Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 1096: Canonization

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Seeing that Zhang Jun was able to canonize the land, everyone couldn't help being surprised and excited. You know, throughout the ages, there are only a few people who are qualified to enshrine the existence of heaven and earth, such as God Haotian, Emperor Shennong, etc., all of them are stunning and brilliant, shining through the ages.

Being able to canonize Wan Ling means that Zhang Jun has been recognized by the world and truly possesses the prestige of the Emperor. His words and deeds, his thoughts and thoughts, can resonate between the world and the world, and the roads support him. This resulted in him no matter what he did, he would follow God's will, win the hearts of the people, get twice the result with half the effort, and go smoothly.

"Amazing! Worthy of being a generation emperor!" The three prospective leaders nodded in admiration. Xin Sheng laughed and said: "I'm afraid Zhang Jun will have us achieve the Daluo status one step sooner and become the first Hunyuan leader of the new era!"

Maitreya smiled and said, "It is said that he has won the emperor status, and there will be no barriers between Zhun Da Luo and Da Luo."

Hearing the words of the two quasi-teachers, everyone was shocked. In this way, wouldn't it take long for Zhang Jun to attain Da Luo? The Emperor Hunyuan smiled bitterly: "I think he was just a real little monk at the beginning, but now he has become a human emperor. When we hit Zhun Daluo, we must honestly train believers and absorb faith, but he has some people. The imperial seal’s blessing does not require this step at all. I really envy others."

"I'm afraid that the seat of the emperor is not easy to sit." Hu Laosan shook his head, "the higher the status, the greater the responsibility. Recently, the Zerg invaded first, and then the blood soul world and the ghost world. The cruel role of human headache? And in the future, Human Race will not know how many dangers and dangers will be encountered. As the emperor, he will have to bear it."

Everyone agrees that even though Human Sovereign is wearing a halo, he has to bear countless dangers and tribulations, which is not something ordinary people can bear.

While everyone was talking, the new land officer had already begun to act. The so-called three fires for a new official, the land official from a junior college student had a high morale and enthusiasm, and started working non-stop. In the first step, he must build his own team. Only with a team can he do things.

However, he is just a college student who is in school, and has little social experience and not many friends. This is not only his shortcomings, but also his strengths. Because of his small social circle, all the people he associates have similar ideas with him.

The first thing the land officer thought of was the "public welfare team" of Kyoto University. The charity group was spontaneously formed by enthusiastic college students of Kyoto University, with the purpose of participating in social charity. But what they do is not to teach in poor primary schools, nor to clean up in nursing homes, because the above tasks are undertaken by the state and they are done perfectly, and they are not needed at all.

The most common thing the public welfare group does is to pinpoint current abuses, discuss social issues, and feed back the results of the discussion to the main god. Since its establishment, the public welfare group has put forward hundreds of suggestions, of which about one-third have been accepted by the main god, and about half have been used for reference.

In other words, all the students in the public welfare group are enthusiastic about national affairs. They all hope to use their wisdom and strength to make their country more perfect and prosperous. The new land officer believes that the people of the public welfare group are very suitable for his team.

Ten minutes later, in a building of Kyoto University, dozens of glowing lights suddenly appeared, all of which disappeared in a flash. That is the official seal of the new land and canonization of positions. A total of 17 people have been canonized, and they will serve as second-level land officials in each district of Kyoto.

In this way, everyone was canonized one by one, but within half a day, there were as many as 10,000 people in Kyoto. These people all possess powerful strength, they can call on the wind and call for rain and use the will of heaven.

A big net was gradually spreading out, and his eyes fixed on every inch of the land in Kyoto. However, those blood shadows rushing to various places are killing innocent civilians all the time. There are too many of them, and the scope is too wide, and Zhang Jun and others cannot eliminate them in a short time.

In just a few minutes, tens of thousands of people were culled by the blood shadow and turned into corpses. Faced with scenes of tragedies, Zhang Jun looked up to the sky and screamed, and a mighty force enveloped Kyoto. The space in Kyoto seemed to freeze. To be precise, the movements of blood shadows in Kyoto slowed down.

This is the method used by the legendary emperor to comprehend the laws of space and then influence the space. However, the general legendary emperor cannot influence such a large area. Only a person like Zhang Jun can do this step with the help of God's blessing.

The speed of hundreds of millions of blood shadows has become as slow as snails, they can no longer kill innocent people quickly. The land officer seized this opportunity to expand a large number of personnel and formed a strong combat force in a short time.

Thousands of blood shadows appeared outside an apartment building, and they were slowly moving towards the apartment. At this moment, an uncle in his forties came over. He looked gentle, but he was serious. He glanced coldly at the thousands of blood shadows, immediately snorted, took a small seal from his waist, and shouted in a low voice: "Nine Heavens Thunder, destroy the demon spirit, Evil!"


Thousands of thunder lights suddenly fell from the sky, accurately hitting every blood shadow, they made a weird scream, and disappeared in smoke. The same thing was staged in different places in Kyoto, and a huge number of blood shadows were constantly being wiped out.

The next day, when the sun rose, the blood shadows that had harmed mankind had been wiped out, and the merits of the new land officials were completed. Zhang Jun is quite satisfied with this. With this experience, he can use the land officer to guard one side in the entire Central State with similar methods.

However, with his current energy, the number of land mountain gods that can be enshrined officials is limited and cannot cover the whole country. However, as his strength improves, that day will not be too far.

After killing the blood shadow, Zhang Jun immediately returned to the Hunyuan Secret Realm, urging Xiaoqiang to refining the insects and creating more light armor. With a large number of worms being refined, the brood accumulates sufficient energy, and Xiaoqiang uses full power to make light armor.

What excites Zhang Jun most is that major breakthroughs have been made in scientific research, and the fourth-generation light armor is finally ready for mass production. Moreover, the research and development of the fifth-generation light armor has also made significant progress. The reason why the fifth-generation light armor was quickly developed was inseparable from Zhang Jun’s status as the emperor, because after the light armor was manufactured, there were actually only four generations of combat power. Only through the canonization of the emperor can they truly possess the tyrannical strength of the five generations.

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