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Shenhuo, this is not what the underworld mouth said, the only pure fire that can be used to condense the soul of the gods.

"Boom, the dear master is the best. God fire, this time, the underworld and the human world have been saved," Biaoyang sheep escaped from the claws of the four-sided candle fire Niaojia with great agility.

Fei rushed to his master, bang, or the master's arms were warmer and softer.

Mingri is a carnivorous man with a hard chest and no popularity at all.

Piao Pang Yang looked like a rogue in Yun Sheng's arms, and fell in the eyes of Nim Sun. There was a lot of unclear complex emotions in his eyes.

Nether Ghost King is looking at Shenlian Yehuo.

"Are you sure, such a faint fire can consolidate the soul? If the emperor was right, this divine power had just been gestated for a short time, and its power was very limited," Yun Sheng just broke through the magic god, and the magic **** It's just that the Promise Continent is not a real **** at all.

Compared with the ghost body and ghost day, the **** body that has lived for thousands of years is really not worth mentioning.

It's just that Mingri and Nether Ghost King are so powerful, they also have Divine Fire.

In this world, there are not many gods with Divine Fire. The Emperor Yanhuo of God Realm is counted as one, but it is impossible for Emperor Yanhuo to be degraded and condensed for the ghost of a felony.

Therefore, only Yun Sheng can help Li Qingcheng.

"Cut, love it or not, Yun Sheng snorted in my heart. If it were not for Li Qingcheng's role as the fox's mother, she was still her daughter-in-law who had never met her. Yun Sheng was too lazy to use his rare cohesion. The success of the Shenlian karma.

Shenhuo is not so well formed and consumes a lot of money. If she had already possessed the rare elven industry fire in the world, and it just merged with the power of Ji Rumo's light source, even this little divine power could not be condensed.

"You can rest assured that although I don't have a powerful divine power, I still have a totem suzaku, which is also a fire **** beast, which can enhance the power of some **** fire for me. In addition, you should also have a heart-difficult lamp. Being able to hook souls and lock souls can also play a certain auxiliary role. As long as the intelligence of me, the totem Suzaku and the heart-worry light are gathered, there is a good chance that they can reunite the soul after a success," Yun Sheng's face was determined.

She seemed to use a pair of medical authority to speak to the family members of the patient, and she was quite prestigious in her words.

Ghost King, unconsciously, was infected by her and believed her words.

"That's the case, then you're not going to save it!" Ghost King, eyes full of hope, has put all hope on Yunsheng's body.

"After the ghost king has walked in the human world, he should also know the rules of the human world. Although I am a healer, I never believe in the parental heart of a healer. I Yunsheng saves people and has always been real gold and silver," Yunsheng hehe With two laughs, I was fortunate in my heart, but fortunately, the night fox was not here.

Otherwise, if he knew that he was bargaining with his relatives, he really didn't know how to "clean up" himself.

However, Yun Sheng also saw that Nether Ghost King was infatuated with Li Hou.

In the early years of Li Li, although she had experienced Obsidian and Ye Chengtian as scum men, she was able to meet such characters as the ghost king after her death.

"What conditions do you want, despite the opening, as long as the emperor can do it, the emperor can promise you a condition," Nether Ghost King is also refreshing.

The God of the Underworld heard it, but he couldn't help moving.

Although the ghost ghost king is moody, he is notoriously committed to his promises.

He promised Yunsheng a condition, even if it was difficult, he would certainly do it.

He is now a divine body, inside and outside the underworld, really few people are his opponents.

In those days, people who possessed the ghost key can obtain a condition for the ghost king.

Those who use the ghost key only need to pay the corresponding price.

But the ghost ghost king gave Yunsheng without any additional conditions, that is to say, as long as Yunsheng is willing, she can even let the ghost ghost king take the netherworld **** position.

If this woman really dares to speak with a lion, she will be killed on the spot.

Ming Ri secretly thought that it was only his eyes that had become cold, and he found that the poo sheep really looked at him with a pitiful look.

This guy is insensitive to everything, but as soon as the matter is related to its owner, it seems to be surprisingly keen. It has already noticed the killing of Midday. If one dares to touch Yunsheng, it will cry and howl Not alive posture.

Seeing the look of the banging sheep, the heart of Mingri couldn't help but soften.

The murderousness of the whole body disappeared suddenly.

"This is what you said," Yun Sheng blinked, and the two pear vortices at the corner of her mouth were like two dancing butterflies.

That smile, if Ye Beiming saw it, she would know that Yun Sheng was going to break it again.

However, Nether Ghost King is not Ye Beiming. His understanding of Yunsheng is nothing more than the battle of Taiyuan Mountain.

Where did he know that this woman who looked like she was only about twenty years old had actually grown a "black heart" more cunning than a thousand-year-old fox."

Promised! Ghost King has promised his master a condition!

Both Bo Yang and Yun Sheng were excited.

Worthy of being the owner of his own family, he can actually bargain with the haunted ghost king of the underworld.

However, what conditions will the host mention?

"Cough, then you listen carefully. One of my conditions is that you need to unconditionally promise me three conditions!" Yun Sheng stretched out three fingers.

The Ghost King's face, which was so jealous, could not stop twitching.

What is this condition! It's just rogue.

The Warcraft and Biao Yang on the side are also dull.

Strong, too strong, the little master is really shameless.

The ghost ghost king has already begun to regret it at this moment. He can’t wait to kick Yunsheng out of the underworld, but considering that no one except Yunsheng can save the city, the ghost ghost king can only eat Huanglian dumb, and endure his anger. , Glared at Yun Sheng.

"Yun Sheng, this time even the emperor will not care about you anymore, but you don't have to be intimate, and you have to make a few more promises, otherwise, even if you are the only one who can save the city, the emperor will not I'll let you go," Ghost King snorted, his teeth crunched and creaked, which was already calculated by Yunsheng twice in a row. For Ghost King, it was a huge shame.

"The ghost king is assured that some tricks will earn enough money once." Yun Sheng grinned. She also guessed that the three conditions are the bottom line of the ghost ghost king.

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