Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 1261: King Huijing

Hearing that Emperor Xia had given so many rewards, Zhang Jun was very calm, because he had expected the update to be fast. This time Emperor Xia would inevitably bleed heavily, and now it seems that his prediction is indeed correct.

With a slight smile, he said: \"This is not because Emperor Xia is generous, but because he is a smart man. He knows that in the current situation, he must show enough sincerity and make good conditions before someone can sell his life for him. Moreover, the edict has already revealed some information. The Hundred Clan should take action directly, otherwise, with the formation and strength of Emperor Xia last time, the army of 80 billion, so many weapons of war, even Ling Tianhou and angry sky. Hou's cooperation can't win. There is only one possibility, that is, the strength of the demon army suddenly increases many times, and it is possible to cause such a result.\"

After hearing this, Zong Yuan asked: \"Is it really the Hundred Clan taking action? For so many years, the Hundred Clan hasn’t performed decent moves&, why do I have to take action at this moment?\"

Zhang Jun shook his head: \"I don't know the specific reason. It should be that after we defeated the Demon Race last time, we blocked certain plans of the Supreme Demon Race, and this forced them to show up.\"

Speaking of this, he took the scene that he saw in Shennong's'door' and'dong' mansion that day. In an extremely compressed world, countless masters of the hundred races were suppressed. No one of the hundreds of strong races was suppressed. Who did it? Is this accidental or a common phenomenon, or in every life forbidden area, there are hundreds of masters who have been suppressed.

Chu Chu asked: \"Dad thought that the Hundred Clan was suppressed by someone? Is this the reason why the Hundred Clan has not taken action?\"

Zhang Jun still shook his head and said: \"This is exactly what I want to know. On the one hand, this trip is for the purpose of Human Race, and on the other hand, I want to'figure out' what is going on.\"Speaking of which, He shook his head and said, "How strong is Daxia, but he was defeated in an instant. This time, it is very difficult for us to succeed. Unless we can greatly improve our combat power in a short period of time."

Yuwen shook the feather fan lightly, and said, "Your Majesty is already a third-order mage. If you can continue to break through and become a fourth-order or even fifth-order mage, it will be of great help to the overall situation. Moreover, the conditions set by Emperor Xia are very good. Rich, this can also greatly enhance your majesty’s overall strength.\"

Zhang Jun admitted that he said: "The 30% of the shares of Qishiyuan is not the same. I have visited the Qishiyuan. There are countless strange stones in it, and many of them have not appeared on the Yuanshi list. These 30% shares are probably better than others. All rewards must be precious. As for the 300 million talisman gold and one billion spiritual veins, it doesn't matter.\"

Xie Tianwang said: \"The power of that day-class battleship is also extremely powerful. It is connected to the big world and is invaluable. The emperor Laoer gave you five at once.\"

Zhang Jundao: \"The sky-class battleship is indeed precious, so it must be used to maximize its power.\"

Zong Yuan asked: \"What is the Spirit Slaughter Chariot? Is it the same level as the Spirit Chariot? If it is, that's not bad.\"

Zhang Jundao: \"This Spirit Slaughter Chariot should be the same as the God Chariot. It should be a product of the ancient mythological era. It is very powerful and will not be weaker than the Tian-class battleship. It has an independent space similar to the big world.\"

After listening to everyone, they all felt that Emperor Xia was really willing to bleed this time, if he had sent out twenty Tian-class battleships this time!

\"The next step, how should we prepare? \"Bai'Yu' Jing frowned, \"The third brother, you take this mission, whether it succeeds or fails, I think it may not be a good thing.\"

Bai'Yu' Jing's worries, everyone understands, if Zhang Jun loses, it is a negative emperor's grace, and whether he can survive on the battlefield is another question. Even if he survives, he will have to bear Da Xia's guilt. Eternal crime. But if he wins, that incalculable feat must be the master of merit. This alone, no matter how important he is to Daxia, and how much merit he has, it will be difficult for him to end well in the end.

Everyone couldn't help looking at Zhang Jun, who said indifferently: \"I have long thought about it, but my husband has something to do and what he doesn't do. After thinking about it, I hesitate, and it will be difficult for me to make a difference on the path of spiritual practice.\ "

Bai'Jade' respected Zhang Jun, thoughtfully and authentically: \"I recently discovered that the temperament of the third brother has become more and more unpredictable. You seem to be looking for your own way?\"

Zhang Jun nodded slightly and said: \"If you want to become a big Luo, you must make a big ambition. I used to be ambiguous about this before, and there was no clear way in my heart, but now I have some ideas. It seems that I have seen a way, although The twists and turns can inevitably lead to the right destination.\"

Everyone is overjoyed, this is a good sign! Zhang Jun is currently a third-order Dharma King, and he can see that his future advancement should not be difficult. Maybe after a while, he will become Dao Zun, emperor, celestial master, and even Shuntian monarch. After that, it was only one step away. You can see through Da Luo, and the root of Da Luo is to make a great wish, and then Da Luo!

The so-called ambition is not to say, but to say it, do it, and conform to the heart. This is difficult, because no one knows what kind of aspiration is called a ambition. All this sounds like It's simple, but it can be done. How many of the world's trillions of creatures can do it?

Zhang Jun was the King of the Fa at this time, and he ``exposed'' this kind of grandeur. With the clue of the ambition, everyone was naturally happy.

\"I am going to go to the battlefield in two days, but I am not alone on this trip, but there is also King Jing. King Jing is the leader of the pure-blood faction. He is powerful and cannot be underestimated. It is necessary for me to meet before the expedition.\ "

Zhang Jun is not familiar with this King Jing, he only learned from Ling Tianhou and other people that this person is the leader of the pure-blood faction, and his strength is high, and he may be a Dao-sovereign person. As for the others, he I don't know.

But since the two were ordered by Emperor Xia at the same time, then he must have one for this partner.[,! ] Deep understanding.

After everyone said some ideas and suggestions, Zhang Jun and everyone prepared to go separately. Two days later, he set off on time and went to the western battlefield to fight against the demons. After that, he left the South China Sea and rushed to the east of Daxia, King Jing territory.

The territory of the Great Xia King is also called the kingdom, and its lord is the king. This is a real kingdom with great autonomy. But this King Jing is much stronger than Zhang Jun, the unworthy King of the South China Sea. The country has an area of ​​100,000 miles, which is many times larger than his Nanhai country, with a large population and rich resources.

Moreover, there are a lot of spiritual veins, a certain amount of talisman gold, and even the Yuanshi, which is one of the rich places in Daxia.

As soon as Zhang Jun entered the territory of King Jing, he saw the clouds and mists flying in front of him, and a group of men and horses flew up. They all wore treasure armor, hand-held sharp guns, and mounted all the gods, not to mention all the beasts of the pinnacle national class!

The current one is a young general in white robe. He met Zhang Jun, jumped off his mount, and said politely: "The last general will see the King of the South China Sea! The young general Jing Wang is under the command of the left general, welcome before order!"

This article comes from reading novels.-30290+dsuaahhh+27926220--&

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