"No idea. What are you doing here?"

Li Feng doesn't understand and looks at her. Xue Ningzhi's cheek is a little red. Li Feng doesn't notice it, but Luo Tianyi notices it. He glances at her with a smile, like thinking of something, and then probes into it silently and doesn't talk.

Xue Ningzhi shaved her hair to hide her embarrassment: "can't I come without thinking? I want to get more information from you. You think I'm so honest. They have their abacus and I have my ideas. Anyway, I have to catch the master of the moon. "

"This woman is under the strict protection of Han catching the tiger. Catching her will disturb Han catching the tiger. If the ad hoc group wants to catch Han and capture the tiger, he won't wait to die. There must be something wrong with this skin. In the end, it's not clear whether Han can be captured or not. "

Li Feng himself is the hidden leader of Qincheng city. Naturally, he knows that those who have mixed up with Han to capture the tiger must be involved in all aspects of Yuzhou officialdom. If you want to move han to capture the tiger, it's not his own interests, but the interests of a group of people. As the saying goes, pulling out the radish and bringing out the mud is the truth.

So Han is not so active in catching tigers. Even the joint task force with the background of the Ministry of public security needs a lot of restraint. Yuzhou, after all, is not an ordinary city. The number one here is in the leader list, and it is absolutely an important person in China.

After thinking about it, Li Feng told Xue Ningzhi about Li Qingrong. Xue Ningzhi was also very surprised after hearing this. She didn't expect that there was such an inside story about the establishment of the joint ad hoc group. She thought about slapping Li Feng on the coffee table, which scared Li Feng.

"Since she wants to deal with Han catching tiger, what are you waiting for? Let her do it directly. Does it make Han capture tiger have complete preparation to start? Now we have to catch Han by surprise and let him jump out of the wall in a hurry. " Xue Ningzhi potential in must say.

Li Feng thought about it and thought it was right. It's better to start first. Anyway, sooner or later, we have to have a positive anus.

"I have to ask sister Rong. After all, they are the right people." Li Feng stood up and called Li Qingrong. The latter was surprised to hear his suggestion. She didn't want to start so quickly. Now Li Feng's proposal caught her off guard. However, as soon as he heard that Li Feng was still related to the second investigation, he immediately understood that it was not what Li Feng wanted to say and seriously considered Li Feng's suggestion.

"Li Feng, just a moment. I'll come back from the company and discuss it." Li Qingrong said with a trembling tone. Unexpectedly, it was such a decision that saved the life of her career and her ex husband.

"Wait for a moment. Sister Rong is in the company. She will come right away." After the call, Li Feng sat down and said to Xue Ningzhi. After a while, he frowned and faintly felt that something was going to happen. Li Feng didn't think that this mysterious thing was an illusion. He used to stand in the army to carry out tasks and wander in all kinds of battlefields. He developed this intuition of danger.

"You sit and I'll drive to pick up sister Rong." With the idea of insurance in mind, Li Feng stood up, dropped a word to the two women, and drove the range rover out of the villa.

Just over an hour before Li Feng and Li Qingrong talked on the phone, Han Qinhu, who was thinking about how to get out of trouble in Tianyu Hotel, also received a call from the capital.

It was a young man who called. He didn't have any manners at all. He said, "tiger, I just got the news. It was Li Qingrong who planned the joint task force set up by the Ministry of public security to go to Yuzhou. This woman is a member of the capital club. She started to travel secretly more than half a year ago. She even talked some people into it, so that the joint task force was set up."


Han Qihu didn't pay attention to the other party's call of "tiger". He jumped up from the sofa and bristled with sweat: "so, this joint task force came to Yuzhou to preside over the strike hard action is just a cover, in fact, it's aimed at me!"

"Oh, her father-in-law and men are dead, and her influence is plummeting. How can she have such a big face?"

The young man disdained to smile and said, "but this woman is very smart. She must have some business with others. It's not impossible for the ad hoc group to take you as a model. Tiger, you have to be careful. Even when I know the news, I'm scared by this woman. It's very hard to support a castrated company with a single child. She even runs so many companies secretly. If you don't have your evidence, you don't dare to do it. "

"I see. Does this girl really think it's so easy to knock me down? Hum, she daydreams

Han Qinhu pulled the towel and wiped off the sweat that covered his eyes. He said with a ferocious face.

"Well, I'm at the airport, waiting for the flight to Sanya. There's a party there. If the old man didn't ask me to tell you, I'm not in the mood to take care of your affairs. Hang up first."

The young man hung up impatiently. Han Qihu stood there for a while with straight eyes, and then sat on the sofa for two minutes. Suddenly, he yelled, "come in!"

"Tiger Lord."

A tall, thin, middle-aged man came in. His name was Duan Qing. Like Zhang Biao before him, he was also the man around Han qiehu and was trusted by Han qiehu.

Han Qinhu waved his hand and asked him to stand over. Then he asked coldly, "where's master magic moon? Is her chin better?"Duan Qing looked at Han catching the tiger with some doubts. He felt that the tiger master was more terrible than the previous two days. He didn't know what had happened. He bowed himself honestly and said, "it's better to put on the fixed plate for a while. That Li Feng slapped her jaw bone, and it was still smashed. "

"Waste woman!"

Han Qihu fidgetily waved his hand: "no matter, only she can do it. You should go to the hospital now and tell her to bring back Li Qingrong and let her hand in the evidence by herself. Anyway, just use your tongue, give her another million, she will agree. By the way, let Duandao go with her. Chu Kun beside Li Qingrong is a good hand. Duandao is enough to deal with him. As soon as possible

"Good tiger."

See Han catch tiger to say finally already anxious roar out, quickly nodded to walk out.

"No, I won't! Can't you see that my chin is like this now, and he still lets me go out to work in cold weather. Does he have any conscience! I'm different from you. It's not his dog! Hum, I'm really in a hurry. I've turned him into my dog

"What's more, has Li Feng been found? He wanted to catch a tiger. He said that he wanted to avenge me and kill Li Feng, but it hasn't come out yet. He still has the face to ask me to do things for him! "

On the bed of the high-end ward of the hospital, master magic moon is furious with Duan Qing in front of him, regardless of the fact that he is also the red man beside Han Qinhu.

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