Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 453: Shen Rong Baodan

Zhang Jun nodded: "I support your view that the underworld is a destabilizing factor in society and must be eliminated."

In fact, he has always had no good impression of the so-called underworld. They are a group of people who disrupt order and should be cast aside by the whole society. Therefore, his wealthy gang is very self-disciplined. They have a bottom line that the gang must abide by, otherwise they will deal with the rules. Therefore, the local people are basically willing to accept the existence of the wealthy gang.

Zhou Jianping said at this time: "The wealthy gang you established is very good. It mainly operates the entertainment industry and the hotel industry. Although it also has gray income, it has no impact on the local social economy and order. On the contrary, it is beneficial. From the heart, I It is to promote the existence of such social organizations. But in the long run, we still have to put an end to such organizations."

Zhang Jun smiled slightly and said, "Big Brother Zhou, the rich and honourable gang will slowly whitewash. It will never harm society."

The two talked for a long time, and Zhang Jun finally agreed to Zhou Jianping's request to help him clean up the four major forces and then replace them. To make it clear, the country wants to support Zhang Jun to become the underground emperor of the mainland, so as to facilitate the country to rectify the underground order.

Of course, this is not without cost. One day, he must surrender power. But he doesn't care. The underground world is not his goal. His goal is to accumulate wealth in the process. This is the reward given to him by the country in disguise.

The total amount of wealth accumulated in the hands of the four great heroes is amazing, and they can make a fortune if they win them. He wants to dominate the international arena in the future, and he cannot do without huge funds. He is still in the accumulation stage.

In addition, the underground world ruling the whole country has another advantage, that is, it is possible to recruit quartet heroes to fight against the holy religion. Such a big country has countless outstanding people and many heroes. I don't know how many masters hide the folks. If they can be used by him, it will be a shocking battle.

Zhou Jianping was sent away, but Shen Rong did not leave. Her face was flushed and she said, "Brother Jun, I always feel that I am going to break through recently."

Under Zhang Jun's perspective, he found that Shen Rong actually had a tendency to hug Dan in a half step. He was overjoyed and said with a smile: "I didn't expect Xiao Rong, your qualifications are so good, now you will break through. I will just help you hug you today. Dan, achieve real humanity."

Shen Rong was very excited: "If you do this, you won't pull the seedlings to encourage growth, right?"

Zhang Jun waved his hand: "No, because you made a breakthrough through dual cultivation. In the process of dual cultivation, you and I blend in your mind and your body. It is more solid than the fruit of your own cultivation."

Shen Rong was overjoyed, and immediately started a double repair with Zhang Jun. This double repair is easy to say, but in fact, the middle is very subtle. If Zhang had not been able to see through, he would not dare to be so confident.

Speaking of which, Lei Potian's methods are far behind him, even though he taught this pair of cultivation techniques.

The yin and yang of the two converge, and while Shen Rong is happy, he finds that the blood qi in his body is converging. In an instant, he felt like a reborn and rising sky, her spirit and strength were all gathered in one place, round Tuo Tuo, shining, and joy in her heart.

After holding the pill, she immediately noticed the various changes in her body and stepped into a magical realm, which made her "ah" very surprised.

Zhang Jun said in her ear: "This is inner vision. There are three stages of inner vision, heavenly hearing, earthly vision, and mind-mindedness. I will let you go through them one by one. You have to feel it well."

While she was speaking, Shen Rong felt a large amount of golden light rushing into her body, and the blood energy in her body was becoming more and more convergent and more refined. She felt that her strength was constantly improving, and she couldn't help asking curiously: "Why do I feel the power is here? Increase?"

At this moment, Zhang Jun said solemnly, "The beauty of dual cultivation is that my achievements can be blessed by you, don't talk, feel wholeheartedly, I will try my best to make you reach the realm of the second grade of pill."

Shen Rong knew that it was a matter of great importance, so she calmed down and realized it carefully. Gradually, he felt that his life frequency began to resonate with Zhang Jun's life frequency. In the frequency of life, there are the mystery of life, the code of evolution, which is mysterious and mysterious.

The ancients practiced, the so-called opening the door to life and death, in fact, refers to the frequency of life, which can further strengthen oneself.

At this moment, the two merged into one and reached the state of meditation.

Time passed by one minute and one second, until the sun rose, their bodies trembled slightly and woke up from concentration. Shen Rong only felt very comfortable, and there was nothing uncomfortable up and down all over her body. She moved her body lightly.

After the cultivation, Zhang Jun felt that his own style was still inserted in the path of Wen Rulu, and his heart was suddenly shaken. Shen Rong has become a second-grade pill, he doesn't need to control his desire anymore. Looking at it, he immediately got up gently.

Shen Rong snorted and said, "You have **** me all night, are you still not satisfied?"

Zhang Junzheng said: "That is a double repair, and it has nothing to do with what we are doing now." With that, he moved faster.

Shen Rong felt her whole body soft and crisp, and she trembled: "You...you slow down, I feel so exciting, oh..."

"Is it very comfortable?" Zhang Jun asked with a smile.

Shen Rong blushed and nodded, and took the initiative to kiss Zhang Jun, Xiao Xiang's tongue moving like a snake.

Zhang Jun took a few bites of her and laughed: "You hold Dan with my help. Our life frequencies are similar, so our bodies can attract each other like magnets, so we make love now. Love is better than before. Love. The pleasure is intense several times."

Shen Rong said "Ah", "Then I'm dead, oops..."

She soon reached the pinnacle of happiness, fluttering and ecstatic, the cry was charming, soft and soft, and Zhang Jun rose up even more, as if she wanted to rub her into her body.

After the madness, Shen Rong softly leaned in Zhang Jun's arms and said softly: "My husband, it would be great if you could be with me every day."

Zhang Jun squeezed her greasy little face and said: "The ancients have said that if the two loves last for a long time, how can they be in the midst of the day, right?"

Shen Rong snorted softly: "But you are not by your side. I am worried that you will provoke the flowers. I know that you are not the only woman."

Zhang Jun was embarrassed and said, "Sometimes he can't help himself."

"You mean it?" Her little hand held Zhang Jun's Xing Shang and asked bitterly, "Is it not honest, or are you not honest?"

Zhang Jungan laughed: "It just rested and it angered it, don't blame it for biting you."

Shen Rong took a sip and then sighed faintly: "Unexpectedly, my current official position is bigger than that of my dad. In a few years, I might be the spy chief. I didn't dare to think about it before."

"You don't want to be in this position?" Zhang Jun asked.

"No, I will stick to it." Shen Rong gently stroked Zhang Jun's face with her little hand, her eyes were tender. "I can protect you when I have power. I know your enemy is very powerful, so I must change. To be strong."

Zhang Jun was moved in his heart. He hugged the woman tightly and kissed affectionately.

After Shen Rong left, Zhang Jun took the opportunity to go to the northwest. The first force he had to deal with was the Northeast Tigers, which required Bai Yujing's full cooperation.

Today, Bai Yujing has become a veritable king of the Northwest, and he speaks the law with great power.

At the Emperor’s Villa, Zhang Junhe Huabuyi, Bai Yujing, and Yuwen Jing were all there, and even Xie Tianwang arrived one day in advance. In addition, there are five people including the Greed Monk, as well as three masters from the Celestial Team.

Everyone is discussing how to deal with the Northeast Tiger Dai Duxuan.

Yuwen groaned in surprise: "Dai Duxuan's forces spread throughout the three provinces of Northeast China. There are four major tiger guards under his command, and the assistance of Sai Zhuge Bao Tianqi. The Tiger Hall he established has a 100,000-strong help. As far as I know, Dai Duxuan also came from North Russia. He bought a large amount of weapons and exported them to North Korea through special channels. He has a close relationship with the leaders of North Korea."

"If we want to deal with Dai Duxuan, we must first get rid of Bao Tianqi, this man is unparalleled. Second, we must get rid of the four tiger guards, who are Dai Duxuan's minions. After that, Dai Duxuan can be controlled. , Gradually annexing the Northeast site."

Huabuyi shook his head: "Brother Yuwen, I'm afraid it won't be that simple. You overlooked someone."

"Oh? Who is it?" Yuwen asked curiously.

"Dai Duxuan has a lady named Wei Daoxiang. This woman is very mysterious and comes from a family with ancient inheritance." Huabuyi frowned. "There are very few such families in the world, and each one is very scary. ."

When he said this, Yuwen was surprised to think of something, his face changed drastically, and he hurriedly asked, "Brother Hua, are you talking about those mysterious and powerful cultivators?"

Hua Buyi nodded, with a serious expression: "Such a family of cultivators is often inherited for thousands of years. They are born with noble and powerful bloodlines. Every clan is born as a genius. Most of the time they stay in secret, they practice exclusively and pursue pursuits. Heavenly Dao in the underworld. But as soon as you catch the world, you have the powerful strength to change dynasties."

"The Zhang family of Longhushan, the Yuan family of Nanyang, and the Ge family. They were all cultivating families hundreds of years ago. Unfortunately, they were suppressed by the Qing court colluding with other families and eventually fell. Even so, these families It still has a great influence on the current world."

Zhang Jun was startled. He didn't expect that there would be such a existence in the world, so he couldn't help asking: "Master, how did these aristocratic families come into being? Why would they avoid the world?"

Hua Buyi said: "You

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