Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 1255: Attack

When all the soldiers were in place, Zhang Jun shouted: "Today, we do not distinguish each other, we are a whole, we will be born and die together, and fight side by side! We do not belong to any prince, let alone sell our lives for another military prince, we Just a soldier! We are born for war, we are proud of war, we are invincible! Today, we are all demons!"

"The Demon Swing Army! The Demon Swing Army! The Demon Swing Army!" The shouts of the soldiers were earth-shaking, everyone was enthusiastic, and the familiar feeling came to their hearts. The eyes of some veterans are moist, how many years, have they finally regained their passionate years?

"The demons take cannibalism for pleasure. They are our enemies of Daxia and the natural enemies of our human race. The demons are immortal. Our parents, wives and children, our relatives and friends, all may become the devil’s mouthful, you are willing Is it?" Zhang Jun shouted.

"Unwilling! Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"The Demon Race is about to launch a total attack on us. They have 50 billion people. They have a large number of tanks. Are you afraid?" Zhang Jun asked loudly. The momentum and the law of heaven and earth are connected together, and the sound is like thunder, with great momentum. Hao as heaven.

"Don't be afraid! Fight! Fight! Fight!"

"You are good! You will become heroes! Become the existence inscribed forever on the Great Xia Monument! And this Marshal tells you that our Demon Army is not weak! The Demon Race has one million chariots, and we have three million! The demons have 5 million demon soldiers, we have 4 million heroes! The demons have 50 million nationals, and we have 90 million 8↗! The demons have the heart of eating people, and we have the ambition to destroy demons! Brothers, Today, the immortal demons will swear endlessly, if you fail, you will become benevolent!"

The soldiers called the tsunami, while Ling Tianhou and Nu Tianhou laughed wildly, and shouted hello. Zhang Jun gave an order: "Go!"

When the words fell, time and space fluctuated, time and space shifted and the battle array was slightly shaken, and the 40 billion soldiers disappeared out of thin air.

Time went back to ten minutes ago. The demon army is already making the final preparations. Like the measures taken by the Daxia Dang Demon Army, the tribes took out all their assets and distributed them equally to maximize their combat effectiveness. The three great demon kings, each commanding one-third of the demon soldiers, stationed in their respective camps.

Next, the demons will carry out the final fusion, and a general marshal will be selected from the three great demon kings, so as to order the three armies to launch a full-scale attack on Daxia. It's just that the three great demon kings don't accept anyone, even the young admiral can't help it, and is still trying to make it happen. Right now, the three great demon kings were all called by the young people of the supreme demon to discuss who should sit in the seat of the marshal.

"You have the same strength and the same prestige, and it is difficult to determine the superiority in a short time." In a camp, the young man glanced at the three great demon kings, "However, our time is limited. We must launch a general attack within ten days. Because I have received news that Daxia is trying its best to shrink all fronts, and it seems that he wants to support the western front as soon as possible. When Daxia is relieved and has the energy to deal with us, that battle will be difficult."

The three great demon kings did not speak, they certainly listened to the above. But at any rate, they are all a big demon king, the outstanding generation of the demon clan, how can they be easily attached?

The youth admiral said solemnly: "So the envoy decided that the three of you will take turns serving as the generals, and the term of office is three days. As for who is the first to be the generals, then it is decided by drawing lots."

Although the three generals were dissatisfied with each other, they did not object to the words of the youth. It's just that the three of them still have different ideas on specific details, even if they are caught in a new round of disputes. For example, how to divide the trophy, how to divide the territory after winning, and so on.

Although the young admiral acted decisively, he also felt that his head was big, and for a while he could not come up with a strategy that would satisfy all three parties. At the time of the dispute between the three great demon kings, Zhang Jun's time-space shifting battlefield has appeared over a legion of the demon army. The three legions of the demons, each led by a great demon king, are at least 100,000 miles away from each other.

The demons are stationed at the westernmost side, so it should be the safest. Because if Daxia attacks, he should attack the two armies in the east first. But the facts were unexpected, Zhang Jun transferred the battlefield through time and space, and instantly mobilized 40 billion troops.

I saw a black thundercloud enveloped the sky above the legion, and the tens of billions of demons below curiously walked out of the camp and looked up at the sky. They felt something was wrong with the weather today, with strange waves coming from the clouds. Then it confirmed their feelings that the clouds are getting thicker and denser.


With a thunder, the giant incarnation of Zhang Jun manifested his image, and he shouted: "Kill!"

The drums of war were rising, the thunder blasted, and densely packed soldiers appeared in all directions, just like heavenly soldiers and generals, majestic and majestic. The Demon Race immediately exploded the pot, the Demon Kings roared again and again, and the battle formations turned around for the first time.

"Boom boom boom!"

Six Tian-class warships appeared, and together with thousands of warships large and small, the extinction artillery began to bombard severely downwards. The first characteristic of the extinct artillery is its wide coverage, covering ten miles in one shot. The second characteristic is that it is powerful, and all lives will be wiped out under the cannon light.

A volley of 10,000 extinct ancient cannons directly enveloped a radius of a hundred li, and hundreds of millions of demons were wiped out in this way, and there was no time to say a word. At the same time, 30 million beheading battalions were dispatched. They all wore the best armors and held sharp blades. They formed a third killing formation, forming a death vortex after another, directly rushing into the densest crowd. .

These 30 million nationals are all at the pinnacle level. They form three thousand killing formations, cooperate with each other in tacit understanding, rush from left to right, and specifically kill the devil. At the same time, the 60 million soldiers of the assault battalion were also dispatched, and they cooperated with the attack of the decapitation battalion to clear the guards around the devil king.

The equipment of these national soldiers was too sophisticated, and each of them carried a lot of attack amulet. They raised their hands to be thousands of flames, and the wind blades all over the sky were all powerful attack amulets refined by Zhang Jun. Wherever the two battalions went, the corpses were everywhere, blood flowed into rivers, and the demon army was vulnerable.

At the same time, one billion crossbowmen, 1.5 billion archers, 100 million artillery, and 30 million ballistas also launched attacks from a distance. The intensive rain of arrows and artillery fell from the sky, and the demon soldiers turned their backs. There was no time to form a counterattack.

"Hurry up and form a battle formation!" The demon kings roared again and again, desperately commanding their subordinates to counterattack, trying to save the battle.

This article comes from reading novels

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