Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 1208: Ginger fan

Donglaiao and Donglaiba naturally remember Ling'er and Chu Chu. They were on the flying boat that day, and they originally wanted to take advantage of it. How do you know that Chu Chu and Ling'er are super strong, so they were taught on the spot, if not by the fisherman The dressed-up people were attracted away, and they couldn't imagine what the consequences would be.

Fortunately, what happened that day was not irreversible, and there was no enmity between the two parties. So once Zhang Jun asked, they immediately told each other truthfully, telling the story of the day one by one.

Zhang Jun listened to what the two said and matched his speculation and snooping, so he nodded and asked: "Do you know where the fisherman has gone?"

Hearing Zhang Jun's question, Dong Lai Ao immediately became a little proud, and said with a smile: "Yunhou is the right person to ask. In this area along the South China Sea, when it comes to who is the most psychic, it is natural I am **** in the South China Sea. Anything that happens can't escape our eyes. That day, my brothers were tempted by an adulterer and only offended the two young ladies. This made our two brothers very resentful.\"

\"At the same time, my two brothers also hated the fisherman very much. After that, they immediately mobilized the power of the Nanhai Gang to investigate the origin of the other party. The effort paid off, which is a coincidence. It happened to be the fisherman and the two young ladies. There happened to be a few sharks staying in the place. The sharks were good at concealment, and the people at the scene did not know their existence.\"

Zhang Jun asked calmly: "What happened at that time, do you know? Where are the few sharks?"

\"Hehe, those maidens are concubines who are here, and can be summoned at any time.\" Donglai proudly said. After he waved his hand, three young girls appeared in a moment. It turned out that they had been living their lives. At the banquet, all of them were charming and graceful.

Seeing the appearance of three young girls, many people at the scene laughed scornfully. It turns out that the shark is the most famous race among the sea monsters, and the most famous brothel prostitute among the tribes. There are ten prostitutes who are born in sharks. Because of this, everyone looks at sharks so strangely, and they all feel that this Donglaiao is really romantic, and he directly accepted sharks as concubines.

The reason why the sharks have this trait is because the sharks are weak and they are often hunted by the sea clan. Of course, the sharks also have their racial advantages, that is, the men in the sharks are very handsome and the women It is also extremely beautiful. Because of this, the shark people are often loved by other monks.

For example, these three shark girls, they are currently Dong Lai Ao's favorite concubines. If you rely on Dong Lai Ao, you will wait for the shelter of the Nanhai Gang and wait for the idlers on the South China Sea territory. They dare not hurt them.

Seeing that Dong Lai Ao was very polite to Zhang Jun, the three maidens were very cautious. First, they blessed him timidly and waited for questioning.

Zhang Jun asked: \"What happened that day, please tell the truth, the more detailed the better.\"

One of the three girls is the oldest, who looks about the same age as Ling'er. She said crisply: "Shang Ji Yunhou, that day my three sisters wanted to make a few pearl necklaces on a whim, but the blood pearls in her hand The quantity is not enough. So we decided to go to the South China Sea to find some blood pearls, and found traces of blood shells on the way. The blood pearls can only be bred from blood shells, which is very rare. So the three of our sisters have to go to the sea to find them.\"

\"But at this moment, we saw a painting boat flying in the distance. The painting boat was extremely large, and there were many powerful people sitting on it. We know that those who can use this large flying weapon in the South China Sea must be The origin is extraordinary. We didn't dare to approach, let alone run into them, so we concealed our body quickly so as to wait for the other party to pass.\"

Zhang Jun can understand this kind of rhetoric. After the great changes in the world, the races are mixed, and it is no longer in the Qingping world. This new world is basically fist and reason, whoever is strong can do whatever they want. These three sisters It is known to be great, if the people on the painting boat see them and covet their beauty, I am afraid they will be taken captive immediately, and then sold to the brothel for the rest of their lives.

The second girl suddenly took the conversation and continued: \"Sister, I said the rest.\" Then he asked Zhang Jun, \"Who are those two sisters from Yunhou?\"

Zhang Jundao: \"It's my daughter.\"

The girl sighed softly: \"The little girl said below, Yunhou may be worried after listening to it. Please also Yunhou not to blame us.\"

Zhang Jundao: \"Just say, I will not only not condemn me, but I will reward you.\" After saying that, he took out three sets of elixirs that were given to Donglaiheng as birthday gifts and gave them separately.

The three shark girls have no status in the Nanhai Gang. They have never received such a precious thing. They were surprised and happy immediately, and thanked Zhang Jun a lot. You know, with these three pills, they might have a chance to break through , To reach the coveted state of princes.

Zhang Jundao: \"Go on, what happened next.\"

The girl said: \"The painting boat stopped about ten miles away, and it didn't move for a long time. Later we saw a fisherman flying from a distance and landed on the painting boat. After a while, the two daughters of Yunhou also When they arrived, they seemed to be chasing the fisherman. But the two sisters were very careful, they did not rush into the painting boat. But at this moment, a young man on the painting boat suddenly threw a picture.\"

\"The painting is really magical. Once it stretches out, a world appears, covering both sisters and unable to come out. Beside the young man, there is also a young woman who looks very beautiful and seems to be with the young man. Men talk.\"

Hearing this, Zhang Jun couldn't see any expression on his face, but there were waves in his heart. He wanted to kill the young man immediately and cut the young man thousands of times. No matter what reason the other party kidnapped Chu Chu and Ling'er. , He can't forgive it!

\"Do you know the origin of the young man's identity?\" He continued.[,! ] Continued.

The three maidens turned their eyes to Dong Lai Ao. Dong Lai Ao hurriedly said: \"Zai Xia really knows the identity of that person. I recognize that painting boat is one of the four great families of Daxia, Jiang Jiacai, Jiang Huafan’s A well-known person, nicknamed Flower Monster. I also got news that the young woman who was with Jiang Huafan is named Jiang Roubing, who is also the core figure of the Jiang family’s youth generation.\"

He continued to ask: "Do you know where Jiang Huafan is now?"

Dong Yaao immediately said: "Jiang Huashan is the Yunhou of Daxia like you. His fief is just south of Daxia, not too far away from the South China Sea."

Now that he asked Chu Chu and Ling'er, Zhang Jun stopped staying, his body broke away and disappeared in a flash, and he couldn't wait to rush to Jiang Huashan's fief immediately.

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