Miracle Doctor Princess

Chapter 742: Escaped

Huang Fuxi knew in her heart that Mizuo was a loyal person, and knew that she would never lie. Had she not had the exact evidence, she would never have come to report such a smile.

However, since no evidence can be found, Huang Fuxi must also notarly say: "You said you saw Ye Qingyi coming here, what about people?"

I don't know what to say, I can only bow my head and admit it. However, the moment he woke up, he suddenly said, "Prince Qi Qi, since Ye Qingyi is not in this prison, then he must be going back. Let's go back now and see if she is here?"

Huang Fu said he didn't give up when he saw the lost, so he reluctantly shook his head and said, "Okay, this palace will give you another chance. If you can't see anyone this time, I see what you want to explain."

After that, Huang Fuxi rushed back to Ye Qingyi's palace with a group of people who were lost.

In fact, Huang Fuzheng still has a lot of trust. After all, he has followed him from childhood to age. However, Huang Fuyi was even more reluctant to question Ye Qingyi. After all, he really hoped that Ye Qingyi would treat her sincerely.

After a short while, Huang Fuyi returned to Ye Qingyi's palace with a maze. There was no sound in the palace, so it was naive to think that Ye Qingyi was hiding elsewhere. Haven't rushed back yet.

So, without waiting for Huang Fuyu to step into the sleeping palace, he ran in with his own excitement.

But as soon as I went in, I lost my mind. Not even talking.

Seeing that Mi Ling had gone in alone, Huang Fuxi frowned a little, but Huang Fuzi thought: "Yeah, let Mi Ling go advanced. Save yourself to go. Once Ye Qingyi sleeps in the palace, Suddenly woke up. It's not right for me to come in like this. "

However, he didn't say a word after he got in, and Huang Fuyi couldn't wait, and asked, "Mid, what did you find?" He hurried in.

I saw that Ye Qingyi in the room was sleeping quietly, looking as if he had been sleeping for a long time. Ye Qingyi's room did have that faint scent, which was what she said before could help sleep.

Seeing such a situation, Huang Fu's inexplicable peace of mind was relieved, and the heart he raised that evening also let go. However, Huang Fuxi knew that he was deceiving himself because he knew that getting lost would not lie to him. However, with the lost IQ, she could not beat Ye Qingyi after all. This is where Huang Fuyi admired Ye Qingyi.

However, since there is no evidence, he has no reason to grab Ye Qingyi. Or, in my heart, Huang Fuyi didn't want to find evidence, because he really wanted Ye Qingyi to accompany him like that. Huang Fuyi felt that if he came to Ye Qingyi's bedroom every day, he would be happy to see this face that fell asleep peacefully.

When Huang Fuyi saw Ye Qingyi's sleeping face, she couldn't bear to wake up Ye Qingyi who was asleep. Not to mention let him question her aloud. So, when the **** behind him wanted to say, "Prince is here," Huang Fuxi hurriedly raised his hand to stop.

Therefore, Huang Fuyi selfishly turned his anger on himself and Ye Qingyi's betrayal to him. So he stared at Mi Ling fiercely and said, "There is no definitive evidence to dare to bullshit?"

At this time, when Huang Fu saw that Ye Qingyi seemed to be awakened, he quickly signaled the people below to step down, and then quietly closed the door for Ye Qingyi to prevent her from being awakened. Then backed out.

Huang Fuyi was a bit complicated and didn't want to stay here. Although he had nothing tonight, he needed to reconsider a lot of things, so he shouted anxiously: "Return to the palace!"

Huang Fuyi's series of actions are all obsessed with the eyes, and Mi Ling didn't expect Huang Fuyi to be so protective and so caring about this Ye Qingyi. So I was a little disappointed in Huang Fuzhen. As a result, Mizu took the initiative and said, "Your Highness, please wait."

Huang Fuzhen turned back a little irritably, and was already a little dissatisfied with the beginning of the lost. Listening to the fans and stopping him, Huangfu asked: "What else do you have?"

Mizu said with a bitter smile: "The slave knew that she deserved to die, but she still wanted to remind His Royal Highness, remember to be careful about Ye Qingyi. She was not sincere to her Highness."

Mizu said resolutely that she had no concern whether Huang Fu would ask her head after hearing it. So, after speaking, she lowered her head and closed her eyes waiting for Huang Fuyu's criticism.

However, I did not expect that Huang Fuyi not only did not swear, but sighed helplessly: "I see, you are up, just go and rest."

In fact, Huang Fuyi knew that getting lost was for his own sake, and he knew what he was doing. But the current situation is completely different from the mystery. What's more, Mi Ling said everything was contrary to Ye Qingyi's behavior in front of him. Huang Fuxi was also a little confused about what Mi Ling said. So now he urgently needs to go back and think carefully, he can't let anyone blind himself. Ye Qingyi doesn't work either.

After listening to Huang Fu's words, Mi Ling suddenly felt a little bit happy, and then said, "His Highness, Mi Ling will always help you monitor Ye Qingyi."

Huang Fuxi was already very annoyed, and he was so uninterested when he saw Mi Ling, and angrily said to Mi Ling, "Come here."

Obscurely followed Huang Fuzhen and walked over. However, as soon as I got aside, I only heard the eunuchs who Huang Fuzhi ordered: "Slap!"

A "snap" hit Mizuh's face, and Mizuh froze for a moment. She covered her face with tears in her eyes and stared at Huang Fuyu. She did not understand what was wrong with her loyalty.

Seeing the expression like Mi Ling, Huang Fuxi was also a bit unbearable. He took the maze aside and reprimanded: "The palace knows your loyalty. But you remember to me that Ye Qingyi is not as easy as you think to be caught by you. You better give me caution. This idle time might as well serve her well. Don't make mistakes. "

Mi Zero knows that she is doing a good job this time, but next time she is determined to never do it again. She will learn to be smarter in the future.

So, listening to Huang Fuyi's reprimand, Mizu said nothing, but just listened.

Huang Fu looked at her stubborn appearance and had nothing to say. After all, he also had some doubts about Ye Qingyi through the incident tonight. Moreover, tonight, this incident is not to blame, and to blame Ye Qingyi is too clever, it is not something that can be beaten.

Thinking about it that way, Huang Fuxi didn't want to say anything and turned back to the palace.

But at this point, he was standing still. The battered face was still in pain, as if reminding himself of frustration tonight. However, the secret decision was secret. One day, sooner or later, one must grasp Ye Qingyi's handle. She must let Huang Fuxi know that she truly treated His Royal Highness to His Royal Highness. She can never let Huang Fuyu be blinded by this Ye Qingyi.

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