Miracle Doctor Princess

Chapter 851: Test drug

Lao He took the painstakingly found antidote and developed it for many days, but finally developed the antidote. However, according to the ancient medical records, this medicine can have a little effect on Caesar, but The powder is too deep, and because of the different systems of the poisoned people, the effects are different. Even if he has an antidote on his hands, he is not sure if he can really save Ye Qingyi.

And in the process of development, he also found that there are many poisons in the medicinal materials, which are antidote. These poisons are extremely fierce, and the formulated antidote also has different effects due to the amount of these drugs, not to mention refreshing. No one has solved the poison before, and Lao He has no bottom in his heart.

At this moment, the sound of pacing came from outside the door. He didn't need to look to know that the comer would be a game. He knew that he had spent too much time developing antidote, and Huang Fuyi had been impatient to wait. Now, he can wait outside quietly all for Ye Qingyi, otherwise he is so patient.

Lao He collected the antidote and went out the door. Huang Fuyi saw him out and immediately greeted him. He thought that the light leaves had finally been saved, but when Huang Fuyi saw the helplessness on Lao He's face, he knew that it was out. what is the problem.

"Lao He, but what happened?" Huang Fuyi asked carefully, and Lao He thought about it or asked Huang Fuyi to enter the room to discuss it in detail.

Everyone heard that after Lao He developed the antidote, they went to the sleeping hall where Ye Qingyi fell asleep, but when they entered the door, they saw that they were very lost. Everyone saw the situation and knew that there was something wrong. Speaking, but listening quietly.

So Lao He explained the problem to everyone, and analyzed the pros and cons. In short, the antidote that is currently on hand is the antidote, and the bad is the poison. The key to this amount is continuous debugging. If there is a slight deviation, Ye Qingyi will most likely never wake up.

There is only one conservative way for today's measures. Someone is willing to try the medicine in person. Lao He then uses the current antidote and medical treatment to treat it, and finds the right amount in constant exploration. So Ye Qingyi is still possible. wake up.

"Come here." Huang Fuyi immediately said she wanted to try the medicine herself. Ye Qingyi had been lying here for so long. Although she looked asleep, she was still alive. Huang Fuyi could not imagine everything she suffered.

The two people are good to go hand in hand, but the only person walking on the road of life now is Ye Qingyi. Today, the situation is also all blamed for his failure to protect her, but he and other women have Child.

Whether he was willing or not, but Huang Fuyi's heart still couldn't get through the chop, saying that it was for the Jiangshan community to succeed someone, but he knew in the end that he still violated the original vow of the two people.

Furthermore, listening to Lao He's test of medicine may not really wake up. If Lao He can succeed, he and Ye Qingyi can have a common future. If it fails, he can just accompany her to sleep. Go, otherwise it will be a long time to let her sleep here alone, so he can't stand it.

"You must not, the Holy One is the Lord of the heavens. There is no certainty in this move. If there is any accident in the Holy Heaven, how can the old man explain to the people of the world, not to mention, the Holy Man is the body of men, men and women. It's different. Even if the test is successful, there will be some deviations. "

Old He Yi heard that Huang Fuyi was going to try the medicine in person to stop it. The person who tried this medicine needed to be willing and willing to leave, but it was also necessary to be realistic. Huang Fuyi was the master of a country. To peace in the world.

If he really tried the medicine himself, in case he couldn't wake up, the young son was young, and Chao Gang was left unattended, wouldn't it cause chaos in the world, even if Ye Qingyi fell asleep would be very sad.

"Then what can you do!" Suddenly Huang Fuyi shouted loudly, slamming his hand against the wall, and then everyone realized that Huang Fuyi's long-suffering emotion finally broke out at this time.

"When I was suffering, she always stayed with her, but I could n’t share one or two when she was suffering. Now she does n’t even have the qualification to sleep with her. What's the use of this river?

Huang Fuyi murmured, her eyes were very sad, and Huayue and Yueying looked at each other and felt helpless.

During this period of time, Huang Fuyi has been decadent since Ye Qingyi fell asleep, and finally managed to deal with state affairs, but only the people around them knew that Huang Fuyi was using this reason to paralyze himself.

Huang Fuyi will not have time to think about her only when she is in a mess. When the night is quiet, Huang Fuyi holds the memorials in her hand, but she will not turn a page for a long time. Will keep shaking his head.

Huayue knows that Huang Fuyi thought of Ye Qingyi again. When no one was by his side, there was no trace of business in his eyes. Only in the eyes of Huang Fuyi who was busy or thought of him and Ye Qingyi in the past. There is a hint of life.

This situation became more and more serious after Huang Fuyi left his son-in-law. There were naturally no worries about Jiangshan's successors. In order to be responsible to the people of Donglai Kingdom, and to fulfill his duties to the emperor and his ancestors, he violated. Oath with Ye Qingyi, gave birth to another woman.

The Empress Dowager thought that if she did this, Huang Fuyi would change her mind and look at other women. She did n’t know that she would make Huang Fuyi no longer worry about her. The only concern in the world was no longer in her heart. Opportunities are so slim, no matter how strong, one can't stand these successive blows.

"Sacred God is the future of Donglai Kingdom and the king of a country. If the lady knows that the Holy God has abandoned the country and the people for her alone, she will blame the Holy God, and say that the old man also said that the Holy God is a man and he is trying medicine It is absolutely impossible. "

Yueying and Huayue were persuading each other. Several people also knew that the emotions in Huang Fuyi's heart were good. At least it was better to blame yourself than ever before. The talents to find the test drugs are now the key.

It stands to reason that this test drug is not difficult to find. There are always several death penalty prisoners in the prison and in the cells of various districts and counties, but there are very few women who want women and willing ones.

At this time, Huayue thought about it repeatedly, and looked at the person in distress around her and finally stood up.

"I come."

Everyone looked at Huayue, and when they saw Huayue's gaze, there was no fear at all, and it was hard to say anything. It would be necessary for someone to do such a thing.

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