her how her daughter is, because they are also used to her. But there are important events about Fang Yi's life, even if Fang Yi's family has racked their brains, they have to deal with this matter.

So, since Fang Ye's family can't find the source from Fang Ye, and can't give up and dismantle Fang Ye and Lao He, in the end, they have to hit their ideas on Lao He.

Fang's family concealed Fang's and did not let Fang's find out. Secretly, someone sent a letter to warn Lao He and let Lao He leave Fang's. Lao He naturally was unwilling at first. After all, he loved Fang Alas. However, after Fang's family and Lao He recounted the gap between Fang and Lao, Lao He's firm belief just now hesitated.

Lao He is not an unreasonable person. He knows his status and status, which is incomparable with Fang's family. Although he has known about this matter since he was arrogant, Lao He always has a sense of luck, always feels It's a moment to be with Fangyu, but things are up to now ...

Lao He just likes Fang Yuan in his heart, can't let Fang Yuan go, and is afraid that after leaving, Fang Yuan will be sad, and he will regret his whole life.

But in the end, there was no exception, just like in the costume TV series, the male lead was finally forced to do nothing and left the female lead. The same is true between Lao He and Fang Yan. Although he did not want to leave at the time, in the end ...

Although Fang Ye didn't know the real situation of Lao He leaving at the beginning, she was sad at that time, but after realizing the real reason of Lao He leaving, Fang Ye was even sadder than before, and it increased with it. It was anger.

Fang Yansu said something between himself and Lao He, always saying that when his family asked Lao He to leave himself, he suddenly paused, but then continued to say nothing, Lao He couldn't help but interject "I was not willing to leave ..."

"Then why did you leave in the end?" Fang Zheng heard Lao He's rebuttal, and was still angry. Lao He said goodbye at that time. Her eyes were staring at Lao He, and she was pressing against Lao He.

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