Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 1084: Millennium

In the base laboratory, scientific researchers for hundreds of years were nervously staring at the data on various instruments. The chief engineer was a young woman. She stared at the main instrument, dripping with cold sweat on her forehead, she muttered: " That's it, we missed that 15% chance!"

"What to do?" The deputy engineer was a middle-aged man, and asked with a trembling voice, "If you can't control it, the time within a thousand kilometers radius will be chaotic. No one knows what the consequences will be. Alas. , I said at the beginning that a 15% success rate is too risky, but you just don’t listen."

"Dad, I don't regret it." The young woman looked firm, "If I didn't take our adventures, I would never be able to eat the profound meaning of time! Even if we failed today, our experimental data has been uploaded to the main god, the latecomer It will definitely succeed! What we are doing now is to minimize the loss as much as possible."

The middle-aged man sighed: "You are right. The country trusts us so much, and the country says it will build a laboratory with a total investment of more than one trillion yuan. Our treatment is still so good. It is better than the governor of the year, even if it fails. , It's worth it in my life!"

Before the words fell, Zhang Jun suddenly appeared in front of the two of them, and he asked in a deep voice, "How is the situation?"

The young woman looked at Zhang Jun in a daze. It took him a long time to recognize it, and asked in surprise, "Are you Mr. Zhang Jun?"

Zhang Jun nodded: "I am, answer my question."

The young woman's eyes lit up, but she knew that Zhang had the ability to solve the crisis today, and she quickly explained the situation. It turns out that time research is more difficult than space research, because time is dynamic and the research process is full of risks. The current experiment is a "timeline study". The success rate of the experiment is only 15%. Once it fails, it is very likely to cause major damage.

Related researchers have achieved many results over several years. They did not want to give up, so they invested a lot of money and energy to conduct this experiment.

"Tell me, how can I help you." Zhang Jun thought for a while and asked directly, "Say the point!"

"Lack of a movement program." The young woman sighed and said, "We found that no matter whether it is space or time, there must be an intelligent program behind them. That is to say, the entire universe can be regarded as a huge A system composed of a large number of programs."

Zhang Jun nodded: "I understand, your experiment lacks a sense of consciousness. This is easy to handle. I went in to act as a consciousness. The last space experiment was so successful."

The young woman shook her head quickly: "No, the experimental field is too dangerous. Mr. Zhang is our country's hope, so you can't take risks!"

"Needless to say." Zhang Jun waved her hand to interrupt her, "Once you can't control it, the experiment will cause great harm, and the country cannot afford this loss. I have a way to protect yourself. Don't worry, try to make this experiment successful. ."

"Okay!" The young woman nodded vigorously. She was not even afraid of death, but there was nothing to worry about, so she nodded vigorously.

The middle-aged man was excited by it and immediately issued a series of orders.

Zhang Jun observed the experimental field covering nearly 100,000 acres with Buddha's eyes. It was full of turbulence in time and space, which was definitely more dangerous than the chaotic zone. He had a foreboding that the clone could not withstand the impact, so the deity came personally, and after a little preparation, he rushed into the experimental field decisively.

When Zhang Jun entered the laboratory, a man hurried into the research room. As soon as he appeared, all researchers stood up respectfully, and the young woman said, "Xugong, Mr. Zhang is in."

The young man named Xugong nodded, expressionlessly: "With Mr. Zhang to help us, we have a great chance of success. This time, we must succeed!"

The young woman nodded vigorously: "We already have the'spatial' data. If we have the correct'time' data, we may be able to find the simple ultimate rule and find a way to unify the various forces in the universe. "

Seeing that most people respect XCMG so much, even more than Zhang Jun, a newcomer in the research room couldn't help asking people around him: "Who is this XCMG? Why is it more respected than Mr. Zhang?"

The person asked is also a jersey, but he has been doing jerseys for long enough to understand the situation in the research room. He rolled his eyes and replied: "Xugong was a practitioner half a year ago. He belongs to the ultimate awakened person. It is said that he has reached the level of'legendary'. However, XCMG did not continue to practice, and instead invested in scientific research. XCMG believes that cultivation and scientific research have the same goal, pursuing the truth of the universe, and he is more suitable for scientific research."

The newcomer obviously knows what "legendary" is, and he was shocked: "It turns out to be a legendary emperor! Amazing, really amazing! Presumably XCMG must have achieved significant results in the past six months?"

"That's natural. Under XCMG's guidance, we have made progress in time research. You don't know much about it. The so-called research time is just a manifestation of the'Great Way'. The things behind are deep, you slow down. Learn slowly."

The newcomer nodded again and again, looking like he was being taught.

At the same time, Zhang Jun was experiencing a huge crisis in the experimental field. Chaotic time and space, there is not only space, but also changes in time. The two chaotic laws are constantly conflicting. If he hadn't had the strength of the quasi-Da Luo level, I was afraid that he would not be able to stay for a moment.

I thought that he would easily understand the rules of space just like in the space experiment field. However, he was wrong. In the chaotic time and space, he felt that any of his previous laws were wrong and could not be applied to the current situation. After thinking about it, he believes that both the law of space and the law of time in his mind are low-level things and have not yet reached the level of the "big road".

Zhang Jun has always been a humble person, and he knows that at this time, someone with wisdom must solve it. So he sent a signal, and within a short while, three prospective leaders of Maitreya, Lingbao, and Xinsheng appeared. When they saw Zhang Jun who was embarrassed in the chaotic time and space, they all laughed.

Maitreya asked: "What are you doing?"

Zhang Jun smiled bitterly, "I'm touching the elephant for the blind."

Maitreya nodded: "You can know the best. At your current level, it is very difficult to comprehend the Great Dao of the Universe. If you comprehend it, you are Hunyuan Tianzun. However, if you can comprehend the one-sided law, there are also Helps in spiritual practice."

Lingbao said: "Your doubt lies in the level of Tao. Let me talk about it. The time you know and the space you know can only be regarded as laws, not enough to be called "Dao". Comprehending space and time is just knowing what it is, not knowing why. Of course, this is enough for monks below the realm of Daluo and Daluo."

"And if you want to go up and reach the Hunyuan realm, you have to comprehend the Dao. Of course, the sage also has his own way, but that is the way of oneself, equivalent to the character of ordinary people. The way of oneself can be opened up It is enough to construct one's own laws in the world, such as the small world and the big world. However, if you want to mix the universe, you have to understand the ultimate universe. This is extremely difficult."

Xinsheng smiled and said: "You have been vigorously developing science and technology over the years, and you have done a good job. At the end of the technology and practice, they are actually interlinked, can be by analogy and help each other. As Lingbao said, the reason why you are confused is not Your qualifications are not enough, but you are too pursuing the essence. At your current state, you are not qualified to pursue the essence."

Zhang Jun suddenly realized, "Thank you, I understand!"

The three leaders are not in a hurry to leave, they have used supreme methods to evolve the meaning of time in front of Zhang Jun. Three days later, Zhang Jun gave a long whistle, and the test site suddenly became quiet. In this way, he easily reached the two-step legend and understood the rules of time.

Xugong and others were excitedly recording all the data, and they didn't even know when Zhang Jun left.

After Zhang Jun understood the law of time, he immediately returned to the secret realm and experimented on the assimilated **** warriors. Hunyuan Secret Realm, an area with an area of ​​millions of square kilometers, all the **** warriors and local creatures are gathered here. Soon, he adjusted the time changes in this area.

Speeding up the time in a certain area of ​​the field requires a lot of resources. For a time, about 80% of the Red Sun Dragon's Breath in the entire field was absorbed by this insignificant area. The **** fragments mined from the "Lost World" are also quickly consumed. Correspondingly, in this area, the number of **** warriors is increasing, and their strength is getting stronger and stronger.

Moreover, the native creatures created by Zhang Jun and the warriors of the gods live together, and the two sides exchanged and reproduced, thus forming a new race. Because this race is suitable for fighting, Zhang Jun called it the "War Clan".

Day by day passed, two months in a blink of an eye. Two months outside, the area where the Zhan Clan was located had spent a long thousand years! One thousand years is undoubtedly a long time, and the number of members of the war clan has exceeded 200 million! A large number of masters with more than ten-level **** warriors were born. If it were not for Zhang Jun's own realm, it must have been a **** king-level existence.

For a thousand years, this area has been divided, unified, and wars have continued. The weak are eliminated, and the influence of the strong continues to expand. With the survival of the fittest, only the strong can survive. Zhang Jun roughly estimated that there were more than 10,000 Taoist-level fighters in the warrior, more than 1,000 emperor-level fighters, and nearly two hundred legendary emperors!

The price Zhang Jun has paid for cultivating so many masters is also huge. He has squandered most of the treasures he has accumulated over the years, and even most of the resources in the brood, and now there is less than one-third left. But the benefits are also obvious. The appearance of 200 million creatures makes his own strength rise. These creatures are all part of his life, and their strength is also his strength.

What makes Zhang Jun more gratified is that after thousands of years of evolution, the Zhan Clan finally possessed human emotions, and no longer just possessed the nature of beasts like their ancestors and warriors.

Of course, the senior members of the Zhan Clan have always understood the existence of Zhang Jun, the "Creator". They regarded Zhang as a "God" and often offered sacrifices and worship. To them, Zhang Jun was "the will of heaven" and was irresistible.

Just as Zhang Jun was working hard to manage his "War Clan", news came from Xiaoqiang. So far, the number of light armors of the first generation manufactured has successfully exceeded 100,000! The number of second-generation light armors also exceeded 10,000! The three generations of light armor also have three thousand units. As for the fourth-generation light armor, because it has just been developed, there are currently only about ten.

The first generation of light armor is equivalent to the battle power of the Taoist; the second generation of light armor is equivalent to the power of the sage; the third generation of light armor is the power of the emperor! With such a powerful force, Zhang Jun is fully qualified to fight against a big world.

However, the problem also arises. Due to the manufacture of so many light armor, the energy required by the brood is seriously insufficient. Unfortunately, Zhang Jun had to inject most of the Chiyang Dragon's Breath into the brood for the manufacture of light armor. However, this is far from solving the problem, so in recent times, Xiaoqiang has been strongly demanding to get him some "evil warriors" for him to refine.

Just as Zhang Jun had a headache on how to obtain energy, the space between Burma and the Central State was distorted. Accompanied by lightning and thunder, a 100-meter-long spatial crack appeared. From the crack, thousands of large insects and monsters rushed out. These worms are small and hard to see with the naked eye, and the large ones are more than ten meters in diameter, and they are black and compact.

As early as half a year ago, after obtaining the consent of Buddhism, the Indochina Peninsula has been included in the territory of the Central State. Therefore, a large number of high-tech monitoring devices have been built on the Indochina Peninsula. So the first time the bug appeared, Xiaoqiang got the news and reported it to Zhang Jun.

Zhang Jun didn't care about anything else, and appeared in the sky over southern Xinjiang for the first time. When he saw the huge gap in space, his expression suddenly changed. The shells of those insects are extremely hard and their destructive power is amazing. Wherever they go, plants and animals are eaten up, even the insects hiding in the soil.

"Zerg!" He recognized the origins of these monsters at a glance, they are the outposts of the Zerg!

Not long after, the three prospective teachers were also alarmed and appeared one after another. They all sighed the moment they saw the bug.

"It's the Zerg!" Maitreya Gaoxuan said the Buddha's name, "After being sealed for so long, they finally appeared again!"

"The Zerg race is so strong that non-Three Religions can be an enemy." Lingbao frowned, "What should I do?"

Xin Sheng: "First of all, we must control this area to avoid the spread of the Zerg." The other two quasi-masters nodded. As a result, the three quasi-teachers joined forces to create a solid barrier outside the Zerg invasion area. However, in order to maintain this enchantment, the three quasi-teachers can no longer easily make a move.

Zhang Jun saw the thoughts of the three and asked, "Are you going to let me do it alone?"

"The great merits will naturally be given to you." Lingbao said, "If you can defeat the Zerg, the emperor's status will be natural."

"Exactly, you are the emperor, you should take care of this matter." Maitreya said, "What's more, this matter also started because of you."

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