Seeing Li Feng's casual address to general manager Wen, the beautiful assistant was secretly curious about Li Feng's identity and said with a smile, "Mr. Li misunderstood. I'm just an administrative assistant in charge of reception. General manager Wen has a special assistant team. As for what Mr. Li said, let alone worry. Wen is always a good man. The whole company knows that Wen always has a good relationship with his wife. "

"It seems that you think highly of him, but this guy is not like that in front of me."

Li Feng shakes his head and doesn't tease the girl any more. He soon follows him to Wen Tianlong's office. In addition to Wen Tianlong, there is a young man he doesn't know. Wen Tianlong, about 30 years old, with a capable Mohican head, raised his head and said, "it's easy to do. I'd like to ask the media to make a big fuss about it. The contents of the report letter can be published by them. I'll find someone to post the letter to the district procuratorate where the provincial education department and Conservatory of music are located. "

Because of Wen's position in Shu, every media would give him some face. That's why he found Wen Tianlong and said, "thank you How did you ask me about it before you asked me? "

"I just want to tell you I asked someone. It's not easy for the theater headquarters to move forward. There was a round of personnel adjustment only a year ago, but now there are no vacancies. Moreover, the theater command is an important place for military aircraft, which involves a great deal and has complex forces. If you don't pay attention, you will step into a whirlpool and break into pieces. With the character of your comrade in arms, it's not suitable to go to that place. "

Li Feng nods to show his approval. Lao Meng's character is suitable for facts rather than power struggle. Wen Tianlong thinks better about this than him. He didn't think of this before. He just wants to let Lao Meng have a good place as far as possible.

Wen Tianlong continued: "but it's easier for Shuzhong military region. I think it's more appropriate for your comrade in arms to go to the lower military region. Just right. "

At this point, he laughed, "I helped him find out a suitable vacancy, the rank of political commissar and Colonel of the equipment department of Qincheng army. With your influence in Qincheng, your old comrades in arms should save a lot of heart when they go there. "

"That's right!"

As soon as Li Feng's eyes brightened, Yin Xiong, commander of Qincheng military division, as one of the Standing Committee members of the municipal Party committee, also had some friendship with him. His daughter Yin Xiaomei and Xu Xiaowei had a good relationship with each other. These children often played in the happy city all night long. When they saw Li Feng, they wanted to call him brother Feng honestly.

If Lao Meng went to the military division of Qincheng, and was covered by Yin Xiong, plus his influence in Qincheng, he would give some face to the military division. That would really make Lao Meng less worried. At least he would be worried about him when he aimed at Lao Meng.

Lao Meng was born as a political worker. The post of political commissar in the equipment department is more suitable for him. He is also more leisurely and has more time to accompany his wife and children.

Seeing his look, Wen Tianlong knew that he agreed with this arrangement. He said with a smile, "Fengzi, if you think it's OK, I'll contact the provincial military region for you. You can't spend less money."

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