"Goodbye, Uncle Li. You should always come to see Duoduo and mom!"

With the crisp voice of children, Li Feng and Chen Xiumei set foot on the train back to the provincial capital.

Although I want to see Mr. Mu as soon as possible, I have to go to the company when I get to the provincial capital. Meng Qing also needs acupuncture. She promised to have acupuncture once every three days, but now it has been delayed for half a month.

Most importantly, Dong Shanshan's little girl has urged him to go back to the provincial capital for a long time.

A few days ago, the little girl was on the weekend. She almost bought a train ticket to Yuzhou and ran to find him. At that time, Li Feng had to deal with Han Qihu. He was in danger. He didn't dare to let the little girl run to risk being watched by others, so he quickly persuaded her.

The train stops at shengchengdong station. Chen Xiumei and Jade Butterfly have to transfer to the next train ten minutes later to return to Qincheng directly. Li Feng and Chen Wenlong walk out of the station through the exit.

Peacock knows that they are coming back, and has sent the company's staff to drive a car to pick her up. To Li Feng's surprise, Dong Shanshan is also sitting in the car to pick her up.

"Brother Li Feng, did you bring me a gift?" Seeing Li Feng coming, the little girl waved to him on the window.

Li Feng got into the car by sliding the door and spread his hands: "I forgot, I didn't bring anything."

Little girl pretty face collapsed: "hum, I know you will not remember to bring us gifts."

Li Feng was embarrassed. After all, he was not a girl. He didn't think of such a thing. He changed the topic and asked, "Why are we?"

"Isn't it? Besides me, there are sister peacock, sister Xiaoqian and sister mu. Aunt Chen will follow you to Yuzhou. So many people, don't you bring any presents? "

Dong Shanshan simply excluded Chen Xiumei.

"Well, I really forgot this time. Next time, I will make it up. Otherwise, I'll go shopping with you now. I'll pay for whatever you want. "

Hearing this, Dong Shanshan finally began to laugh, turned to embrace Li Feng's arm, and said with a smile: "forget it, I don't want to tease you. I know you are doing business in Yuzhou. Although sister peacock doesn't tell me, I still feel a little dangerous. I'm afraid you haven't had time to bring me a gift. "

"You lied to me." Li Feng twisted her little face a few times and asked, "today is Friday. Why didn't you have class? Are you lazy and asking for leave again? "

"Well, am I that lazy? Today is new year's day. You don't know that. "

After hearing what Dong Shanshan said, Li Fengcai found that time had passed. He had been to Yuzhou for half a month, and now he has entered a new year.

He arrived in Qincheng at the beginning of April last year. In May, he got married to mucanglan overnight. It was just a little hot at that time. Now it's cold winter, and time flies fast.

Li Feng put away his feelings and asked with a smile: "since it's a festival, Shanshan, where do you want to play? I'll take you."

The little girl shook her head wisely: "no, brother Li Feng, if you have something to do, I'll follow you."

"Well, go straight to the company."

Li Feng pats the driver on the shoulder in front of him. When he arrives at the company, Chen Wenlong goes straight to the floor newly rented and decorated as a training room. Li Feng takes Dong Shanshan upstairs and asks her to play by herself first, then goes to peacock's office.

Peacock is busy, hands on the computer, the mechanical keyboard clacking, clear and sweet, aware of Li Feng came in, she just nodded to continue busy.

Li Feng sat and lit a cigarette, waiting for her silently. After watching for a while, his face was funny. He remembered what uncle Song said. Peacock used to be one of the four beauties in the second generation circle in Beijing.

Now, after several years of military career, her skin has turned to wheat, not so white, and her face is more heroic and mature, less feminine.

But I can see that her facial features are really good. The centipede scar on his face has gone completely, growing new meat, leaving only a shallow mark that can hardly be seen if you don't look carefully. He is a neutral beauty.

"What are you looking at?" I don't know when the sound of the keyboard has disappeared. He looks at the peacock unnaturally, gives him a cold glance, stands up, pours himself a cup of hot water, and gives Li Feng another cup.

Li Feng took a drink and said, "I met your father in Yuzhou."

Peacock shakes her hand with the cup, then puts it on her desk: "what did my dad tell you?"

She is such a character, not to ask Li Feng how to meet her father, how to know each other's identity and so on nonsense.

Li Feng noticed her expression and said, "if you want to celebrate the new year, you must go back to the capital to celebrate the new year with their two elders."

Fortunately, the peacock was not too excited or opposed after hearing it. She nodded and said, "I'll call them in the evening."

Li Feng is relieved. It seems that peacock has been in Qincheng for more than half a year. In her busy and full life, she has let go of her past. This is very good.

She didn't take the initiative to contact her family before. It's estimated that she ran away in anger at the beginning and didn't contact her family all the time. With guilt, she didn't call. Now Li Feng brings her father's words to peacock, and peacock doesn't even have that little tangle."What program did you just write?"

Li Feng curiously went to her desk and asked, he doesn't know much about these, but he hasn't eaten pork. He's seen pigs running. Peacock's hands on the keyboard just now are almost flying, so he knows what kind of program it must be.

Peacock glanced at the computer screen and said casually, "I've made a website for the company. After that, all business transactions will be carried out on it, and some unnecessary offline things will be cancelled."

"Well, yes, just be careful not to let people blackout the customer information, or it's very dangerous, especially in our business." Li Feng said that he found that he said nothing, peacock in this level of his life can not catch up with, he thought of the peacock must have thought of.

Peacock took out a folder and put it in front of him: "this is the research data of physiological armed escort market. You said you would use it before you left. I'll let people do it well."

Li Feng just remembered that there was still such a thing, but now he has some egg pains.

Armed escort companies have a lot to do with financial institutions, which is nothing. Most of these companies have government background or have close relationship with the police. Without such support, armed escort companies can't open up. It's impossible for ordinary people to get a gun license alone.

Originally, he had a close relationship with Guan Hanqing, so he could let Guan Hanqing help him do it well. But now there is a rift in his relationship with Guan Hanqing. Judging from the performance of Zhou Tailai, the confidant of Guan Hanqing, who delivered flower baskets on the day of the Establishment Ceremony of the branch last time, it is obvious that Guan Hanqing does not intend to have any more contact with him.

After such a long time, they haven't contacted each other. Obviously, they both know that it's impossible for their relationship to get better again.

In this way, Li Feng will be detained.

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