Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 1242: The prince arrives

The second prince next to him held the orchid finger, smiled softly, his robe undulated slightly, and said in a low chanting voice: "The ranks are all the Daxia princes, and they have been fighting against the demons on the Western Front for years. It is really hard work and great credit. However, if the demons are not eliminated for a day, I will not be at peace for a day in Daxia, and the princes will naturally rarely live in peace."

Having said that, he paused slightly and said with a serious face: "So Daxia and Lili have the same interests, and we must get rid of the demons as soon as possible. This time, my three brothers led an army of nine billion and three sky-class ships. The battleship, together with everyone’s assistance, I think it will be a bitter for the demons. In addition, I also want to tell you a great news that the first son of Zhen Guo will arrive soon. He brought a Tian-class battleship and five A billion army. Together, we have a 14 billion army and four sky-class warships!"

There is still silence below, and the three Tianhou do not express their opinions. Who dares to fart even more at this time? Even if they were really excited about Xia Huang's handwriting in their hearts, they did not dare to be overjoyed. In fact, after fighting for so long, the princes are also tired, hoping to end the war early and return to their own small country to enjoy the life of singing and dancing, wouldn’t it be more wonderful than being in a bitter cold land?

The second prince's face was also a little unsustainable, as if after the leader had finished speaking, he was looking forward to applause from the audience below, but the audience below did not know how to continue the cold stage. However, he couldn't lose his temper at this time, so he could only cough lightly and withdraw.

The fifth prince looked a little sad, and in terms of influence among the princes, the first prince and the second prince were stronger than him. No one paid attention to these two. He stood up and used his ass? So he glanced at Zhang Jun with a look similar to You Yuan. It's a pity that Zhang Jun is watching his nose and his heart, as if he is carefully studying how many ants are on the ground.

However, there was no way, the fifth prince stood up, and he decided to change his strategy. Neither can he be as pretentious as the first prince, nor can he talk about broad principles like the second prince, he has to give practical benefits. So he cleared his throat and said, "Everyone! Not much nonsense, have you seen countless talismans buried in that place for many years in the west? Have you ever seen the primordial stone that may appear at any time?"

He obviously did not expect the princes to answer, so he continued: "These treasures belong to our Daxia, to everyone present! However, they are now controlled by the demons. Those demons, they are the most disgusting in the world. Despicable race. They eat people, eat dirty insects, and eat all the stinky things that our human race cannot bear to see. With such a race, can we let them take away our wealth?"

"Today, Emperor Xia and our three brothers made a decision to help you quell the demons, regain our territory, and take back our resources. With these resources, we will be ten times richer than before! We may get the Yuanshi list. Among the top ten Yuanshi, we can also find the best rune gold that can be used to create powerful war tools. There are even rumors that there are peerless treasures hidden in the underground of the west. If anyone can find it, they will be rich in the world!"

"Everyone! Please don't hesitate, we will fight side by side and enjoy the glory and wealth together!"

Still quiet, the fifth prince sighed secretly and was about to go back. Suddenly, there was a clear applause from below, it was Zhang Jun. While applauding, he said to Ling Tianhou: "Brother Ling Tian, ​​the five princes said so, kill the demons, let's grab their talismans and primordial stones!"

Ling Tianhou glanced at Zhang Jun, applauded unhurriedly, but said nothing.

Zhang Jun looked at Nutianhou again and said with a smile, "What do you think?"

Nu Tianhou looked at him and then at Ling Tianhou, so he applauded. The three Tianhou expressed their opinions, and the princes below immediately screamed wildly.

"Suppress the Demons! Suppress the Demons! Suppress the Demons!"

The fifth prince was flushed, and he was a little fluttering. Of course, he knew all this thanks to Zhang Jun, and he was extremely grateful. On the contrary, the first prince and the second prince seemed to have eaten flies, their expressions were extremely unnatural. The eldest prince even stared at Zhang Jun with a resentful look.

The fifth prince raised his hand and pressed down slightly, and then he was quiet. He said: "You are really the most loyal princes of Daxia. This prince is very pleased!"

Before he could continue to speak, Zhang Jun spoke and said, "Fifth prince, I have something to say."

The fifth prince hurriedly said: "If Jun Tianhou has anything to say, just say it."

Zhang Jun said: "Emperor Xia sent three princes to come. The original intention should be to let the three princes command all the princes and launch a general attack on the demons, right?"

"Exactly." The fifth prince admitted.

"However, it has always been my Daxia habit that the royal family does not interfere with the military power of the princes. The soldiers of the princes are piled up with pieces of spiritual crystals, and it is not easy to train. Moreover, everyone is used to being free and suddenly wants to listen I'm afraid I'm not used to it, right?"

"Yes! As long as you are working for Daxia, why pay attention to these forms?" There were a large number of princes immediately.

The fifth prince bowed his head and coughed, and said: "What Jun Tianhou said is quite true, but the demons have a tendency to unite. If we don't unite and command operations in a unified manner, I'm afraid it will be difficult to win."

"So this prince has a suggestion. The three princes on the western front will be the leaders and form a large combat army with the remaining princes. Which prince is willing to follow which legion is free to decide. And the three princes can join separately One of the regiments and the Tianhou of that regiment command the battle together.” Zhang Jundao, “In this way, our scattered forces are concentrated into three units. The three forces can attack individually or in a joint attack to increase the combined force at the same time. Without losing flexibility, it has the best of both worlds!"

"This Hou agrees." Ling Tianhou immediately agreed.

"This Hou is also in favor." Nu Tianhou seemed to be a follower, still saying.

The fifth prince was stunned. The big plan he had designed in his mind seemed to be useless. But before he could respond, the eldest prince snorted coldly and said, "Jun Tianhou! Emperor Xia ordered my three brothers to handle the military on the Western Front with full authority. You don't need to cross over!"

Zhang Jun looked surprised, as if he had come to understand, and repeatedly said: "The prince taught me that he has failed to speak." After speaking, he backed away and shut up.

The eldest prince felt a little more comfortable, and thought that this one was interesting. He was about to continue to play, when suddenly he saw that the army of the princes in the distance was suddenly scattered. Someone shouted: "His mother, I haven't eaten lunch yet. , Hurry to eat." There was a movement, and the soldiers in other places moved and scattered.

Zhang Jun yawned and said to himself: "Strange, Benhou suddenly feels very sleepy, so I should take a nap." After speaking, he ignored the pig liver-like face of the prince, and turned back to the camp.




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