Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 1251: Tianhou's home

Ling Tianhou and Nu Tianhou both were taken aback, and shouted in unison: "What? Are you going to attack the demons together?"

Zhang Jun nodded, his eyes gleamed with a sharp light, and he said in a deep voice: "The two Tianhous have also seen that the general attack of the demons is about to come. They have an absolute advantage. Not only are they more powerful than us, but they are more powerful. The weapon of war. If we don’t think aggressively, blindly defend ourselves, and passively wait for the war with the demon army, we’re afraid it’s extremely difficult to win!"

Ling Tianhou and Nu Tianhou are both battle-tested and wise men, and they will know the truth after a little thought. Ling Tianhou said in deep thought, "It's a way out, but how should we make surprise attacks? Where and when should we start? And how to dispatch the armed forces, these are all issues we have to consider clearly."

There was a rare smile on the stern face of Anger Tianhou, and he said to Zhang Jun: "Guan Tianhou, I am willing to work with you. However, you'd better show off your family background, and we know it well. "

Zhang Jun understands the meaning of the words of Raging Tianhou. Whether he is Raging Tianhou or Ling Tianhou, he is a tianhou. He has been operating on the western front for many years and must have a rich family background. For example, they may have hidden tanks, they may have trained more private soldiers beyond the surface strength, and more combat capabilities that are not exposed to the sun.

He smiled slightly and said, "Before I shake my family, you two have to express my sincerity?" The foreign voice said, you two want to show my family, you must first show your family.

The angry Hou laughed loudly and said: "It's true that I have used all of my family to build a Shadow Guardian. There are about 10 million Shadow Guardians. All of them have the strength of the national sergeant. My Daxia’s most sophisticated equipment. Compared with your golden guards at Guantianhou, it is not weaker. In addition, I still have 10,000 extinct cannons from the era of mythology in my hands. However, this extinct ancient The cost of the artillery pair is very large. Each shelling will consume millions of spirit crystals, I am afraid I can't afford it."

Zhang Jun's eyes brightened sharply, and said, "It's okay! Emperor Xia has just given a trillion spirit crystals, I can give a part of it to Tianhou. However, you have to lend me some extinction cannons."

Angry Tianhou smiled and said, "I don't know how much you need?"

Zhang Jun thought for a while: "You have ten thousand cannons, and I want you eight thousand. But it is only temporarily borrowed and returned immediately after the war."

Angry Tianhou knew the importance of this surprise attack, so he had to fully support him, and immediately said decisively: "Yes!"

Then it was Ling Tianhou’s turn, he "haha" smiled and said, "Ben Tianhou’s family background is a little thicker than that of Nu Tianhou. Benhou also trained a team called Ling Tianwei. Ling Tianwei is not many, only Eight million. However, all of them are the cultivation base of the peak of the national warriors, and they are also equipped with the most sophisticated combat equipment of my Daxia, with one enemy and one hundred on the battlefield."

"In addition, I still have eighty-one puppets in my hand, and each puppet has Dao master-level combat power. These puppets can form a Heavenless Killing Formation and run rampant among the Ten Thousand Armies." It paused and said again, " In the end, Benhou still has ten ancient chariots of gods."

Zhang Jun became interested and asked, "What is a chariot of gods?"

Ling Tianhou "hehe" smiled and said: "These ten gods chariots were discovered by my chance in the ancient ruins. Although the fighting power of the gods chariots is not weak, it is equipped with short gods, gods bows and crossbows, and big gods. Angry, but they all need a lot of spirit crystals to launch. Although this tank is not comparable to the sky-class battleship, it is not much worse."

Zhang Jun was overjoyed and said: "Ten Hou's ten **** chariots will be handed over to me for command and they will be returned after the war."

Ling Tianhou nodded and said, "Apart from our family, the other princes also hid their methods. I'm afraid they won't take them out easily. It depends on Guan Tianhou's methods."

Zhang Jun said: "This battle is very important. Once we win. Emperor Xia's rewards will inevitably be earth-shattering. Everyone will be jealous, presumably they are motivated. Furthermore, I have my own way to make them bleed." , He thought for a while and said, "The messenger of the supreme demon should be a powerful Daoist. This person will be dealt with by Ren Tianzun, presumably he will not refuse."

"We still have five sky-class battleships in our hands, all of which will be used to kill the opponent's demon king and core battle formation." He laughed when he said that, "As for my family, it's very simple. I promise, this The war I will provide one million tanks. And the power of these tanks is higher than that of the Demon tanks. In addition, Ben Hou will also provide a large number of ballistas, bows and arrows, war charms, etc., but these items, I It takes time to prepare. I will explain the relevant situation to the two at that time."

Ling Tianhou and Nu Tianhou both opened their mouths in shock. Where did one million tanks come from?

Zhang Jun said: "Once I show this million tanks, those princes will not be able to do anything." Then he said with a serious expression, "No matter what, I must be the general of the general attack. Everyone will You must obey the order and hope that the two Tianhou will cooperate fully. After the big victory, Benhou takes four successful labors, and the two Tianhou each get three points. How about?"

Ling Tianhou and Angry Tianhou laughed "haha" and said in unison: "Okay, it's a deal!"

The three discussed in detail, and then returned to each other, preparing to go. However, it was said that Zhang Jun had to prepare mainly those tanks and combat equipment, Xiaoqiang is still in full production. Xiaoqiang has used many methods from technological civilization and cultivation, and he has the ability to upgrade all these things to a level, and his power can at least double.

After Zhang Jun asked Xiaoqiang, he learned that it would take about twelve or three days to build all these things successfully. He will not be idle during this time, there are two things to do. The first thing is to continue to improve the strength and condense the second core principle. With the first experience, he believes that this time will never be as difficult as last time.

The second thing is to persuade the princes who defected to him as soon as possible, let them take out their family and fight to the death of the devil army. In comparison, this second matter is very difficult. Those princes and military princes all want to keep their families and strengths. Who wants to take it out easily?

Zhang Jun finally figured out a way. He called all the princes and soldiers into the camp on the same day, and provided them with wine and spirit fruit for them to enjoy. After the three rounds and the five flavors of the dishes, he suddenly sighed and said: "In the future, we will not have much time to enjoy the feast. Everyone can eat and drink, so as not to be hungry after death."

The princes were terrified when they heard it, what's the matter? Are you going to die? No way to survive? Immediately, the timid princes paled, and asked in a trembling voice, "Don't scare us, what happened?"




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