Miracle Doctor Princess

Chapter 715: As long as she is

At this time, a little girl in a palace costume brought a tea cup in at the entrance of the main hall, her footsteps were light and there was no sound.

The atmosphere in the temple was dignified, and the prince-in-law angered the queen mother. At this time, she made no mistakes. She didn't dare to go out and just walked forward with her head buried.

Passing by the queen mother, she couldn't help getting nervous, trembling, and almost overturned the paint plate in her hand.

Qi Guifei's eyes were swift and her hands were fast. She stared at the little girl and immediately stretched out her hands. The white fingertips moved gently, and she deftly placed the tea cup in her hands. Be careful and put it gently on the case by the queen mother.

The queen queen's eyes widened, and Xuebai's cheeks were faintly flushed because of her anger. She stared straight at Huang Fu's body. She slammed her hands on the side of the table, and the table case vibrated, almost shaking the tea cup.

\ "Indulgent! \" The queen mother roared, a rare majesty in her voice.

This majestic roar did not achieve the desired effect. Huang Fu's face did not change color, and his angular face still did not have the slightest expression. He was stubborn like an iceberg. He turned to his side slightly, and took a white porcelain cup of tea on the table next to him. Lift the lid and flick the tea leaves, and sip gently with your head up.

Seeing that the two were so hard-headed, Qi Guifei took a look at the queen mother, and immediately wiped her tears, looking sadly at the emperor's wife a little bit, and said intently: \ "Prince Prince, this is always your elder in this palace You are so hard-pressed, no wonder I don't speak well ... \ "She stopped talking and looked back at the queen mother, and saw that the corners of her eyes were also wet. She wanted to come to mean what she meant, and planned to have a friendship with her, she Quickly turned around and looked straight at Huang Fuyu, "You are really ... not filial!"

Unfilial piety? Huang Fu pinched the corner of his mouth, and his cold face was even colder. The people in this palace, secretly and secretly, one by one, are determined to block the lives of those who are on their way. Never have any one ever been jealous of the ritual legal person!

At this moment, the two people who benefited the most from these battles, suddenly drew filial piety to themselves. This is a joke!

\ "I have decided, the two naturally count as elders, as long as you don't be so stupid as before, and no longer interfere with Ye Qingyi's affairs, how can I honor the two, and naturally how to respect them!" "Huang Fuxi put down the tea cup, Speak firmly.

\ "Let ’s not interfere? What ’s so good about that wild woman with unknown origin? Do n’t forget that you are the prince of a country, the future emperor! Now the fate of the entire Donglai country is in your hands! \"

The queen mother talked aloud, regardless of whether the argument was passed on. Huang Fu's prince supervised the country and his identity is sensitive. If someone with ulterior motives listens, he will make a fuss again.

She stood tremblingly, her wrinkled face covered with terrible chill, her eyes covered with bloodshot, and she looked straight at Huang Fu.

\ "That woman can't stay, just rush to Prince Edward, you must ignore it! She must die! Come here!" Shouted the queen mother.

There was an immediate response outside the hall, \ "Yes! \"

Soon, the door of the hall rang softly, and then three women in green shirts bowed outside, respectfully stepped forward, one by one, kneeling in front of Tai Tai.

They looked calm, not as panic as the little girl who had served tea before.

It can be seen that these are the queen mother's confidants, who have been following her for many years. Want to come, many people's blood has been stained in his hands.

"The queen mother, please make up your mind, the minions are all ready!" A woman shook her head and spoke softly.

She held a tray in her hand. The white silk cloth was neatly stacked on the tray. On the other side of the silk cloth, a blue bottle with a large fist was tied with a red cloth. A small one was placed next to it. Green cup.

Huang Fu frowned and looked at the queen mother inconceivably.

Their secret actions have made people aware that as a prince, they came to stop them personally. Not only did they not see the slightest confusion, they dare to pose this posture!

This old guy doesn't give herself face, it seems she is going to move.

Huangfu turned slightly, raised his eyebrows, and glanced at the three women, his voice in a frosty tone, "" Get out of me! "

The ladies didn't expect the prince to do so, but they were a little flustered.

\ "Slow! \"

The queen mother's voice came out, and the women calmed down and knelt down.

I have been supervising Donglai for so many days and I don't want these old ladies in the queen's palace to dare to disobey my orders.

\ "Get out!" Huang Fuyi grabbed the red lacquer plate in the wife's hand and threw it directly to the door of the temple.

The porcelain bottle rolled a few times and made a crisp sound.

Huang Fu's eyes were red and he stared directly at the queen mother.

Being watched by this gaze, the queen mother had a slight chill in her heart, but she was still tough on her face, saying one word at a time, saying loudly: \ "Huangfu, you must not forget who made you to where you are today. It ’s not us, you are just a little prince who has nothing to do with chickens, such a large Donglai empire, where can you speak! \ "

Huangfu's mouth was awkward, and his face was a little proud. \ "The queen mother also has to forget, how many things can you really get involved in this big Donglai empire? In fact, you secretly How much more did you do before? \ "

Huang Fuyu said something, Hantan's general stare directly into the queen's eyes.

I never thought I would be beaten like this by the Emperor Huangfu. The queen queen shook her body and threw her long sleeves hard. She immediately dropped the tea cup on the table to the ground.

\ "Snap \" A crisp sound, the tea cup cracked, and hot water spilled.

Now that the words have reached this point, Huang Fuyi no matter what kind of rudeness, cold face only as a ritual to that queen mother, solemnly said: \ "Today in this palace, I want only Ye Qingyi, no matter what happens Whatever, no one is going to touch her a little hair, otherwise, I will definitely ask her to pay the price! "

He had a cold tone, and was about to leave, and then looked back at the two women. "The two are rich and wealthy, too peaceful and have everything they should have. Do n’t continue to be obsessed with it, otherwise, I will never lightly!"

After that, he walked away.

Seeing Huang Fuyi's figure disappeared completely, Qi Guifei immediately waved her hand and told the extra people in the temple to go down.

\ "Can't let go of that woman!" Qi Guifei said in a deep voice, hurriedly, and immediately turned to kneel to the back of the Tai, pulling her clothes straight.

\ "娘娘! \" The girl next to Qi Guifei also quickly fell to her knees, carefully reminding her that it was dangerous to break the porcelain pieces on her legs.

The old lady in front of her face was on her back, without looking at the two men on the ground, her fists in the wide sleeves were clenched tightly, her face was absolutely fierce.

\ "Can't tell him to come back! Caesar just give up, can't tell him to come back! \" She sighed generally to herself.

\ "What? \" Qi Guifei raised her face and looked at the queen mother in doubt, then she knew it, and was not easily aware of it, hooked her lips.

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