Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 165: Travel to Myanmar

Peerless Perspective

Chapter 165-Travel to Myanmar

"Yeah! It is too difficult to break the rules and rebuild order. It will touch the interests of too many people and involve all aspects. │I am not optimistic about this project, and doing this project is not as good as studying spaceships."

Another expert rejected Cao Bao.

Ge Xiaoxian kept silent. She asked the fourth expert: "Expert Ma, what do you think?"

The expert surnamed Ma is in his 30s. He smiled slightly and said: "Some things seem difficult, but as long as you go step by step, results will always come out. The people in front said that this is breaking the rules and rebuilding order. In fact, The domestic market has always been in chaos, unfavorable supervision, and lax management."

"Take food as an example. Toxic fried dough sticks, tainted milk powder, toxic vegetables, cooking oil, etc. are too numerous to list, so that the citizens cannot eat reassurance, cannot drink reassurance milk, and sometimes even steamed buns are poisonous. All this is The market is disorderly, and it is just a good opportunity for the development of the sky."

"When the people find that there is a platform that can tell them what can be eaten, what can be worn, and what can be used, and the price is not fair, the quality is guaranteed, the people must be very welcome."

"Of course, such an open platform is not only free in the early stage, but also to invest money in it. This is unacceptable to ordinary investors." At this point, he looked at Ge Xiaoxian, "If you ask me, Zhang Dong will do it. How long can this money-sucking project last?"

Ge Xiaoxian said lightly: "Since Zhang Dong wants to do it, he is not afraid to invest money."

Expert Ma nodded, he helped his glasses, and smiled: "This is easy to handle, a market that has endless potential and requires time and money to cultivate. If Zhang Dong has money, the answer is obvious."

After the expert Ma finished speaking, the two remaining silent experts expressed their opposition, and the scene fell into chaos.

At this moment, Zhang Jun pushed in and he said loudly: "I think your discussion is in the wrong direction. Experts don't have to discuss whether this plan is feasible, but think about how to make this plan faster."

Expert Ma’s eyes lit up and said: “Dong Zhang! My opinion can be cut from children’s products and food. You know, parents are not willing to eat or wear themselves, but they are definitely not afraid to spend money on their children. They worry that the food they eat is unhealthy, the clothes they wear are unsafe, and the things they use are unscientific. If Tian can provide a platform for children's health consultation, it will be very popular with parents!"

Zhang Jun nodded and said, "This is a good idea, is there any more?"

Now that the boss has decided, the experts will stop talking and discuss how to better develop the project. The expert of the thick glasses said: "If you have to make a big deal, I think you have to work **** promotion. No matter how good things are, it is useless without customers."

Next, he made a detailed plan for product promotion, and everyone nodded repeatedly. After that, the experts held their own opinions and developed many new ideas for Zhang Jun.

Finally, he and Ge Xiaoxian jointly reviewed the plan.

Two hours later, Cao Bao, who was extremely anxious, was called in. He looked at everyone on the ground with trepidation.

Zhang Jun smiled and said: "Cao Bao, we have passed your plan, so we want to hire you as the planning director of the new company. Are you interested?"

Cao Bao looked excited, but after the excitement, he gritted his teeth again, lowered his head, and said weakly, "But, I want to do it myself."

Zhang Jun looked cold and asked, "Cao Bao, you have no funds, no team, and no experience. The only thing you have is an idea. Give you a position is already the best choice in your life."

Cao Bao's head is lower, still weak and weak: "Old, boss, I still want to do it myself, I have thought about this idea for five years, and there are still many details that I haven't told you."

Zhang Jun's eyes flashed. He felt that he had underestimated this seemingly declining guy. After thinking about it, he said, "Okay, you write down the details as materials and hand them in. At the same time, we all reconsider each other's ideas."

After Cao Bao left, Zhang Jun asked, "Xiao Xian, what do you think?"

Ge Xiaoxian smiled faintly: "Aside from professional opinion, only from the perspective of face, this personality is extremely weak, and it is a mess before the age of 30. And if he does not pass the 30-year-old level, he will lose his life."

Zhang Jun smiled and said, "He is just thirty years old this year."

Zhang Jun gave Ge Xiaoxian full responsibility for the establishment of Tian. He boarded the Lin family's private plane that afternoon and went to Myanmar with Lin Xian, Lin Hui and his entourage.

On the plane, Lin Hui frowned. Zhang Jun asked about the reasons, only to realize that the reform of the Lin family had encountered difficulties, a large number of family members had infighted, and some people wanted to divide the property list.

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