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After the conflict at the town entrance, Yun Sheng and Biao Yang entered the town, but they smoothed a lot. Xu knows that the people who enter the town are not ordinary people. Those half-orc townsmen have no trouble. Sheng.

Yun Sheng found a place and filled the stomach with the bang sheep first.

Although the Bahuang Continent is somewhat different from the Promise Continent, it is not far from the diet, and there is no situation of drinking blood and hair.

Yun Sheng also took the opportunity to inquire about the situation of the Eight Continents.

This enquiry also gave me a general understanding of the Eight Continents.

The original name of the Eight Wasteland Continent was not originally called, only because the Eight Wasteland Orcs invaded and occupied the entire continent, and then changed to the name of the Eight Wasteland.

The territory of the mainland is vast, and it is only about the size of the area. It is about two or three times the size of the Promise Continent. It is mainly inhabited by human races, half-blood orcs, and eight wild orcs.

Among them, the number of human races is the largest, and they are the indigenous people of the mainland. However, due to their strength, their status is very low. Except for a small number of free people, most of the human races are held by half-orcs or orcs as slaves, and their status is even Warcraft. Not as good.

The free people do not even have the qualification to live in the town, they can only live on the outskirts of the town, a kind of place called a burrow.

The second most populous are half-orcs. The status of half-orcs is slightly higher than that of human races. Most of them are free people. Some half-orcs with the origin of the Eight Wastes can also hold certain official positions in several tribes.

For example, the mayor of Crescent Lake Town is a Sky Fox Orc, and he has been the mayor here for more than ten years.

Among these races, the strength of the eight tribes and the beast altar is the most powerful.

After the Eight Wild Beasts invaded the Eight Wilderness Continents, the whole continent was divided into nine major parts. Eight of the territories belonged to the Eight Wilderness Tribes and were called the Eight Great Tribal States.

There is another place, which is located in the middle region of the Eight Continents, controlled by the beast altar.

The head of each tribe receives the first sacrifice of the beast altar, just like the emperor in their respective fields.

The town where Yunsheng and Biaoyang are located is the northernmost territory of the Tianhu tribe. The town is called Crescent Moon Spring. This town has no other resources besides a crescent moon well. It is typical. Poor town.

Most of the towns under the Tianhu tribe are similar to those in the Crescent Moon Township.

This is because the Tianhu tribe has failed several times for several hundred consecutive years, so their territory has been shrinking.

Moreover, most of the territory allocated to the Tianhu tribe is very remote and desolate Gobi or desert. Only a few cities are relatively rich and rich.

It takes about a month to travel from Crescent Lake to Hudu where the Tianhu tribe is located. However, to enter Hudu, you must hold a special token, otherwise you are not allowed to enter.

Yun Sheng could be blinded by those blind guards, but he was not sure and concealed those Tianhu nobles.

After thinking for a while, she decided not to rush to Hudu and stay in Crescent Lake for a few days to see if she could find other ways to enter Hudu.

Yun Sheng also noticed that in the past few days, there were always a pair of sneaky eyes staring at her in the dark.

Yun Sheng also guessed that those people must have been sent by the mayor of the town.

But she didn't want to make trouble, so she didn't want to compete with the gang, and she managed herself.

For three days in a row, Yunsheng had just come and gone in his leisure time in the town and did nothing.

In this way, the blood of the fox was even stranger, and he became more and more confused about the purpose of Yun Sheng's coming to the town.

About three days later, Yun Sheng saw that the news was almost inquiring, and was about to leave Crescent Lake Town. At that moment, something happened that disrupted her original plan.

Early in the morning, Yun Sheng wandered around the town as usual.

Behind him, there was a rush of horses and horses.

Several powerful horses rushed from the town entrance, and the cart was full of fresh herbs.

That's the herb car of the medical hall run by the mayor orc, which is responsible for purchasing some herbs from outside the town.

Whether on the Eight Continents or the Promise Continent, the identities of doctors are equally noble.

It's just that on the Eight Wastelands, the orcs and half-orc healers don't use light magic to heal, they use a medical technique called witchcraft.

When the carriage passed Yunsheng's side, Yunsheng's eyes flashed.

She saw it, holding a small hand on the cowl under the carriage.

"Dear master, someone is hiding under the car," Biao Yang also smelled the breath of the human race.

The idea was that the guards at Zhenkou did not let people enter, some people hid under the herb truck and mixed in.

This man mixed in, and if he was discovered by the orcs in the town, he would definitely be killed.

"No need to worry about anything, we are all the same, it's time to leave here," Yun Sheng just glanced at it, and he was ready to do nothing.

At this time, the herb car stopped.

A half-orc got out of the car and entered the hospital.

Under the car, a girl crawled out.

The girl looked only six or seven years old, short, shabby, with ragged clothes and hair **** in a braid. At first glance, she was from a poor family.

After the girl got out of the herb cart, she fell on her waist and found some herbs in the herb cart.

Seeing her appearance, it was apparently to steal the medicine.

Yun Sheng looked at the few medicines she had chosen, and was originally planning to leave the footsteps.

At this time, a half-orc doctor and several people in the medical hall came out of the medical hall.

They saw at a glance that girl was stealing medicine.

"The thief, come and catch the thief, dare to hide it, get into the town, and grab her!"

At first glance, the orc doctor was furious. Without a word, he ordered the girl to be caught.

The girl was obviously a thief for the first time. After being found, she was completely scared.

The passers-by gathered around and punched and kicked the celebrity child.

"Master Doctor, I am not a thief. I just want to borrow some herbs to save my mother," the celebrity girl protected her body with her hands and shouted in her mouth, but she was just an incompetent martial artist. Children who can't do magic can withstand the strength of these half-orcs.

Human race, not to mention stealing things, is not even allowed to enter the medical hall or into the town.

Someone in the girl’s family was sick and could not enter the town to seek medical treatment. She could only risk hiding in the car and stealing medicine.

"Don't fight, let the doctor see," the orc doctor in the medical hall was annoyed and stepped forward to look at the girl.

Seeing that she is in tattered clothes, but the facial features are very beautiful, and when she grows up, she must be a female slave.

"Huh, it looks pretty good, but it's a pity to kill it, so I threw you to the slave market and sold a few dollars to repay the herbs you stolen," the orc doctor said unkindly.

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