Now Dragon King and Yang Huwang are both working for Lu Yulian to be promoted to the commander-in-chief of the Dragon army, but there is a lot of resistance.

Because some people have always been ambitious, always want to add sand to the Dragon army, not to mention that the next commander-in-chief of the Dragon army is the will successor of the Dragon King and Yang Huwang.

Among them, the ministers Li Feng had dealt with before were the representatives. At the recent meetings attended by several big men, the old man has been playing the opposite role, which has caused great resistance to this matter.

The Hong Kong City Mission this time is strange and dangerous. After all, the opponents are the intelligence departments of Citigroup and eagle. The spies of the two countries have been operating there for many years, and they are deeply rooted and intertwined.

In addition, under the complicated situation, the task may not be successful.

On the one hand, the Dragon King didn't want Lu Yulian to have an accident there, leading to the loss of the successor there.

On the other hand, he doesn't want Lu Yulian to get any stains at this time.

Once Lu Yulian makes a mistake in the task, she gives a meeting to the mobile phone.

Therefore, the Dragon King would rather face those strange and dangerous things by himself, even if he was stained with a stain and retired, even if his body was handed over there, he would also protect Lu Yulian and the future of the Dragon army.

Yang Huwang also said that this task is too complicated and dangerous. It's really possible to explain it there.

Because in addition to the huge financial support provided by the CIA and Tianxia bank, in some of the events that have happened, there are even powerful experts, even some international killers.

So it's not good to send ordinary people at this time. Only the Dragon troops can clean up the situation, and they have to have a strong master.

So, the Dragon King went out to fight in person.

"Then you can also let me go. I'm a top expert. If you look at the whole army, how many can you find better than me?"

Li Feng wants to replace the Dragon King to carry out this task.

Because he had seen the Dragon King's body, he knew the Dragon King's condition too well.

Let such a wounded veteran go out to fight hard, but these young people hide under their wings. One is that they can't bear it, the other is that they are ashamed.

Yang Huwang said: "at that time, you were in trouble. The Wu family was dealing with you. You were all in a mess. We were afraid that your boy would be killed directly by Wu Zhongtian. We all planned to do everything to protect you."

Li Feng was warm in his heart. At that time, he was not alone. At least Yang Huwang and Dragon King were still paying attention to the war, and planned to protect his life at the critical moment.

In fact, this is a taboo for both Yang Huwang and Longwang.

However, in order to protect Li Feng and the future of the Dragon army, they would not hesitate to commit taboos.

Li Feng knew that it was interesting enough for the two old generals to have such a plan.

Yang Hu sighed: "it's your battle of life and death, and the life and death of so many people who eat with you. "

" when we asked you to go back to the Dragon army, we agreed that you didn't work full-time for the Dragon army, only when the Dragon army had something to do. "

" at that time, how could Lao Niu and I let you put down your body and go to the port city? "

Li Feng didn't know what to say.

Yang Huwang and the Dragon King love him so much that they think so much about him behind his invisible.

After so much consideration, the Dragon King finally decided to drag his body to the battlefield!

In fact, Li Feng knows that there are many experts in the Dragon army.

For example, Longqi and longjiu, although they are not as strong as him, are all experts with great strength, and they all have the ability to take charge of their own affairs.

However, the Dragon King may have considered that these people are the backbone of the Dragon army, the future and hope of the Dragon army, so just like protecting Lu Yulian and Li Feng, the Dragon King also chose to protect them.

"You don't have to worry too much about Lao Niu's body. He said eight words to me when he left."

"It's better to die in battle than wait to die!"

This is the eight words left by the dragon king before he left, which fully shows the Dragon King's idea.

Dragon King's physical condition is too bad. How long can he live? Even Li Feng is not sure.

For the Dragon King, he only did one thing in his life, that is to be a soldier.

Even if the physical condition has become like this, the Dragon King is not willing to sit in the sanatorium and wait to die. He will die on the battlefield!

Selfless, fearless Dragon King is such a person!

Li Feng took a deep breath and said, "the Wu family is gone, and the matter of Jiangcheng has come to an end. I'll be fine for a while. Can I go to Gangcheng?"

Even if he knew what the Dragon King meant, Li Feng also wanted to go to the port city. He wanted to fight side by side with the Dragon King.

But Yang Huwang shook his head: "it's not necessary now. The old ox has passed. It's not meaningful for you to go again. "

" of course, if Lao Niu dies there, I'm afraid you still need to go there. "Since even the Dragon King himself did not avoid his own death, Li Feng and Yang Huwang did not avoid this topic.

He nodded and said with a wry smile, "then I can only watch the Dragon King fighting alone there. I can't do anything. This kind of taste is not very good."

Yang Huwang shook his head: "no, you can't do anything. In fact, you can play a huge role in the rear. Even if you do it well, you can greatly relieve the pressure of Laoniu."

"What do you mean?" Li Feng seems to understand Yang Huwang's idea.

Sure enough, Yang Huwang revealed his own idea next, and it coincided with Li Feng's idea.

He said: "according to the information we got, Tianxia bank's headquarters on the mainland is in modu, so we want you to go to modu. "

" if you can make Tianxia bank feel pain and touch their bottom line this time, you can make Tianxia bank mess up, and Lao Niu's pressure on the other side of Hong Kong City will certainly be reduced a lot. "

"This plan, let's call it Weiwei to save Zhao."

Encircling Wei and rescuing Zhao is really in line with this action plan.

Li Feng also thinks that if the Tianxia banks on the mainland can be severely damaged, the Tianxia banks on the Hong Kong side will not dare to be as rampant as before.

It's just that the idea is amazing.

Before, Li Feng had never thought that he would be so fast with the world bank.

Because in the previous understanding, the world bank is too strong.

This is a financial empire that grows out of the invisible underground world, and even their strength is stronger than those of the king class forces.

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