Miracle Doctor Princess

Chapter 768: Eavesdropping

There was a slight breeze in the dark, and the leaves made a rustling noise, and the queen mother adjusted her makeup. Looking at the person in the bronze mirror, the queen mother felt as if she did not know the woman of grace and luxury. I saw the woman in the bronze mirror stroking her face with her hands, even though she had reached middle age, but the skin on her face was still well maintained. The queen mother smiled helplessly. She entered the palace in her teens. Now It's been a few years.

"Also, there are some things that can't be avoided." In front of the bronze mirror, the queen mother seemed to be spelling something. She caressed her bun and looked around. Although the palace was gorgeous, the queen mother felt cold and cold. She spent countless days and nights in this palace, and how many intrigues she had seen before she could get to this position. Thinking of this, the queen mother reached out her hand and looked at her hands, she. . . She did not dare to say that she was pure and harmless.

The maiden who was waiting for the queen mother to sleep looked at the candles in the house still lit. She went into the room and looked at the queen mother looking at herself in the bronze mirror. Although the maiden was a little puzzled, but just now I asked myself to come in to talk. Dare to snub.

When she walked to the queen mother, the maid concealed her head respectfully: "The queen mother, it's too late, and I asked my son-in-law to come and wait for the maiden to sleep."

After hearing the words of the maid, the queen mother turned around and looked at the maid with a smile, and looked at the maid with a puzzled expression. The queen said slowly: "Is the house of grief so terrible? Even you dare not look up at the house of grief." Although it was a question with doubt, the queen mother did not think about asking the palace maid to answer her own question.

"It's getting late, and I purposely let the slaves take some hot water, and hope that the queen mother will rest sooner." The palace maid didn't dare to say anything else, and she could only repeat the words she had just told her.

Do not want to embarrass the maid, the queen mother nodded, and the maiden nodded, relieved. After some washing, the queen mother slept on the bed, thinking about the recent events, she just felt a headache. Tossed and turned to sleep.

The next day, the darkness before the sky swept and became brighter. In this unpopular palace, what makes people feel a little lively is the sound of the bird.

After all, he was his own son. Without that mother, he didn't want his son to take good care of himself. The queen mother came to the emperor early with breakfast.

Seeing the emperor lying on the bed, the queen queen was also anxious. The emperor's body was getting worse and worse. The court administration and the harem were painful. Sitting next to the emperor's bed, looking at the emperor's face without any blood color, the queen mother was a little distressed, and looked around. There were many people in this room, but there were a few who were really staying with the emperor. Yeah, it feels cold.

Suddenly, the queen mother felt that she touched the emperor's hand and said, "You all step down, and the Ai family wants to talk to the emperor." It signaled these people to step down, and there were only a few of them who really treated the emperor in this palace. For those who came out, the emperor was in a coma this time and could not be separated from those who had a disinterested mind. She did not dare let others know the emperor's soberness.

After all these people stepped down, the queen queen held the emperor's hand before daring to force it. The emperor slowly opened her eyes. He asked the queen queen with his eyes, and the queen queen immediately understood that she got to the emperor's ear: People have gone, but you should continue to do this, so as not to make people have other thoughts. "

Both knew that this time the emperor was in a coma, and in order to let those people relax their vigilance, the queen mother decided to accompany the emperor to the show.

"Whatever the mourning family says, you just need to blink your eyes." Although there are some questions in my heart that I want to find the answer as soon as possible in front of the emperor, but for the sake of the emperor's safety, the queen mother is also worried that what the emperor wakes up will be used by the caring person. Let the emperor continue to pretend to be in a coma.

Looking at the queen mother, although the emperor wanted to inquire about the situation in the palace, he did not dare to make a sound. This coma had reminded him that there were chess pieces arranged by others around him.

Knowing what the emperor thought, the queen mother didn't want the emperor to be too worried. She said with a lip: "Everything is fine." I felt that I had been with the emperor for a long time, and the queen mother said softly, "I will come here after noon." There is still some concern for the emperor, but if she stays here too long, it will certainly cause others to doubt.

He motioned the emperor to close her eyes, and the queen queen slowly stood up and walked out of the house. There were no people around. It seemed that the incident just had not been discovered, and she was more at ease. But after the queen mother left, she didn't notice a person next to him who seemed to be tidying up the yard.

After lunch, the queen mother could not rest assured the emperor, and brought people to the emperor, watching the relatives behind her and waiting for the emperor to be mixed here with some people with disinterest, the queen mother felt cowardly, still let these people back Next time, the queen mother will have a good chat with the emperor.

After everyone had retreated, the queen mother also slowly opened her mouth: "Emperor, you know your own body, are you ready for this book?" After all, it is also an old man who has experienced wind and rain in the palace, queen mother. The overall situation must be the most important.

He nodded strongly, the emperor looked at the queen mother, he felt that he owed something to his mother-in-law. "Mother, you can rest assured that Yier is so filial, he will be able to preside over the whole situation." The emperor looked at the queen mother with a thoughtful look, and he smiled helplessly: "As for the emperor's uncle, you do n’t want to Asked, son ... "

While the emperor was speaking, the emperor broke into the door at this time. He walked angrily to the emperor. Just outside the door, although the emperor and the queen mother's voice were very low, but the emperor's name was heard by the emperor, and he was angry. Helpless.

Originally thought that no one knew the news of waking up, but did not expect to be spread out so soon, the emperor sat straight and looked at Huang Fuyu, he pointed to Huang Fuyu: "You ... you ... you give me away Go out. "

Looking at the emperor's weakness, Huang Fuyi felt ridiculous in his heart. He smiled and said, "Let me get out? The throne belongs to the prince, and I urge you to change your scriptures."

The emperor was even more angry when he heard this from the emperor. Although he was not optimistic about the emperor, he also took the emperor's heart to treat him unexpectedly. Such a thing happened. The emperor spit out the old blood and passed out. Already. The queen mother looked at the anger in her heart and had nowhere to vent.

"The Emperor Fu, you !!!" The queen mother pointed at the Emperor Fu, and she looked at the Emperor Fu, slamming down what she originally wanted to say. If it were not for the emperor asking her to keep her secret, she would not consider so much .

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