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Fox Linglong was in a hurry, and he didn't even notice it. The group of people in Cangdu who stood beside him, not to mention Yun Yun, who was veiled,

Yun Sheng mixed in the crowd, secretly paying attention to Fox's every move.

Yun Sheng remembered that Hu Linglong was Hu Sheng's cousin, but this woman was a scorpion. At first, Hu Linglong colluded with Mrs. Chi Bi and sold Hu Sheng to the Promise Continent.

If it wasn't for Yun Sheng, it happened to be at the auction, I'm afraid Hu Sheng has already been bought.

However, Hu Sheng also said that if she died, Hu Linglong should be the most favorable candidate for the Tianhu clan saint.

Unexpectedly, Hu Sheng has been dead for a few years. Fox Linglong has not yet become a saint. Not only that, she even has to compete with the half-orcs for the role of saint. This is undoubtedly the arrogant Fox Linglong. A shame.

According to the rules of the Tianhu tribe, a new saint can only be elected if the previous saint died or disappeared for more than three years.

Hu Linglong has long heard that Hu Sheng's whereabouts on the Promise Continent are unknown.

She thought that after Hu Sheng disappeared, she would be able to take the position of saint.

She heard a few days earlier that this time in each capital city, she chose a lot of Tianhu hybrids to come to participate in the selection of Saints.

I thought the Tianhu Presbyterian Church would dare. Where did I know that the elders of the Presbyterian Church didn’t know which ribs were wrong? I actually said that the scope of the selection of Saints should be relaxed. It can be selected for the entire Tianhu tribe. Even half-orcs can participate. .

"Go away," Hu Linglong was about to sign up. How could he know that there was a half-orc woman in front of him, and Hu Linglong was annoyed, and a spell of magic hit his face.

"Ah--" The half-orc woman screamed loudly. She hadn't torn off a piece of flesh on her face, and the flesh and blood immediately flowed, looking very miserable.

"Admiral Linglong, this is the order of the Presbyterian Church. Please also be able to cooperate. If you hurt someone again, we can only cancel your registration qualification. This is an order made by the Presbyterian Church. Please don't make it difficult for your subordinates. "The tribe who is responsible for the life-saving Dantian Fox clan, seeing Ling Linglong, is also one big and two big.

Although the last woman, Sheng Sheng, was a waste, at least she was very nice to others.

In contrast, Hu Sheng's cousin, Fox Linglong, although very good in strength, has achieved the cultivation practice of the Holy King in recent years, but her temper is arrogant and is famous throughout the Tianhu tribe.

Just because her father is the elder of the five foxes, no one in the family dares to offend her.

Although Hu Linglong was very dissatisfied, she was not good at hearing the order from the Presbyterian Church.

The gang of elders in the Presbyterian Church, supported by the chief of the Fox Qianqiu, could not help even her father.

Hu Linglong signed up angrily and went away.

As soon as she returned home, she couldn't help but find her father.

"Father, what's the matter, the assassins sent out can't even handle a few women. It's okay, even the Orcs can compete, which makes me see people in the future," Fox Linglong is among the descendants of the Eight Wastes , Originally belongs to the party that has been ridiculed.

If this time let the people of other tribes know that the sage of the Sky Fox tribe, even half-orcs can participate, and even if she is elected as a sage, she will be laughed at.

"Linglong, this thing is strange to say. The group of people in Thunderbolt actually missed," Hu Linglong's father is also Chi Qianqiu's brother, Chi Chitose.

Earlier, it was this pair of venomous fathers and daughters who hired Thunder Devil and others to kill the candidates of Saints everywhere.

Seeing his daughter's face full of fire, he persuaded him.

"The Presbyterian Church did this this time. It's not all because you didn't find the Tianhu relic. If the population is down, some people in the clan will say that you are not qualified to become the Tianhu saint."

As soon as my father mentioned the fox relics, the lingling face of the fox was more embarrassed.

Chi Chitose is a very ambitious person. At that time, because he was a junzi, he failed to become the head of the Tianhu clan.

God must help him too. The sons of Fox Qianqiu are not rich. The only daughter who can be tested to inherit the position of Saint Virgin is a waste, and he doesn't understand any magic.

Looking back at Chitose, his daughter Fox Linglong has been smart since childhood, and she looks beautiful too. If it weren't for Hu Sheng's daughter of the patriarch, the throne of the Heavenly Fox Saint, where would she get Hu Sheng in turn?

When Chitose Fox thinks about this, he will secretly be angry.

Over the years, he has been catering to Fox Chiaki and the Presbyterian Church, but in the background, he has been working hard.

In addition to indulging his daughter to secretly suppress and bully Hu Sheng, he has been attracting elders in the Presbyterian Church. The purpose is to wait for a suitable opportunity to replace the fox Qianqiu and become the chief of the fox fox.

Among them, letting her daughter deceive Hu Sheng and expel her from the Eight Wilderness Continents, and replace her daughter to become the new celestial virgin daughter, these are the first steps in all the plans of Fox Chitose.

For thousands of years, the father and daughter of Fox Chitose have been painstakingly planning, and finally dealt with the thorns in their eyes.

He also bribed an elder and recommended Hu Linglong to replace Hu Sheng to the Dutian Blood Realm to find the beast king relic with other descendants of the Eight Wastelands.

But where do I know, in this kind of knot, Hu Linglong actually failed to find the Tianhu relic.

The incident of losing the sky fox relic has been criticized by several other elders of the Presbyterian Church. As soon as the time for the new virgin was established, several elders actually broke through the sky and proposed the ceremony for the selection of virgins.

Chitose Fox knows that he is wrong because of the reliance, and can only vote in favor.

"Ling Long, you don't have to worry, it should be your nature and you. Looking at the entire Tianhu tribe, on the lineage, on the appearance and talent, no one is more suitable than you as a saint. You can rest assured that this time In the selection ceremony, Dad will surely make you the top spot. At that time, I dare to say that you are not qualified to be a saint," Fox Chitose appeased her daughter Fox Linglong.

This time, there were so many things happening in the selection of Celestial Virgin, and even the hybrids of Celestial Fox have joined in, but this is also beneficial. The pure-bred identity of Fox and its extraordinary talents will definitely make her the ultimate Celestial Fox. Virgin.

"Daddy, the matter of the saint, the daughter naturally has confidence, and the daughter has one more thing to ask you, it is the matter of the young patriarch of Jiulan. When I heard that the grandfather was in power, he had agreed with the elder patriarch of Jiulan to let the two families The virgin and the young patriarch, who became a husband and wife in adulthood, is this really true?" Hu Linglong will only take away her arrogant temper when she mentions the crush of green.

"Yes, there is such an agreement between the old patriarchs of the two tribes, but according to the agreement, only by becoming the sage of the fox, can you become married to the elders of the Jiuluan minority," Hu Chitose also knew her daughter's green I've been longing for it.

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