There is a sneer on the corner of the statue's mouth. The muzzle of the sniper rifle is a little cheaper, and it gradually aims at the water god who is chasing after the black butterfly.

"Black butterfly, black butterfly, I have to save your life at the critical moment, and you owe me a life in the future..." Zuoshan Diao thought with pride. He put his index finger on the trigger, but he didn't pull the trigger in a hurry.

He saw that the woman chasing the black butterfly was not simple. Subconsciously, she was very alert. Even when she was chasing the black butterfly, she kept the zigzag line forward, avoiding the cold gun behind her at any time. So. In the absence of absolute certainty that it can kill with a single shot, the mountain carving does not dare to shoot easily. Once its position is exposed, it will be surrounded by those hateful slivers around, and it will not escape.

Secondly, he also wanted to let black butterfly feel the feeling of despair. In addition, when she was completely desperate to save her, he could maximize his value.

But this kind of delay, but let the Mountain Eagle lost the opportunity, made himself into a bottomless abyss.

Poof! Lying under the flower bed, Zuo shandiao suddenly shakes all over. He feels that a sharp object is spinning through the skin above his spine at a high speed, and then breaks through his subcutaneous tissue and muscles, just like a nail on his lumbar bone!

"Eh!" The mountain carving's closed mouth let out a groan, which forced him to suppress the pain. In a moment, the non-human pain surged from the injured lumbar vertebra to his whole body. The pain was like a mass of explosives, which almost didn't let him die.

"No way! There's a sniper nearby! Why didn't I find him! How did he find me! I'm a mountain sculpture! Once the youngest and most famous killer in Nanyang! Why can he find me! Why didn't I notice... " Under the pain, all kinds of questions poured into Zuo shandiao's mind. His thoughts entangled him like a mess, and he forgot to deal with the emergency as soon as possible.

It's too late for Zuo shandiao to deal with it. The sniper who was ambushing in the dark was very powerful. Although he didn't kill him all of a sudden, he broke his lumbar vertebrae. This part of his body was injured. Except for his fingers, he couldn't use his strength at all.

Poof! Just as the mountain eagle was about to be covered by the flood of panic, another bullet flew like death, hitting his right arm, completely cutting off the possibility of pulling the trigger!

Zuo shandiao is desperate to lie down in the same place. After all, he is a professional sniper. He quickly judges that the sniper's sniper position is behind his side. But now he can't do anything but lie down and wait to die.

"You stand on the bridge to see the scenery, and the people who see the scenery look at you upstairs..."

Zuo shandiao suddenly remembered the poem he had never seen before. He didn't know the name of the poem. He didn't go to school for a few days, but he thought it was very interesting Since I can remember, he and his parents have lived in a very poor place, which is called the remote mountainous area in the words of the news. I only remember when I was very young, he and his friends crossed the small ditch outside the village entrance and peed far away. It is said that there are two countries on both sides of the ditch.

He doesn't understand what a country is, and even now he doesn't understand it.

Even when he didn't know how old he was, the village where he grew up was flattened by the war. Her father brought him back from hunting. Her mother, together with other women in the village, had become corpses in ragged clothes. The old man who taught him to play flute, the little companion who peeped at women's baths, had also become corpses.

Later, he rushed into the woods with his father and killed several stragglers with a pistol longer than his body. His father said that these people were animals and could be slaughtered at will Later, his father was chased by the animals, and the dense bullets shot him into a hole. His father hid him in the haystack in advance, but the animals set fire to the forest.

Fortunately, he followed his father to hunt since he was a child. He cut the belly of a dead wild elephant with a knife and hid it. Although his body was almost steamed up in the end, he escaped from life. After that, he was taken to a training camp where there were many children as old as him He killed people there, killed children of the same age, and was always alert to being killed by children of the same age.

Many years later, when he came to the metropolis to carry out his mission, he knew his identity on the big screen of a shopping mall for the first time - battlefield orphan.

Zuo shandiao didn't quite understand the meaning of the poem he had seen. He just felt that his current situation was very similar to that poem. He's here to shoot people through the sight, and his snipers are here to shoot him through the sight.

Just before the consciousness was about to dissipate, the statue heard a lot of messy footsteps coming from behind.

"Police, don't move!"


"Boss, that sniper has been solved by me. According to your opinion, if you didn't kill him, the people from the Municipal Bureau have rushed to him."

On the top of a building higher than his residential building on the left rear of the sculpture, Chen Wenlong, soaked in sweat, carefully disassembles his sniper rifles and puts them into the storage box one by one. Then he takes out a mobile phone and calls Li Feng.

Li Feng on the other side of the phone was relieved and said with a smile: "it's hard for you, Wenlong. I'll call you back from Jiya all night. I'll come here to ambush when I get off the plane. After returning the gun to the equipment department of the Municipal Bureau, you go to have a rest. "Chen Wenlong nodded: "OK, but the boss, my mother and my little sister Shanshan are still sending to Asia. Otherwise, I'd better fly to Asia now. They'll book the air tickets the day after tomorrow."

He was called back by Li Feng from Asia overnight yesterday. He had a temporary ticket. Because of the rush of time and the fact that Shanshan's girls haven't had enough time to play, the reservation is to fly back to the provincial capital the day after tomorrow, so this time only Chen Wenlong will return to Sichuan alone.

"Well, leave it alone. I'll send someone to Nanhai to meet them. You're exhausted today. Take more rest. "

"All right, then I can rest assured." Chen Wenlong put on his back the storage box and turned to go downstairs.

Le day never night city, Li Fenggang and Chen Wenlong through the phone, the phone rang again, is mu canglan, Li Feng picked up, asked with a smile: "what's the matter, Mu total, you and Xiaoqian to the provincial capital?"

Mu canglan, half lying in the first-class seat, gasped and asked: "what tricks are you playing? I just received a report from the company that a group of thugs attacked the company with steel pipe machetes and were arrested by the police. After that, someone made trouble in my office and destroyed my office. The glass walls were smashed. I don't know. I thought there was a world war. Li Feng, what are you hiding from me? "

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