The old face of the fifth master became a zombie face, and he said in a cold tone: "we agreed to deal with Kou Zheng first. Before we can deal with him, some people have other ideas. Should we control the elder brother in our own hands first? Even the Ministry of industry and nunnery has been used. What a good method

"Old five, you also don't rush to jump out to say these words, think like this can clear your suspicion."

Fourth master cut a, disdain way: "among us these brothers, you have the best brain, and control the group's legal department and public relations department, make contacts with these things, itself is you are working. I also think that you informed someone in the Ministry of work and nunnery, and then arrested the elder brother! "

"Who on earth is the traitor will show up one day. Let's ride the donkey and read the album. We'll see! " Five Ye don't want to quarrel with this hob meat, cold hum a whisk away.

The other elders also left one after another. They had different ideas and didn't trust each other. After this incident, the sense of distrust became stronger, so they all left alone, because they were full of precautions for everyone else.

The alliance itself, which is temporarily combined with interests, is very fragile. Now, it seems that it has some signs of disintegration.

On the other hand, Kou Zheng and Wen Zhijun were directly taken to the airport by Guoan people and got on a direct flight to the capital. Two hours later, he arrived in the capital, and a few hours later, he came out of Guoan intact.

Before that, the leading middle-aged man sent him out. At this time, they were already very familiar with each other, and each other said with a smile: "brother Kou, it's a routine. That's why I let you stay in our unit for such a long time. Understand, we have to do a whole set of drama, and the procedure still needs to be finished."

In fact, Kou Zheng has known for a long time that this is the backhand of Li Feng's arrangement. The purpose is to get him out of the control of the group elders, take him out of the dangerous place of Jiangcheng, and, by the way, let him go to the capital to reunite with his parents.

So his mind has been very relaxed, at this time listened to each other's words, he said with a smile: "thank you brother Zheng, this time thanks to you, I can get out of danger."

"We are only under orders. If you want to thank us, thank the man who helped you." The middle-aged man doesn't mean to take credit at all.

Kou Zheng nodded. Li Feng was responsible for their family's safe reunion.

At this time, he was full of gratitude and admiration for Li Feng, because this time he saw what it means to have a good eye.

First, Yu Linglong put pressure on the Kou group, forcing the old guys to invite Kou Zheng out of the house arrest, so Kou Zheng naturally put forward the conditions to transfer Kou lingxu to the capital.

As soon as Kou lingxu arrived in the capital, he was suddenly arrested by the police. This arrest is just a fake. The purpose is to send him to the hospital with military background arranged by Li Feng, so that he can completely get rid of the control of several elders.

At the same time, it was also before Kou lingxu died, he made timely diagnosis and treatment.

In this process, Kou Zheng also took the opportunity to send his mother to the capital. At this time, both his parents were safe, but Kou Zheng was still under the control of those old guys, and he would be killed at any time.

And the next backhand is definitely a magic stroke!

Guo'an suddenly came to the door at this time. None of the old guys wanted to leave the power center of the group at this time, so they cleverly pushed Kou Zheng to the top of the pot. However, as soon as Kou Zheng left, he was completely out of their control.

Originally, according to the idea of several group elders, the Kou family and their son had to control at least one of them. Who knows, under Li Feng's step-by-step action, they almost let the old guys give the father and son away from Jiangcheng.

These old guys are short-sighted and only care about their immediate interests. I'm afraid they haven't responded yet. Once Kou lingxu wakes up, it's their turn to suffer.

Kou Zheng then thought of something and asked curiously: "by the way, brother Zheng, before you took me away, you inadvertently said that someone tipped off to the police, which led to my father's arrest. Although I know that this is also brother Feng's arrangement, someone really tipped off?"

Zheng Ge smiles and shakes his head: "of course it's fake. Although we have been competing with the police guys, their business ability is impeccable. If it's not for another purpose, who will disclose this kind of information. So, I said that, in fact, it was the noble man who helped you. As for the purpose of doing so, you must have guessed it. "

Kou Zheng nodded. It turns out that brother Feng arranged this.

"Someone informed the police that Kou lingxu was arrested." This remark was unintentionally said by brother Zheng, an outsider with high credibility. It not only cleared his suspicion, but also made those old guys suspect each other.

Originally, they were full of distrust, and they were competing with each other when they joined hands to build up their father and son. Now, someone suddenly called the police and arrested Kou lingxu. No matter what their purpose was, they would be suspicious of each other. They wondered if other people had taken advantage of them and used the police to control Kou lingxu in their own hands We need to prepare for the struggle for power and profit.

This is a very vicious attack on the mind. A word that you can say casually can bring this fragile "anti bandit" alliance to pieces.Kou Zheng knows that brother Feng is preparing for his return to Jiangcheng and regaining power!

At this time, his admiration for Li Feng, in an old saying, is just like a gushing river.

You know, since he returned to Jiangcheng, he basically didn't contact Li Feng. They just discussed a plan when they were in letianbuye city.

When he returned to Jiangcheng, he was immediately put under house arrest by several elders, forbidding him to contact with foreign countries, so he could not play any role.

Before and after this incident, Li Feng, who was thousands of miles away, was in the remote control. He had to make up his own mind when and what to do. What's more, his use of people's hearts was frightening.

Kou Zheng was very impressed. He felt that if he could take over his father's class in the future, he must study well with brother Feng!

During the conversation, brother Zheng has sent him and Wen Zhijun to the parking lot of a hospital.

"Brother Zheng, thank you this time. I'll invite brother Zheng to have a drink when the current troubles are solved." Kou Zheng jumps out of the car and walks to the hospital with Wen Zhijun. Kou lingxu is sent here.

Soon, they met Li Feng in the hospital.

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