Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 1187: Five elements

When Zhang Jun returned to Juntian Small World, what surprised him was that Tianshu had become very quiet at this moment, and it seemed that some changes were silently undergoing. ⊙ He immediately communicated with Xiaoqiang and asked: "Xiaoqiang, what happened? Tianshu seems to have not changed."

After a long time, Xiaoqiang replied: "The boss does not need to worry, the rule of seven kills is very powerful. After obtaining this rule, I used the rule of seven kills to condense into a rule melting pot, trying to combine the dragon soul knight, light armor, and Juntian warrior. The big system merges together."

Zhang Jun couldn't help being surprised and asked, "What? You want to integrate the three fighters into one? What do you want to turn them into?"

Xiaoqiang smiled and said: "Since the law of seven kills is refined, it is naturally a fighter for seven kills. In fact, I have always wanted to integrate the three systems into one to combine their advantages and cultivate stronger fighters. However, the boss can rest assured. , The newly trained fighters will be shown in the appearance of light armor. Their naming will naturally be based on the light armor system."

Zhang Jun was very surprised. He thought Xiaoqiang would be named Seven Killers or something, but he didn't expect it to be related to Light Armor.

Xiaoqiang said: "Boss, this light armor was created by me alone, and it is also the number of paths I am best at. Now with the help of this seven-kill rule, I will definitely go further on this road. Moreover, what I have created right now Light armors are all beings with very strong cultivation aptitudes. They are no longer the light armors they used to be. Even, there is no need for light armors to canonize them. They can still easily become the three-step legendary emperor, and even become the quasi-dala Level master. This is precisely because Light Armor has absorbed the advantages of Juntian Warriors and Dragon Soul Knights."

Zhang Jun nodded and said, "Just in this way, those Dragon Soul Knights and Juntian Warriors who have bred for many generations are going to change their faces. They are all lives. You have to be kind."

Xiaoqiang nodded: "The boss can rest assured, all the lives entering the melting pot of laws have the strength to reach or exceed the level of the emperor. And I just changed their physique, and did not deprive them of their memory and consciousness. In the future, they will all be light armored. Appeared. In addition, after the baptism of the law of seven kills, I decided to rename the light armor."

Zhang Jun is no different from this. He nodded and said: "This light armor is a brand-new born. It really needs to be renamed. How are you going to name it?"

Xiao Qiang said: "Now these light armors have a complete life, they are no different from human beings. In this case, there is no need for code names, they are divided by realm. The emperor grade is the emperor light armor; the quasi-daluo grade , Is the quasi-Da Luo Guangjia. Moreover, each light armor will have its own name, such as Thunder, Lightning, Aurora, etc."

Zhang Jun was very satisfied and said: "Okay, everything is up to you."

In the end, about one hundred thousand dragon soul knights, Juntian warriors, and light armor were put into the furnace of law to be baptized, and eventually became a new generation of light armor with complete life. Three hundred thousand new generation light armors, each with its own thinking and its own name. After they received the baptism of the law of seven kills, Xiaoqiang simulated a large array of seven kills with other laws.

The Seven Kills Array can be formed with hundreds of people, thousands of people, even tens of millions, hundreds of millions of people, and it is infinitely powerful. When the seven kills are cast, its power far exceeds the combined power of all casters, that is, one plus one is greater than two. Compared with the killing array provided by Blood Infant before, the power of this array is even stronger by three points.

In addition, because Xiaoqiang obtained the law of seven kills, his own cultivation has also reached a higher level. He is now the pinnacle of the quasi-daluo realm's level of Jue Fa, and he is only one step away from entering the first small realm, Dao Jue.

Zhang Jun was very pleased with this, he let Xiaoqiang continue to understand. At the same time, with the light armor above the 300,000 emperor level, he has the capital to establish a foothold in Daxia. Whether the eldest prince or enemies stronger than the eldest prince, he can be fearless.

In the rest of the time, he took out the earth dzi and wood dzi and prepared to refine them. He already had two five-element dzi beads in his hand, namely the golden dzi and the earth dzi, and now he got the wooden dzi, and he was very excited. At the time he refined the golden dzi beads, he obtained a very powerful magical power, the golden killing technique; now he refined the earth dzi, he should have the second and third powerful magical powers.

The earth dzi bead has been in hand for a while, but he doesn't have time to refine it in the future. There is no other reason, the five elements are native to gold, and wood is born to earth; gold is against wood, and wood is against earth. There is a kind of induction and connection between the three five-element dzi beads, and mutual generation and mutual restraint can make the effectiveness of the three spiritual creatures suddenly increased several times. Therefore, he must refining the Five Elements Dzi Beads in the order of gold, wood, soil, water, and fire, that is, gold and wood, wood and soil, earth and water, water and fire, and fire and gold, otherwise they must be refined. The difficulty is extremely high, and he can never complete it with his current ability.

The first thing he refined was the Golden Dzi Bead, and the second thing to be refined was the Wooden Dzi Bead. Because of Jin Kemu, he could only successfully refining the Wooden Dzi Bead with the help of the refined Golden Dzi Bead and the golden killing technique. In the same way, only after refining the wooden dzi can he subsequently refine the earth dzi.

He took out the wooden dzi beads and the first step was to sense the wooden dzi beads. He felt that the wooden dzi bead was similar to the golden dzi, with an incomplete sub-plane inside, vast and boundless, and there were countless powerful creatures living in it. As soon as he touched the second plane of wood, a terrible force came back.

He immediately urged the Golden Dzi Bead, and met him with a golden killing technique. In a short time, the counterattack dissipated, and he easily refined the wooden dzi beads. After refining the wooden dzi beads, he immediately acquired a magical power called life-saving technique. He analyzed it and found that this life technique is a level higher than Qinglian's life magical powers and Huabuyi's vitality magical powers.

Life science is a higher level of concern. It is a broad level of life. Plants, animals, birds, animals, ants, fish and insects all belong to the category of life and can be nourished by life science. Even, he felt that this life skill was of great help to him in opening up Da Luo in the future. After all, to open up the big world, wait for creation, and creating life is the top priority among them, and it is definitely inseparable from magical means such as life skills.

In a short time, he completely refined the wooden dzi beads. Of course, like that golden dzi bead, he can exert less than ten powers.

Subsequently, he inherited the refining earth dzi beads. After Mu Ketu, after refining the Mu Dzi, he naturally wanted to refine the Earth Dzi. The Earth Dzi Bead is no different from the first two Dzi Beads. There is a secondary plane inside, and he can only exert less than ten powers. However, after this refining, he immediately sensed a strange change. This change caused the three Five Elements Dzi he refining to be sublimated in an instant, and the power more than doubled.

This book was first published on reading

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