Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 407: Elite Club

Zhang Jun calmly said: "If I had a heart of fear, I would not stand here."

Yi Yang narrowed his smile. He stared at Zhang Jun and said, "You are a talent, and I can see your potential is endless. But I still want to warn you, don't go against the Holy Church again!"

Zhang Jun took a palm and shot him to death on the spot, and said coldly: "I will not only fight against the holy religion, but also uproot it!"

Lu Yunxiang's death made him very guilty. After burying the body, he pondered for several hours in front of the grave. The current situation is very bad, Zuo Tianwang suspected him, and the next will be endless entanglement and competition. He must come up with a countermeasure.

At present, his strength can't compete with the Holy Religion. The best way is to develop it secretly until it can compete with the Holy Religion. But the reality is that he seems to have lost the opportunity for secret development.

In the afternoon, Zhang Jun went directly to Kyoto to meet Ge Xiaoxian.

Ge Xiaoxian didn't expect Zhang Jun to appear at this time, she knew something must have happened. When she learned that Zuo Tian Wang was ready to attack him, she couldn't help showing a worried look, and said, "What are you going to do?"

"The King Zuo is extremely powerful in the country. I jump out and fight him now. The chances of winning are not big, so I have to bear it." Zhang Jundao, "Since he wants to kill me and Master, then we will disappear together."

"Disappearing together? What do you mean?" Ge Xiaoxian asked.

"Creating a death incident made Zuo Tianwang think that I and Master are dead. Of course, this plan is definitely risky in implementation, so I must take advantage of it. Of course, Zuo Tianwang will also pay for it!" Flashing.

Ge Xiaoxian thought this method was good, she thought about it, and said, "Since you are doing a show, let's do a big show. Although Zuo Tianwang has a strong domestic power, there are only a few core characters, and a few can be eliminated."

Zhang Jun nodded: "I also have this idea, but it requires a lot of expert help."

"I have gotten in touch with Grandpa and can let him come over. Speaking of masters, in fact, the masters around you are like clouds. As long as you gather them together, you may even have a chance to kill Zuo Tian Wang." Ge Xiaoxian said, "but it's not killing right now. His timing, we can only weaken his power."

In the previous operations, he gathered a group of masters when killing You Tianxian, Madame White Bone, Tuba, Yuan Huaigu and others, and everyone worked together to punish powerful enemies, and the effect was very good.

Zhang Jun tasted the sweetness early, and nodded repeatedly after hearing the words, saying: "I can indeed invite many masters."

Ge Xiaoxian said: "On my side, you can invite my grandpa, Sun Buer, and Yu Wenjing."

Zhang Jun thought for a while, and said, "I can invite a lot of people here, but I'm not sure how many people can come. I will notify them one by one tonight. How many people can come." He paused. Said, "There will be a press conference tomorrow. I want to let Zuo Tian Wang know the news of my coming out of the mountain."

Ge Xiaoxian: "Also, you must protect your parents and relatives to avoid retaliation."

"Don't worry about this, I have asked the Samsara team and the Celestial team to do it, and they have all secretly arranged to live in the countryside." Zhang Jun said, "And I am the agent of the country's'Project One', and there should be something on it. Action, coordinate with my action."

Ge Xiaoxian breathed a sigh of relief: "Yes, the power of the state apparatus should not be underestimated, but if it is not necessary, I think the state does not want to tear its face with the saints, they are jealous of each other."

"Yes, so we have to stop this action in moderation, not only to hurt them, but not to make them jump the wall in a hurry." Zhang Jun said.

The two conspired for one night, and the next day, Zhang Jun took the opportunity of Tianxing Automobile's new car launch conference to appear in front of the public. At the same time, his lost personal information was restored overnight.

Tianxing Automobile’s new car launch this time is very grand. There are a total of seven new cars released, two of which are high-end cars, one is priced at 680,000 and the other is 480,000.

In recent years, Tianxing Automobile has developed rapidly. It has successively merged Xianghua's Automobile Group, Lu Qiangren's Seven Star Automobile Company, and seven or eight private car companies and state-owned vehicles. At this moment, whether it is technology, talent, or marketing methods, Tianxing Auto can be compared with the international auto giants.

Last month, Tianxing Automobile accounted for 23% of the total automobile sales in the country, with sales exceeding 300 billion yuan, rushing to the 213rd place among the top 500 companies in the world.

Zhang Jun, the big boss who has always been hidden behind the scenes, finally came forward and immediately attracted great media attention. The media giants sent reporters to interview and report on the auto show in real time.

The reporters did not expect that Zhang Jun would be so young, rushing to ask questions, and Zhang would answer all questions.

At the time of the press conference, a group of masters in disguise came to Kyoto from all over the country. Lei Potian and Feng Xianrui from Xijiang, Jun Buyu and Han Longbo from Yundong, as well as Yang Gongcheng, Sun Buer, Yu Wenjing and Mo San.

In addition to the above masters, Hua Buyi, Ge Chunqiu, and Xie Tianwang also arrived. To Zhang Jun's surprise, X unexpectedly arrived this time, and he was accompanied by three masters including Cthulhu.

Finally, Situ Xing and Liu Zhen arrived.

So, including Zhang Jun, there were as many as 18 masters of Baodan!

After the press conference, in a secret base arranged by x, 18 peerless masters who stood at the pinnacle of human physical fitness gathered together. Some of them knew, some didn't, and they all got together now because of Zhang Jun.

With Hua Buyi, it was naturally not Zhang Jun's turn to preside over the matter. He stood quietly by the side. Hua Bu Yi gave up his hands to everyone in turn: "Thank you for your kind help, Bu Yi is grateful."

X said: "Lao Hua, stop talking nonsense, just talk about business."

Hua Buyi nodded: "I have always worried that the inferior Zhang Jun will be paid attention to by the holy religion, so I let him go incognito, but he was still noticed by Zuo Tian Wang. Zuo Tian Wang has already taken action against the people around us. Nan Bodhisattva is missing, and Yuxu sees the Lord. Lu Yunxiang was murdered, and Liu Zhenru, who was as far away as the United States, was also hunted down. Fortunately, he was saved by Situ Xing."

Speaking of this, he could not hide the anger and murderous intent in his eyes: "If we don't fight back, the friends around my master and apprentice will be killed by them one by one."

Yuwen was shocked at this time and asked: "Commercial, we are really powerful together, and it is not difficult to kill Zuo Tian Wang. But behind Zuo Tian Wang is Shengjiao, and the god-like person, you have to think twice. "

Hua Buyi said: "Brother Yuwen, don't worry. The purpose of this operation is not to get rid of the Zuotian King, but to weaken the power of Shengjiao in the country as much as possible so that they can be liquidated in the future."

While talking, X took out a document and said: "Zuo Tianwang has been operating in the country for many years. His power is so powerful that the country is worried. The reason why he has not moved him in these years is because he is afraid of causing riots."

He took out the first page of materials: "Zuo Tianwang is one of the four heavenly kings of the Holy Church, and he is a great official in Xinjiang. He has great power. The Holy Church's Message Church, the Holy Envoy, the Golden Messenger, the Blood Hand Church Branch, and the Xingtang A large number of people, such as the branch office, and the Asian inspectors, are closely linked to him. In addition, he has four departments and a large number of masters under his hand."

"I have estimated that there are about 20 to 30 masters of Baodan that Zuo Tianwang can mobilize, and there are many capable people at the Yuanjue level." X said, "Besides, he can also be at any time. We mobilized expert support from abroad. So our lineup of 18 people is not too strong compared to them."

"There are still us." At this time, the priest and other five people and the five wicked men appeared.

Seeing these five people, all the masters present changed their colors one after another. Obviously they had heard of their wicked names.

Before the words finished, Ding Shuigen led two werewolves into the hall again. These two werewolves have evolved to the level of a wolf king, and their combat power is equivalent to that of a Waigang master.

X raised his eyebrows and said, "It seems that even if we head-on, we have a chance to win." Then he said to Zhang Jun, "Boy, I know you have the skills, and you will arrange the rest."

Zhang Jun nodded, and he stood up: "The person Zuo Tianwang is going to deal with is my master and apprentice. I think it won't take long before they will send someone to assassinate. We don't have to go out, just wait here, just come here. Kill a few!"

"When they realize that it is not good, we will take the initiative to attack, the key target is the master around Zuo Tianwang." Zhang Jundao.

After careful discussion, everyone initially agreed to Zhang Jun's plan. The first step was to stand on the ground and wait for the rabbit. The second step was to take the initiative to attack. After that, everyone dispersed, and Zhang Jun and Hua Buyi staged the "death" drama.

This plan requires two conditions. The first is to understand the organization of Zuo Tianwang. In this regard, x can provide detailed information, and he can also inquire about the news by hypnotizing enemy members.

The second condition is that they must have strong force. Obviously, this point has also been achieved. Counting two werewolves, there are as many as 25 masters here, which is enough to sweep any forces.

After the plan was made, Zhang Jun decided to divide the people into five groups. Among the masters, the insight levels include: Liu Zhenru, Yang Gongcheng, Lei Potian, Feng Xianrui, Mo San, Wu Yizhi, Yu Wen Jing, and two masters who came with the evil god, named Huo Wubing and Fang Zhun. Nine people.

There are seven people at the outer gang level: Huabuyi, Han Longbo, Jun Buyu, Cthulhu, Lu Kongkong, Zhang Jun, and Sun Buer; at the inner gang level, there are x, greedy monk, ghost mother, and Situ Xing.

Above, the priest and Xie Tianwang trained Xiangang; Ge Chunqiu has reached the level of Yuanjue, and is a master of masters.

Therefore, after comprehensive consideration, Zhang Jun put Liu Zhenru, Yang Gongcheng, Hua Buyi, x, and priests into the first group; put Lei Potian, Feng Xianrui, Han Longbo, Greed Monk, and Xie Tianwang into the second group; put Mo 3. Wu Yizhi, Jun Buyu, Lu Kongkong and Ghost Mother are listed as the third group.

Huo Wubing, Fang Zhun, Cthulhu, Sun Buer, and Ge Chunqiu formed the fourth group; Zhang Jun and the remaining Yu Wenjing, Situ Xing, and the two werewolves were the fifth group.

Each of the five teams has the ability to overwhelm the world and earth-shattering capabilities. They will split their operations in the future to fight against Zuo Tianwang's power in the country.

After drawing up the plan, Zhang Jun chose the location of the ambush in a villa in the suburbs of Kyoto.

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