Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 1277: One piece

Ram Duxiu plucked the strings with his ten fingers, and the sound of the piano came out full of iron and blood. The sound of the piano seemed to have a kind of magic, which made the space almost solidified, and time and space were slow. At the same time, the killing air actually condensed into a swordsman in the void, roaring towards Zhang Jun. It is conservatively estimated that the attack power of these illusory warriors is not weaker than the peak warriors!

In the strings, there are thousands of horses hidden in secret, and this method immediately drew everyone's applause. What's more amazing is that as the rams change their rhythms, thousands of soldiers actually formed a killing formation, as if there was life, encircling Zhang Jun in the center.

"Amazing! Who the **** is this outstanding ram? His piano skills can definitely be described as stunning. I have long heard the rumor that the piano sound can kill a million soldiers, it turns out to be true!" People all sighed.

Then, the sound of the ram's unique piano became more and more urgent, faster and faster, and the spirit of killing became more and more serious. Those soldiers stood still in the void, constantly superimposing on each other. In a short time, at least five million piano-tone soldiers surrounded Zhang Jun densely, and the strong murderous aura was almost suffocating.


In the end, he shouted, plucking the strings with all his strength, and all five million soldiers rushed towards Zhang Jun, converging into a white murderous intent, just like the essence. The people around suddenly gasped, and some even exclaimed, "Nanhai King, be careful!"

Five million Qin Yin Jiashi combined forces to strike, and to say nothing of the damage of 500 million Jing, even Dao Zun might not be able to easily take it. However, Zhang Jun's complexion did not change, and his hands in his sleeves were finally revealed, just a flick on the three strings.


Time and space froze all at once, this time it really froze, not nearly froze when Ram played the piano alone. Whether it’s the only show of the Ram, or the five million piano musicians, all are set in the air. Then he conducted the dance ten times and played a piece of "General's Order". The melodious music showed the majesty and dignity of the general when he was promoted to the account, his vigor and agility when he went on an expedition, and the intense tension in the battle.

There were many military officers and entourages in the audience. They heard this song, and they all resonated. A **** likes singing and singing loudly following the song: The long wind is plugged in, the flute is cold; the desert is setting sun and the moon is empty. Listening to the camel bell day and night, I follow my dream into my hometown; I have six family letters on the pillow of three feet Qingfeng in my hand; I will be the head of the enemy and watch the tears die. Report to the court! Who listens?

After listening to Zhang Jun, the genre changed and he played a piece of "Order of Seven Kills". As soon as this song came out, billions of knives suddenly appeared in the void, but with just one cut, all five million soldiers were cut into two stages, and no one was spared. Ram Duxiu woke up immediately, he "wow" had to spit out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground. Those five million Jiashi seem to be illusory, but in fact it was the inspiration of the potential in his body, so they were broken, and his cultivation was almost abolished.

Zhang Jun immediately pressed the strings with both hands, the melody made a decisive voice, and said lightly: "Although you challenge this king, but this king will not kill you today, go."

Ram Duxiu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, got up and saluted, and turned away silently.

King Fu "haha" smiled and said with applause: "Wonderful! It is wonderful! The King of South China Sea is well-deserved, so this king is eye-opening!"

"Since fighting the piano, how can I be missing from Wei Boran!" Suddenly, a cold voice sounded, and a hunched old man slowly walked out from behind. It is very old, with gray hair and a dusty coat. However, there was a piano on his back. Everyone who saw the piano contracted his pupils involuntarily.

"Wan Guiqin!" Someone whispered, and then the whole hall was quiet.

With a surprised expression, Fu Wang hurriedly said, "Senior is the legendary Ghost Qin Wei Boran who defeated tens of billions of enemy troops with a Qin?"

"Timely husband." The hunched old man raised his face with a weird smile, but his eyes were fixed on Zhang Jun. "Young man, your piano skills are good, and the old man's hands are itchy. You are willing to compete with me. under?"

Zhang Jun said indifferently: "If even Amao and Agou can fight the piano with this king, doesn't this king have to live and die? You think that Dendrobium is fine, but if you lose, you have to win."

"Colorful head? Naturally." The hunchback old man took out a piece of purple metal, seeming to have something like nothing, with strange runes flowing on it.

"This is a piece of Void Spirit Gold, which is invaluable. Void Spirit Gold can be used to build magic weapons, and it is much more precious than Fujin. I wonder if it can act as a color head?" the hunched old man asked.

"Barely enough." Zhang Jun glanced lightly and asked coldly, "Apart from this Wei Boran, are there anyone else who wants to challenge this king?"

At this moment, he could clearly feel that something was wrong with today's situation. Suddenly so many people came out to challenge him. It must have been premeditated, but what are they doing? Do you just want to use these people to deal with yourself? This is too small for him.

"Me!" A very inconspicuous young man stood up. The young man was fifteen or sixteen years old, dressed like a beggar, and he looked dry, with sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks, and his appearance was annoying.

Zhang Jun glanced at each other lightly: "Oh? Young man, what do you want to compare with me?"

"Be bolder!" The young man grinned, showing a mouthful of yellow teeth, "but you have to compare with me, first defeat Guiqin."

Zhang Jun said, "Okay, I'll fight the piano with him first." At the end of the word, he waved his sleeves and the law shook, and the top of the entire Fuwang Mansion was lifted off, and the sky was bright.

Wei Boran took the Wanguiqin, his people hovering in the air, the piano horizontally in front of him. At this moment, his whole person's temperament changed, becoming cold and cruel, gusts of overcast wind blew, and the sound of ghost crying and wolf howling was also heard in the void.

Zhang Jun was still sitting on the spot, he glanced at Wei Boran, and said: "There must be a good show behind, I am too lazy to waste time. You leave now, I will save you from death; if you still have to fight with this king, Ben Wang Lishi shattered you into ten thousand pieces."

Wei Boran "haha" laughed wildly: "I have never met such an arrogant junior as you in the world of cross piano for two hundred years..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Zhang Jun moving his ten fingers together, following an indescribable rhythm, a nine-color light wave burst out, instantly surrounding Wei Boran. In that light wave, there are billions of knives, billions of sword shadows, billions of thunder, billions of wind blades, billions of ice, immeasurable weight, immeasurable flames, and immeasurable tears.

In an instant, Wei Boran shattered immediately. He didn't even have time to make a piano sound, just like that.

The scene was quiet, everyone looked at Zhang Jun with extremely shocked expressions. Guiqin Wei Boran died like this? The other party didn't even have the opportunity to use his tactics! What kind of violin does this Nanhai King use? Why are they so powerful! They have never seen that Zhang Jun’s nine strings are actually condensed from the nine core laws.

This book is derived from

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