Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 1069: WeChat private visit

The great world of Confucianism and Taoism was opened, and Zhang Jun's purpose of this trip had also been achieved. After a little greeting, he returned to the secret realm of Hunyuan and continued to help Xiaolian refine the magic breath. The best novels are comfortable to read. At the same time, the orders issued by the three prospective teachers are also spread. When the disciples of the three religions meet Zhang Jun, they must pay the respect of the emperor. The three religions can stand for thousands of years, and all of them have long luck. They recognized Zhang Jun's status as the emperor, and invisibly increased Zhang Jun's luck and power.

The deity helps Xiaolian refine demons, while Zhang Jun's clone enters the Central Kingdom. Since the Awakeners appeared one after another, the Central Kingdom was a little chaotic, and the Lord God had to send out light armor to suppress those who disrupted order. However, with the establishment of Juntian Gate, a large number of awakened persons were included in the gate, and social order was quickly restored.

Zhang Jun became an ordinary person and walked the world. He wanted to see if the ordinary people in this country were satisfied with their current living conditions. He was accompanied by Shangguan Miyue and Chen Sanxing in this "private visit on microservices". Chen Sansheng is currently the first prime minister of the Central Government. Although the official is very large, this position is appointed.

In other words, if the ordinary people are not satisfied with Chen Sansheng's policy for a certain period of time, he can be deposed. The method of dismissal is very simple. As long as you log on to the government website with a biochip, you can vote to ensure fairness and justice.

However, judging from the voting situation in the past two years, the people's satisfaction with Chen Sansheng has been maintained at more than 90%, so his position as the first prime minister is very stable. Zhang Jun took good care of this big brother, and was gradually improving his physique with pill. Even if he could not reach the Manifestation in the future, there should be no problem returning to the peak of truth.

Shangguan Miyuki is a woman with a desire for power. She doesn't like to practice. Even if Zhang Jun uses a pill to elevate her to the sacred level, she is still not interested in practice, but is keen on administrative management and power operation. Therefore, she is not only the manager of Tianxingguo, but also the prime minister of the central country.

The three of them were dressed up as ordinary people, and they got on the bus first. The buses are all intelligently controlled, fully electric driven, and driving very smoothly. The car is very spacious and the interior decoration is very simple. People sit quietly on the chairs, some playing with mobile phones and some reading newspapers. Newspapers are green and environmentally friendly electronic newspapers, and news content is regularly updated every day.

On the way, Zhang Jun deliberately said to Shangguan Miyuki: "I hate this country more and more now, I really want to go abroad."

As soon as he said this, the people in the car immediately glared at him. An old man tremblingly stood up on his chair and stared at Zhang Jun and asked, "Young man, how old are you this year?"

Zhang Jun pretended to be frivolous, and said, "Twenty years old, what's the matter?"

The uncle sneered: “I’m 87 years old this year. I have experienced the Cultural Revolution, experienced three years of natural disasters, and experienced the tide of reform. It can be said that I have been complaining for the first 80 years. I think this country is not good enough. But I am now , I praise my country every day! I am proud and proud to live in such a country!"

"Young man, you are still young, you have never suffered, you have never suffered, so you don't know how happy your life is now. You can scold the government, officials, and the country if you are upset, you can go to the streets and express your political opinions casually. And get the best social welfare in the world."

"Young man, you can be young, but you can't be mindless, understand?" The old man stared at Zhang Jun and asked.

Zhang Jun curled his lips: "You said that those are useless. The country installed chips on our bodies. What do you mean? This is an infringement of my rights!"

"Naive!" An uncle next to put down the newspaper and sneered, "** is relative, our information is controlled by the main god. The main **** is equivalent to a file cabinet serving humans. You put your own information In the filing cabinet, is this called assault?"

"How do I know if others can enter the file cabinet casually?" Zhang Jun looked unconvinced.

"Brother, take ignorance as naive, others will despise you." A very temperament female white-collar worker, in her thirties, raised her head and said, "The Lord God is the most advanced supercomputer in the world. Who do you think can Where does it steal data?"

Having said that, the female white-collar worker turned on the video system of the mobile phone and said into the microphone: "Lord God, I want to ask questions."

It turns out that every citizen of the Central State can send questions, make suggestions, and even criticize the main **** at any time and anywhere: "I want to know if all my ** information is on your side, is it safe."

"Very safe." The electronic synthesis of the main **** sounded, "Unless it is a supercomputer that is a million times stronger than me, it can't break the defense. If such a computer exists and attacks me, then mankind will fall into a great crisis. ."

When the video was closed, the female white-collar worker asked in a cold voice, "Have you heard? Unless mankind perishes, your information will not be leaked."

"Then I'm still dissatisfied." Zhang Jun's face was irritated. "The welfare of this country is so good that I lose the enthusiasm for work. Lazy people are still alive. Don't you feel bored?"

Everyone was speechless for a while, and there are idiots who think that social welfare is too good?

The uncle said again: "Young man, the reason why our welfare is good is that our country has advanced productivity. The establishment of smart factories has freed us from boring manual labor. What we have to do now is not simply It’s the work of creating. Creativity is the most powerful driving force for human progress and the greatest advantage of mankind.”

Having said that, he took out a notebook, which was densely filled with things: "Do you know what this is? I am an engineer. Whenever I have an idea, I will write it down and study it. Some time ago , One of my ideas was appreciated by superiors, and as a result, I got the national innovation award. The money is not a lot, only three million."

Zhang Jun rolled his eyes. Is Central China so rich now? Just one reward is three million? But he knew that now for five yuan, one can eat breakfast, and the purchasing power of electronic money has increased unabated.

He secretly asked Xiaoqiang: "What is the current gross national product of the central country?"

"It's about two trillion central currencies, which is about sixty trillion U.S. dollars when converted into federal currencies, or U.S. dollars." Xiaoqiang said.

Zhang Jun stunned, sixty trillion dollars? If he remembers correctly, the global GDP of ten years ago was only about 80 trillion US dollars! One

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