Miracle Doctor Princess

Chapter 762: Something happened

"What, something happened?" Huang Fuxi was surprised to hear the news. It was not right at this time. He had planned to go to see the cell where Ye Qingyi was with his queen mother. When this happened, he must go. See if there is any enemy in the suburbs. This is the responsibility that he must bear as a prince. Since he became the prince and exercised his rights as a prince, he must also fulfill his obligations as a prince.

Sitting in this seat, after all, there are many involuntaries.

I, Ye Qingyi, was still involuntary. I originally hated Ye Qingyi, but before I knew it, I lost myself like Huang Fuyi and gradually began to like Ye Qingyi.

As it is, Ye Qingyi really has so many people like her capital.

The hardest thing in the world is affection, the hardest thing to find is love, the hardest thing to find is friendship, the hardest thing to find is affection, the hardest thing to find is true feelings, the hardest thing to look for is ruthless, and the loveliest is your pleasure. Laughing expression.

Do you know how difficult it was for me to laugh at you? Light clothes, I know that you are a little interested in Huang Fuyi, but now I regret it. I regret that I should like you more than he, and regret that I love you much later than he loves you.

"After the mother, the son-in-law first went to the suburbs to see the details, and the son-in-law resigned." With this in mind, the emperor confounded his thoughts, saluted to the queen queen, and quickly rushed to the suburbs to show off the enemy forces.

"Hurry up." The Queen Mother has her own abacus. After all, she can stay in the position of Queen Mother, but she has some strength and a little city. There is no city government, and there is no place to stand in this deep palace that is big and cannibalism.

With the help of Huang Fuyi to go to the suburbs to do something, the queen mother is going to visit Ye Qingyi's cell.

"Come, get your car," the queen mother ordered.

"Yes." The **** eunuchs underneath did so respectfully after receiving the order from the queen mother, and did not dare to neglect at all.

After a while, the queen mother was already sitting on the extravagant carriage of the Royal Palace and rushed to Ye Qingyi's cell.

"The queen queen arrives—" He heard his voice before seeing him.

The Empress Dowager ’s personal **** first yelled to announce that the queen queen had arrived and entered Ye Qingyi ’s cell, followed by the Empress Dowager ’s personal maid, who used to be worn less than Ye Qingyi, but now is better than the rags worn by Ye Qingyi I don't know how many times, the one who finally entered Ye Qingyi's cell was a Chinese robe, with a golden face shake, a serious face, and a graceful and noble queen mother.

I heard that Ye Qingyi was surprised. How could the Queen Mother come to see her?

At this time, Ye Qingyi is no longer the same as before. He is wearing rags that symbolize the prisoner. His messy hair covers the original stunning and perfect face, and he also has the stench of prison. Very embarrassed.

On such occasions, meeting with the queen queen felt a little embarrassed. Ye Qingyi slightly moved her body and did not react when she heard the words "the queen queen arrived".

Now Wolverine lets the queen queen see and see it, as long as it doesn't affect what the queen queen finds herself next.

"Qiyi, I haven't seen you for a long time, but is it okay?" The queen mother changed her normal situation and asked Ye Qingyi with concern.

Ye Qingyi did not salute to the queen queen, and the queen queen did not care, as long as they achieved each other's goals, they were just cooperative relationships, but not real teammates.

The queen mother used to hate Ye Qingyi. As the saying goes, rivers and mountains are easy to change, and her nature is difficult to change. Now the queen mother must also hate Ye Qingyi, but the two are now a short-term cooperative relationship, and the queen mother is not easy to tear. Shameless.

The two are just what they need, how can there be any so-called feelings like sharing the same suffering and being born to death, the most ruthless emperor's house. The emperor is affectionate to the former queen, but ignores the queen mother, because her impulse hurts her love This kind of love, although deep and enthusiastic, is also ruthless from another perspective.

"If you go back to the queen mother, light clothing is not harmful, light clothing is safe, and now Huang Fuyi can't do anything." Ye Qingyi answered humblely.

Light clothing is safe, and now Huang Fuyi can't do anything.

Hearing this sentence, the queen mother's heart immediately let go. There was also a slight relief in the dark, Huang Fu, this child, do n’t

"Light clothes, I just heard that you still have an impression of Fang Ye and He Lao?" The queen mother lowered her voice, winked at others, and motioned to look at someone.

Don't let anyone who is deliberate hear the conversation between the two, if you hear it, it will be bad.

I heard that Ye Qingyi's thoughts suddenly turned around. Fang Ye and He Lao had been trapped by her for a long time, but she was held in prison by Huang Fuyu. It was impossible to get accurate and timely news from the outside, queen mother. This time, I have come to the right place.

Too late here, I can not only talk to her about the outside trends, but also talk to her about the next step.

"Su Yixia couldn't bear what happened to Fang Yan and He Lao. She already started." The Empress Dowager looked at Ye Qingyi briefly and believed that a clever child like Ye Qingyi would know her meaning.

Ye Qingyi heard the news, but felt that something was wrong, and he hadn't found them yet. Why did Su Yixia start? After a thousand turns of thought, maybe they have found Fang Yi Lao He could not say.

Inadvertently, Ye Qingyi showed himself worried. Seeing this, the queen mother was also more worried.

If it ’s really something else, then it ’s not easy. Ye Qingyi is still in jail. He ca n’t do anything. He can only rely on the Queen Mother.

Ye Qingyi believed in Su Yixia's ability, but at this time, after all, he did not get the real exact news, and it was not quite certain that Fang Ye and Lao He were found by Su Yixia.

"If nothing happens, the queen mother will go back first, and the light clothes are lacking." Ye Qingyi learned about the situation outside, so he asked her to go back.

"Well, so sad family left." After clarifying things Ye Qingyi knew about herself, the queen mother was going to leave this place. Although Ye Qingyi was in this place because of Huang Fuyi, the queen mother enjoyed it People who enjoy the habit of Ronghua Wealthy, sometimes the habit is really terrible, and they suddenly become helpless when they suddenly leave a place they are familiar with.

"The queen queen, pay more attention, Qi Guifei." This is the last sentence Ye Qingyi said to the queen mother, and it is also the most important sentence in the dialogue between the two.

If something is going to happen now, I am afraid it is Qi Guifei.

People like Qi Guifei will definitely not rest at this time. Those who can control Qi Guifei are probably the only queen mother in the entire palace.

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