Miracle Doctor Princess

Chapter 696: Into the palace

Ye Qingyi was thinking carefully, thinking how he could let Huang Fuyu notice himself at once, so that he would not have to bother to think about how to enter the palace.

Ye Qingyi thought hard. After having decided firmly to go to the palace, Ye Qingyi realized the problem of how to enter the palace. Ye Qingyi frowned, thinking of the perfect strategy. She didn't want to go to waste, and finally failed to enter the palace. After all, Ye Qingyi had done so much and was in danger to enter the palace. It was all for Huang Fuyi and to keep abreast of the palace's developments.

Ye Qingyi thought about it for one night, and finally her eyes brightened when it was almost dawn, and she figured out a way!

The next day, Ye Qingyi got up early, and after she had sorted out her appearance, Ye Qingyi went out early and rushed to the capital.

Because Ye Qingyi has a token indicating her identity, although Huang Fuyi and the Queen Mother in Beijing are still looking at her, but Ye Qingyi also got in smoothly, and it ’s not like before, Ye Qing As soon as Yi entered Beijing, he was attacked.

Ye Qingyi did not bring Mu Lengqiu and Su Yixia to the capital this time, because the identity of Mu Lengqiu and Su Yixia was very special. Ye Qingyi came to explore the situation, so he would definitely be watched by Huang Fuyi. What happened? In these two cases, Ye Qingyi was also afraid of Huang Fu's suspiciousness. Since he decided to come to the palace to detect information, Ye Qingyi could not return without help.

In the hot sun, Ye Qingyi raised one hand to cover the sun, and one hand hung on the side of her body. She looked up at the gate of the palace, thinking about the way she thought last night.

Ye Qingyi felt that Huang Fuyi was unfathomable. If he was careful in front of him, Ye Qingyi would certainly not be able to escape the eyes of Huang Fuyi's inquiry. Since he sneaked into the palace this way, he would be suspected by Huang Fuyi. Ye Qingyi thought It would be much better to enter the palace generously.

In this way, it is possible that Huang Fuyi will not think too much, and Ye Qingyi did not bring Huayue and Moon Shadow this time, because she is going to pretend to be in the palace by mistake. If there is a maid nearby, whoever looks They all seem to be fake.

Ye Qingyi had already lived in the palace for some time, so she was familiar with the location in the palace. She gently and cleverly found a hidden place. Ye Qingyi cut out a pile of weeds that were hiding outside the wall. , Followed by a small entrance.

Ye Qingyi evoked a sly smile, then stepped in.

Ye Qingyi knows that behind this low wall is a must-see in the palace. People will pass here every moment on this road. As long as Ye Qingyi grasps the time, he will definitely be found. What Ye Qingyi thinks about is to make her discover.

Only in this way will Huang Fuxi know that he has entered the palace. The best person to meet is the one who serves the emperor. Ye Qingyi's heart is a small abacus. She patted the soil on her body while lowering her head and pretending to go on the road that she must pass by accident. .

As Ye Qingyi expected, that road was usually followed by many people. Before waiting for Ye Qingyi to stand where he wanted to go, Ye Qingyi was hit by a little **** because he lowered his head.

"What's the matter, you, don't you have long eyes?" The **** whispered his throat, pointed up the orchid, and yelled at Ye Lan aggressively.

Ye Qingyi was happy in her heart, but she didn't expect things to go so smoothly. Ye Qingyi slowly raised his head. At this moment, the **** saw Ye Qingyi's face clearly.

The little eunuch's face turned from red to white and then to green. He still pointed at Ye Qingyi, but his voice became babble, "You ... you ..."

Ye Qingyi thought to himself that this little **** might be the one who was serving beside Huang Fuyu. Otherwise, how could his attitude be so arrogant just now, and now seeing her is an incredible look.

Ye Qingyi knew something. She stretched her face and said solemnly to the eunuch, "When I go to see the Prince."

Probably because Ye Qingyi's momentum was too aggressive, the little **** didn't say anything, but he took Ye Qingyi to the temple where Huang Fuyi was.

Ye Qingyi looked up at the hall she had visited just a few months ago, with a taunt in her heart: it was the emperor who was sitting there a while ago. I didn't expect to change someone in a short time. What made Ye Qingyi even more ironic was that the person sitting above the hall should have been Huang Fuyi, and it was ridiculous that Huang Fuyi had been locked up in the jail, but Huang Fuyi was safely in this throne. on.

Ye Qingyi put away the expression on her face, and she opened the door of the temple blankly and went in.

It may be that the little **** had informed Huang Fuyi when he knew Ye Qingyi was here, so Huang Fuyi was more surprised than Ye Qingyi's arrival on Huang Fuyi's face. Many are excited. Ye Qingyi frowned without a trace.

Huang Fuxi was really excited to see Ye Qingyi. Especially because Ye Qingyi appeared on his own initiative. Although the **** who came to the letter said that he didn't know why he happened to meet Ye Qingyi in the middle of the road, but who is Huang Fuyi, he would not believe them, but Huang Fuyi knew Also happy.

Because no matter if Ye Qingyi is arranged to come in, or it is really unintentional, that is also Ye Qingyi's initiative. Even though Huang Fuyi can clearly feel that Ye Qingyi's attitude is not very good, but the appearance of Ye Qingyi is enough for Huang Fuyi.

Huang Fuyi first pulled Ye Qingyi and said something insignificant. After seeing Ye Qingyi didn't care much about him, Huang Fuyi thought for a while, looked at Ye Qingyi's expression, and said, "Qiyi, you Come and be Queen of Zhen. "

Huang Fu's slang was amazing. Even a calm person like Ye Qingyi was slightly surprised. Although Ye Qingyi was surprised, she didn't show it on her face. Ye Qingyi was thinking about things quickly in her heart. At stake.

Since becoming a queen, she can more easily gain the trust of Huang Fuyi, and she can also get more information. Ye Qingyi thought secretly and ended up not speaking.

She did not refute or agree with this attitude. Huang Fuxi was overjoyed and said, "That's how it should be!"

Ye Qingyi then said, "If I don't agree, you can't do anything to me."

Huang Fuxi watched Ye Qingyi so insistent. He knew that it would not be easy for Ye Qingyi to accept himself for a while. This kind of thing would take time. Ca n’t be anxious, so he agreed to Ye Qingyi. This requirement.

On the other end, the "Meng" sounded, the queen mother picked up a porcelain cup and smashed to the ground. She just learned that Ye Qingyi had entered the palace. The queen mother was anxious and bad, and then came the emperor's wife to set Ye Qingyi as the queen. The news, this made the queen mother even more angry.

The queen mother was angry, but she felt that Huang Fuzhen should be standing in the same alliance with herself. At this time, Huang Fuzhen's approach was betraying her.

The queen queen came to Huang Fuxian's palace angrily, but was told by the guards who stood in front of the hall door, Huang Fuxuan asked her to go back to rest directly. The queen queen and the guard wide-eyed and narrowed their eyes, and at last shook their sleeves and went back with anger.

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