Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 1193: Herb Whip

Through the observation of the Buddha's eyes, there are inexhaustible and inexhaustible quantities of elixir and elixir, and many elixir have turned into a medicine king. In addition, he concluded that the number of holy medicines here is nine regardless of grade. Nineteen beads, one plant is not many, one plant is not many. From this he can infer that the number of holy medicines on this plane will not exceed a hundred. If it is one plane, this value will far exceed this value. It may be a few thousand or tens of thousands.

Except for the holy medicine, what made Zhang Jun's heart most concerned was the center of this plane. There was a towering and tall mountain range, and a stone chamber was actually built on the mountain range. The stone chamber is not eye-catching, if he hadn't observed it with Buddha eyes , I'm afraid I can't find it.

Only a jade slip and an object similar to Shennong's Herb Whip were placed in the stone room. He came outside the stone room for the first time, and he couldn't help but feel an extremely cordial feeling in his heart. It seems that this stone room has an inexplicable relationship with him. The connection is like the admiration of a student who is thirsty for knowledge when he meets a famous teacher.

He straightened his clothes, and then opened the door and entered. The stone room was no different from what he had observed. He picked up the jade slip and scanned it with his spirit, and immediately a large amount of information poured into his sea of ​​knowledge. , Gave him a cool feeling all over, and said with emotion: "This time the characters in the plane, the achievements in the alchemy technique, are actually still under Shennong, admire and admire!"

It turns out that this jade slip recorded an inheritance that was very similar to Shennongmen, especially their alchemy, which enlightened him greatly. This alchemy method is called the spiritual world alchemy method. Before alchemy, one must be constructed with the mind. In the world of alchemy, there are alchemy tools and boys, and countless people and tools work together to refine a large number of pills with their high efficiency.

In addition, this inheritance is very incisive in the division of pill and herbal medicine. There are three levels. The first level is mortal pill, mortal medicine. Those who have not opened up the world are called mortals; the pill taken by those who open up the world is called world pill. The second-level medicines are divided into the upper, middle and lower three products, as well as the highest gem.

The low-grade world pill has an excellent effect on the returned cultivators and the manifested sages who have opened up the spiritual realm; the middle-grade world pill has miraculous effects for the holy monarch, the emperor and even the legendary emperor; the high-grade world pill, for the quasi-da Luo, It has a considerable effect; as for the best world pill, it has an even more extraordinary effect on Zhun Da Luo, and even Da Luo characters can benefit from it.

The third level is Hunyuan Golden Pill. Hunyuan Golden Pill also has four grades, each with different effects, but the related content, even the memory is vague. This means that the person who left the memory may not reach the Hunyuan level. .

What makes Zhang Jun most happy is that there are several pill recipes left in this memory. They are the four great magic recipes, the three poisonous recipes, and the supreme divine recipe. These eight recipes all have the power of weeping ghosts and gods. Infinite magical effects, with his current ability can not be refined.

Finally, the object mentioned in his memory was similar to the Shennong Baicao whip. To his shock, this object was also called the Baicao whip, and its internal structure was very similar to the Shennong Baicao whip. What made him more pleased was that this The Baicao Whip is a semi-finished product.If it is refined, it will become a secondary plane like a medicine cauldron, with infinite power.

The former Shennong Hundred Grass Whip helped him a lot, but unfortunately, there were only three gods forbidden in the Shennong Hundred Grass Whip, and only the third **** forbidden was a Da Luo-level **** forbidden. Now this kind of magical weapon plays a role in him. The help is limited, not as good as a spiritual object. If a Da Luo-level magical weapon is displayed in his hands, its power is almost the same as his own infinitely close to the powerful strength of the Da Luo-level.

But now that the magic weapon with the potential of this semi-plane level is different, once the refining is successful, it will greatly enhance his strength. Moreover, he is based on pill and medical skills, and he will still pay attention to this field in the future The development. Whether it is self-cultivation, the people around, or even the overall improvement of the entire central federal citizenship, it is inseparable from the support of superb alchemy.

Therefore, he carefully put away the semi-finished herb whip. At this time, a huge question arose in his heart, where did the rich spiritual energy in this subplane come from?

Just as he was puzzled, he suddenly felt a great earthquake and the void trembling, and he saw ten huge vortices appearing in the air. In the center of each vortex, there was a huge hole, and ten different breaths and colors fell inside. Of these auras, nine of them have the same effect as the purple dragon's breath. The tenth one is even comparable to that of the earth's dragon's breath.

He suddenly realized that it was the nourishment of these ten kinds of spiritual energy that made many elixir and holy medicines grow here. But another question appeared again, a small sub-plane, how does it do it? How about communicating with other powerful planes? Because through the quality of those auras, it can be concluded that even if the ten communicated planes are not as good as the dragon plane, they are not trivial.

Obviously, behind those ten vortices, there must be connected to other planes. Moreover, it can also absorb the essence of those planes and use it as its own. The ability of this medicine cauldron is for Zhang Jun It is a great wealth.

With Zhang Jun's current abilities, he still can't see the mystery, so he doesn't think much anymore, but travels in the sub-plane of the medicine cauldron to observe the distribution and growth of the medicines. Especially those who have turned into the plant elves and medicine kings. Existence, he is extremely concerned, because the efficacy of the Medicine King is sometimes not under the Holy Medicine.

Before Zhang Jun was severely injured under the chasing and killing of three powerful enemies. At this moment, he simply cultivated in the medicine cauldron. Within a day, he recovered from his injuries. At the same time, he also tried to use that mind. The world alchemy method has refined a few pill medicines, and the effect is very good. He found that this Danhan coincides with his divine mind alchemy method, and the two can complement each other, so that his alchemy has been greatly improved. Boost.

Once the injury recovered, he immediately left. After leaving, he put away the medicine cauldron, ready to continue exploring. After the person came out, he deeply felt the secondary plane and the plane. [,! ] The huge gap between. It’s just a plane fragment, and its level is probably above the secondary plane. This gap is just like the gap between Zhun Da Luo and Da Luo, and the difference between the two .

But he said that Zhang Jun's face changed as soon as he appeared. He turned around abruptly, seeing that the woman appeared behind him at some unknown time, and he asked coldly: "When did you appear?"

The woman responded: \"I knew you were here to heal your wounds, but because of you, I didn't kill you.\"

\"Don't kill me? I'm afraid you want to cooperate with me? Before you were chased by those three people in a hurry, and almost killed by someone. You know in your heart that if you don't cooperate with me now, there is only one dead end in the future. \"Zhang Jun said coldly.

The woman did not deny this purpose, she said: "The three people found a historic site, it looks extraordinary, there must be treasures and great opportunities in it. I hope to explore with you. You and I join hands, then Even if the three of us deal with us, they may not take advantage.\"

Zhang Jun squinted his eyes, looked at the woman, and asked: "Tell me first, how did you know that I was recovering from my wounds?"

The woman faintly said: \"I dropped a potion on the medicine cauldron. Unless you leave the plane fragments, I can find it immediately no matter where you are.\"

After she finished speaking, Zhang Jun snorted and was very dissatisfied with her behavior. However, as the woman said, their situation is not good now, if they don't join hands, they will be killed by the three masters one by one. They are all wise and wise people, so they hit it off and immediately set a strategy to fight the enemy together.

The woman said: \"You quickly follow me to that place, if you go late, I'm afraid that the good baby will be robbed.\"

Zhang Jun was deliberately not impatient or impatient, with an expression of disapproval, saying: "This face is very big, there is one treasure, there is a second treasure, why bother."

The woman shook her head again and again, with a serious expression: "I can be sure that this place is the most powerful and most likely to contain the supreme treasure."

Zhang Jun was surprised: "What? Supreme Baby? How do you judge?"

\"There is no need to ask more about this, anyway I know.\" said the woman.

Zhang Jun closed his mouth and said: \"Well, in that case, let's not delay and go right away. But before the action, would you tell me the situation there? What is the danger there, and what kind of treasure is there? \"

The woman shrugged: \"I don't know the specifics, I won't know until I go.\"

Zhang Junyi waved his hand: \"Go!\"

The two traveled like electricity, and it didn't take long to reach the location of the so-called supreme treasure. This is a chaotic time and space composed of countless broken continents. The sky is full of fragments, and it is full of time and space turbulence and space rifts. Right in the middle of it. At the location, there is a group of bright white light.

The woman points to the light fairway: \"Pass it and you can enter it.\"

Zhang Jun frowned, although he wasn't worried that this was a trap set by the woman. But the unknown world inside made him hesitate a little bit, did he enter? But the woman glanced at him and actually rushed in first. Helpless, had to chase after.

The two felt that the light and shadow in front of them changed, and they entered another world in a short time. When they entered it, both of them had a very familiar feeling. They unanimously said in unison: "The wasteland!"

That's right, this place is very similar to the wasteland of the main plane outside, and it is constructed from the spiritual realm. Moreover, there are places where the real and the virtual coexist, and more similar situations.

\"It turns out that other planes also have spiritual realms!\" Zhang Jun's eyes are brighter. After the fourth change of the womb, he will be like a fish in the wasteland, extremely powerful. He even has the confidence to beat him before. But the three people who were angry, killed one by one, shame them with blood.--4111+423853--&

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