At the beginning, when they decided to send Zhang Jun and Xie Fei to meet the killer, Li Feng risked a lot.

People are separated from each other, and no one knows what they think. Once they take the risk to tell the truth to their assassins, or even get in touch with them after they are released, Li Feng's plan will fall short.

Finally, Li Feng decided to trust Zhang Jun and Xie Fei.

Facts have also proved that once Zhang Jun and Xie Fei decide to fight back, their hearts are still very firm.

On the day after catching the first group of killers, Zhang Jun "brought" two killers back. This time, before they had time to come to the villa to assassinate Kong Dianjun, they were taken to a hotel by Zhang Jun and caught by the soldiers of the Fifth Army.

At that time, Zhang Jun took the initiative to watch the night for three people in turn. When one person was on the night watch, the other two people would seize the time to rest. So when Zhang Jun was on the night watch, the two killers were arrested while they were still sleeping.

Although they have received professional killer training and are far more vigilant than others, they are still ordinary people after all. Even though they are good at close combat like the convenience store owner, their skills are not as good as those of the soldiers of the Fifth Army. After all, these soldiers are the top of the national special forces, let alone not all the killers are good at close combat.

For example, Xie Fei was a gunner before. If he didn't have a gun in his hand, his strength would not be as good as that of a fitness coach raised with protein powder.

Mr. B, who was arrested, was weak and could not fight far or near. Her killing weapon was beauty. Just like when she assassinated Kong Dianjun, there was no technical content at all. In that case, even a 10-year-old child can easily cut an adult's artery with a razor blade!

A few decades ago, the secret service of the island military trained a lot of notorious female spies with women like Mr. B. It sounds like a bull, but it's just the leftovers from other people's play.

In order to prevent the two killer groups from colliding, Li Feng consciously created a time difference when they sent out the express delivery. The time of each express delivery was different.

The next few days are still full of harvest.

Zhang Jun and Xie Fei took turns to meet with the killers, sometimes two, sometimes one. In a few days, they caught ten killers, plus four killers, a total of 14!

If you include Zhang Jun and Xie Fei, and Mr. B, who was lured by Li Feng in Liaodong provincial hall and died under Xie Fei's gun, now there are 17 killers in Li Feng's hands!

When these people were locked together, the killers were surprised to find that some of them had cooperated with themselves in the task before!

"I think it's almost enough. It's going to cost a lot of resources for biluohuangquan to raise so many killers in China. There are only a few people who buy murderers in China. It should be impossible to raise too many killers. "

Leng Feng ponders and says that the reason why she makes such a judgment is that Zhang Jun and Xie Fei never wait for the killer to come to meet them for two days.

Moreover, from a practical point of view, the number of killers who are kept by the dead is amazing enough. Almost all the trials of these people have to be handled in secret. If they are exposed, they will certainly cause a great disturbance and cause great panic.

Just like the Green Peacock before, the members of that gang have now been tried in secret. For the sake of confidentiality, they are all tried by the military court, and then they are put in the military prison. They never dare to make it public.

Li Feng also agrees with Leng Feng that he has caught so many people, even if there are still fish who have missed the net, there is no way to do it.

But there is also a problem, which is their inner troubles.

"That King Kong, now I find out whether his assassins have been arrested. And Zhang Jun, the yellow spring instructor they have been talking about. Who is this man and what is his relationship with Wang Jingang? "

The killers caught are at best small fish, the real big fish, or the leader of the gang, high-level!

They still don't know where these guys are hiding or what they are doing in the real world.

What's more, Li Feng still has a lingering shadow in his heart. At the beginning, he sent Zhang Jun, Xie Fei and others to assassinate him. Who is the employer behind him? It's also a question he urgently wants to figure out!

The other party was caught by Cui Shengxiong and Li kanghuan's son died in his hands. That night, he hired a killer. The purpose was to cover people's eyes and ears, so as to create the illusion that Cui Shengxiong's gang had let the fish out of the net to retaliate against Li Feng. However, the fact could not hide Li Feng as the party concerned.

At this time, Li Feng's mobile phone on the table vibrated.

Ding Xiaoqing called. He should have something to report. Li Feng answered immediately: "Lao Ding, what's the matter?"

"Boss, Kong Dianjun is dead!" Ding Xiaoqing's gloomy and angry voice came from the phone."What

Li Feng rubbed to his feet and said, "don't you stare at me all the time? How can I die, killer?"

"I don't know who the killer is."

Ding Xiaoqing was ashamed.

"I don't know who the killer is? Are you kidding? With so many of you on guard, it's impossible for a killer to get a bomb even when he comes in to settle down. Can he be killed quietly? "

Kong Dianjun's death doesn't matter. This guy deserves to die, but he can't even find the killer. Li Feng's heart is full of anger and deep fear.

It is impossible to kill Kong Dianjun in silence under the eyes of so many elite soldiers of the Fifth Army, unless The killer is an immortal!

"Boss, why don't you come and have a look? This guy died in a strange way." Ding Xiaoqing's voice is full of fear. It can make such an iron soldier feel fear, which shows that Kong Dianjun really died miserably.

Li Feng narrowed his eyes and nodded: "OK, I'll come right away and protect the scene. There are Kong Dianjun's own bodyguards in the villa. Keep an eye on every suspicious person in the villa and don't let them leave!"

"Kong Dian Jun is dead. We don't know who the killer is. Let's go there right away." Li Feng put down the phone and said in a deep voice to Leng Feng.

The latter nodded and immediately followed him out of the door to the villa of Kong Dianjun.

When he got on the bus, Li Feng had a gloomy face. He admitted that he underestimated the beauty.

Maybe the real fight has just begun!

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