Miracle Pill Maker Bullies the Boss

Chapter 802: How much is the bonus to inherit the family business

Huo Yao shook his head and said solemnly: "I think this kind of boring profession is especially suitable for me."

Hearing this, Huo Changfeng felt even worse, "...your parents didn't object to it?"

"No." Huo Yao shook his head.

In fact, when she said that she was going to report for biological research, her parents were so happy that they couldn't help themselves, as if they were afraid that she would choose other popular subjects.

Huo Changfeng pressed his eyebrows and couldn't describe his feelings in words.

He has already made N training plans for the title of Miss No. 1 in the College Entrance Examination. He never expected that she would go to do scientific research just like the Third Young Master.

Huo Changfeng felt that the second master and his wife must be doing things in the middle, and it took great pains to prevent the eldest lady from inheriting the family business.


Huo Yao saw that Uncle Chang Feng's expression suddenly looked like a shocked look, and he couldn't help but wonder: "Uncle Chang Feng?"

Huo Changfeng looked at Huo Yao, and remembered that he could study two majors in college, he said without giving up: "Biological research is indeed a bit boring. Have you considered taking a second major?"

Huo Yao picked up the teacup and took another sip. Thinking of the solemn invitation of the physics professor of Qing University these days, she nodded and replied, "Yes."

Seeing this, Huo Changfeng felt that there was another opportunity, "Did you think about the second major?"

"Yes, physics." Huo Yao answered more quickly this time than when Huo Changfeng asked about the first major.

Isn't physics still engaged in scientific research? ?

Therefore, Huo Changfeng, who has not spoken out the phrase ‘otherwise choose finance, trade, and finance’: "???"

I feel that high blood pressure is about to be committed.

After a while, "...why did you choose physics for your second major?" When Huo Changfeng asked this, he was already deeply helpless.

Huo Yao was silent for a minute, then raised his head, and replied a little embarrassingly: "If you tell me the reason, Uncle Changfeng, you might laugh at me."

After coughing, she said: "...The Physics Department has a lot of bonuses every year."

Huo Changfeng: "..."

What kind of fairy reason is this? ? ?

Huo Changfeng opened his mouth and wanted to say how much the bonus was to inherit the family business, but he was interrupted.

"So, Uncle Changfeng, you don't have to persuade me, I only choose these two majors, and don't consider the others." Huo Yao said seriously.

In the end, what kind of mood Huo Changfeng sent Huo Yao home? He didn't know. He had only one conclusion in his head, and his family business was not as popular as the bonus!

It was a crit.


Time is hurried, and school is approaching in a blink of an eye.

On the 20th of August, Huo Yao pulled the suitcase and boarded the plane to the capital under Song Ning and Huo Dad.

Huo Yulin was busy in those few days, but he squeezed out two days to come back to pick up Huo Yao.

It was very hot in Beijing in August. Just after the two brothers and sisters got off the plane, a heat wave hit their faces. After entering the airport, the heat wave was isolated.

Just two minutes after Huo Yao turned on, Min Yu called, and she answered, "...I just got off the plane, which exit are you at? OK, come out in a few minutes."

After a pause, she glanced at the third brother who was pulling the suitcase on her side, and added: "Yes, I forgot to tell you, my third brother is also there."

Min Yu waiting in the parking lot: "..."

After hanging up the phone, Min Yu glanced at the black cars behind his eyes, and then whispered a few words to Zhuo Yun. After a while, the four black cars drove out of the parking lot slowly.

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