Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 637: sickle

Yu Jiuyin squinted his eyes and stared at Zhang Jun and said, "Boy, working for a woman often doesn't end well. Today you are dead!" He only broke through to Zhenli Triple Layer the year before, and he was ten times worse than Zhang Jun of Zhenli Jiuzhong. Thousands of miles. But in his eyes, Zhang Jun is just a very weak young man, perhaps a little bit stronger than Zhu Bingjing and Zhu Bingjie, but he is definitely not much stronger.

Zhang Jun ignored him and said to Zhu Bingjing: "These aristocratic families have a great influence in the DPRK. Even if you catch him, you will be released soon. I suggest that you rectify the Fa on the spot and be straightforward. But you have to do well. Be psychologically prepared, once you kill him, the Yu family will make you trouble 100%."

Zhu Bingjie looked hesitant, but Zhu Bingjing said firmly: "Scythe, I will kill him! But before killing him, I will declare him guilty!"

Zhang Jun shrugged and stood aside. This can make Yu Jiuyin angry. Do these three people think that they are rag dolls? You can fight as you want? He snorted, ready to show Zhang Jun some color, so he shook his body and reached out to grab it. Zhang Jun.

With this grasp, his true power surged, capable of breaking rocks and cracking pig iron, with great power. But Zhang Jun didn't evade. He stretched out his hand casually, staggered his fingers, and tapped his elbow like lightning.

Yu Jiuyin felt an electric current rushing through his body. He was numb all over, and he was frustrated to the ground, and his true strength was lost. At this moment, he finally showed an expression of shock and fear, and shouted: "You...Who are you?"

"I am a sickle." Zhang Jun replied.

Zhu Bingjing came over, looked at him with a look of disgust and disdain, and said: "Yu Jiuyin, you are having fun in the south of the Yangtze River, and you have taken a fancy to a woman named Bi Wenwen. But Bi Wenwen doesn't like you, he becomes another person. A man’s wife. The two of them knew you were not an ordinary person, so they were afraid, so they hid in a place where no one lives."

"But you have a vicious heart, so you are determined to retaliate. You mobilized your power at home and finally found this couple. They have already given birth to a child, and the child is only three months old. You found them and raped them in front of the man. Killed a woman, the method was so vicious and shameless. Then, you threw the child a few months old to death, and then tortured the man with the cruelest means. A family of three died at your hands, do you admit it Blood debt?"

Yu Jiuyin's handsome face twisted and said angrily: "You crazy woman, chasing me half a country for three ant-like people, what do you want to do?"

"Bring you to justice!" Zhu Bingjing said loudly, "You have no right to take the lives of others. If you kill someone, you will pay for it!"

"Haha..." He laughed loudly, "Does killing pay for life? If you know the history of our cultivation family, you will understand that killing is almost the same as drinking water### for us. I cultivated true power in Jiuyin, and put it in In ancient times, people would be called "Shangxian"!"


Zhang Jun took a slap down, his secret luck broke, and Yu Jiuyin's mouth full of teeth all collapsed, blood flowing in his mouth. He stared at Zhang Jun bitterly, and said, "You have such a cultivation base, and it must be from a family. You should know how powerful my Yu family is!"


Zhang Jun stretched out his hand and squeezed his jaw directly. He screamed and could no longer speak.

"The members of the cultivation family are still arrogant as always, but unfortunately no one can save you this time. Don't talk any more, listen carefully to your guilt, and then wait for death."

Yu Jiuyin was finally afraid, with a look of horror and begging in his eyes, and he yelled "Ahhhhh", but unfortunately he couldn't make a sound.

Zhu Bingjing looked at him with a mocking look, and said, "I believe that you have committed more than one crime, so you have to pay the price." After that, she pulled out a dagger from her body, and she shone with cold.

Yu Jiuyin yelled, waving his hands wildly, as if he wanted to express something. However, Zhu Bingjing had already stabbed the dagger out mercilessly, accurately ### the heart, and then rotated it a few times.


Yu Jiuyin's heart was twisted into a mass of minced meat, and the gods couldn't save him, so he was very angry on the spot.

After killing Yu Jiuyin, Zhu Bingjing breathed a long sigh of relief and said to Zhang Jun: "Sickle, thank you."

Zhang Jun smiled slightly: "You're welcome, what are you going to do?"

Zhu Bingjing looked melancholy, and said: "We act privately, and we will definitely be dealt with by our superiors. Maybe we have to go to a military court. And you also said that the Yu family is very powerful and will retaliate against us."

"So you are waiting for Yujia to retaliate against you? At the same time waiting for the punishment above?" Zhang Jun looked at her and asked, as if looking at an idiot.

Zhu Bingjie sighed quietly: "Other than this, what can we do?"

Zhang Jun grinned, showing white teeth, and said: "You two have very good aptitudes, but it's a pity that you have gone the wrong way and there is no master to guide you. This has stopped your energy."

The two women were both taken aback, what did he mean?

Zhang Jun said: "Anyway, the above will punish you, so I don't think I will do it anymore. I will take you to a place where you can concentrate on practicing and do what you want to do without worrying about retaliation from your family. If you agree, now Just follow me. If we disagree, we will break up now."

The sisters looked at each other, Zhu Bingjing resolutely said: "Sickle, I believe you, let's go!"

In front of Zhu Bingjing, Zhu Bingjie has always had no opinion, she smiled bitterly: "Then I will go too."

Zhang Jun raised his eyebrows and said, "Very well, let's go."

Immediately, he took the Zhu family sisters to the compound. Two hours later, the brothers of the Wealthy Gang sent them away and went directly to the Northwest Base. In fact, he chose to take in the two sisters, one is not out of sympathy, and the other is not out of friendship, but pure cherishment.

When he met the sisters in Japan that year, he realized that they were extraordinary through the technique of looking at the air. They stepped on the red clouds with purple light on their heads. At that time, he didn't understand this phenomenon very well. It was not until later that he deeply studied Wang Qi technique that it was a kind of fortune and it was a gem.

People who have fortunes are most suitable for business. Such a person must be smooth sailing in business, making money from all directions and becoming a generation of giant merchants. But the two sisters obviously took the wrong path in life, and they actually got into the X team and shouted and screamed, which was a waste of ability.

For example, today the Group is in a critical period of development and is in need of such talents to join. Of course he will not let it go, and must hire him.

After sending away Zhu Bingjing and Zhu Bingjie, he summoned the five destroyers. There will be a big battle tonight, and he decided to increase the combat effectiveness of the five destroyers. Time is too hasty, it is definitely too late to teach them kung fu, they can only start with weapons.

A batch of weapons have already been shipped to the compound. These weapons are all modified and designed by Xiaoqiang. In addition to the large pistol he used before, this time there is also a huge laser gun and an impact grenade.

This kind of laser gun weighs one hundred kilograms, and most people cannot use it. But its power is extremely strong, it can vaporize the human body in an instant, which can be called terrifying. The impact grenade is as big as a fist, its killing radius is large, and the explosion center can generate tens of thousands of degrees of high temperature. It is the latest product developed.

Five destroyers, each equipped with a laser gun. The laser gun is too heavy and can only be hung on the neck, and at the same time, it must be held with one hand to control the shooting direction. Although this weapon is cumbersome, it is extremely flexible when shooting and can be operated with one hand.

In addition to laser guns, each of them is equipped with ten impact grenades in case of emergency.

Zhang Jun’s weapon is still that kind of big pistol, but this time he uses no longer anti-aircraft shells, but a miniature missile made by Xiaoqiang using a universal machine tool. This small missile has the characteristics of both missiles and bullets, can reach five times the speed of sound in an instant, and can shoot straight.

The big pistol can hold six bullets, can be single shot or burst, Zhang Jun called it a small gun. Indeed, such a big gun is no longer suitable to be called a gun. It is more appropriate to call a small gun.

Zhang Jun originally wanted Xiaolongnu to be equipped with weapons, but she refused. He didn't worry about it. With the strength of the little dragon girl, even if he encountered a return to true level magical power, he might not lose. Besides, she can carry the Dragon and Tiger Mirror and Xiansheng Sword Pill on her body, and she has the capital to smash strong enemies.

Before it got dark, Zhang Jun and his group went to the small county town and stayed in a hotel. Act as long as it gets dark. This time, he brought hundreds of brothers from the wealthy gang with him, and five large trucks to spare. (Welcome to follow the little demon on Sina Weibo~www.readwn.com~网小妖’, sincerely seek fans

Not long after they came to the county seat, the Yu family finally found Yu Jiuyin's body. In the living room of the residence where the Yu family was located, Yu Jiuyin's body was lying on the ground, and the two old men stared at the body with dark faces.

"Jiuyin is the third level of true power, and those two women can't hurt him at all." An old man with a **** mole on the corner of his mouth murmured, "This is an expert targeting at home!"

Another old man had big left eyes and small right eyes. His eyes flashed to death, and he said bitterly: "When this matter is over, be sure to catch the two women and ask who the person behind is. I must They thwarted their bones!"

The old man with moles sighed and said: "This ancient cave was opened in the early years. I don't know how many treasures are left in it. Moreover, there are too many people who have come out to **** at least ten. You have found no, Shengjiao The people seem to have stepped in."

"Not only the Shengjiao, but even the Qin family are here. The two are still facing off in Lishan, but they can even split their hands here, indicating that they are both very powerful." The big-eyed old man said, "We better not Take action first, observe in secret first, so as not to become a target of public criticism."

In the other courtyard, Yang Tian felt also very bad. Five destroyers and a **** have disappeared for a few days, and it has been confirmed that they have fallen because the biochips on them are all shut down. A deity plus five or destroyers, the holy religion can be cultivated at a huge price, and it is actually destroyed!

"Zhang Jun, I will definitely not let you go!" He hated to the extreme in his heart, his eyes became blood red, and two hot white air erupted from his nostrils. This was a manifestation of the excessive operation of True Power.

At this time, there was an old man beside him. This old man had a refined temperament and was fifty years old. He was wearing a gray suit with a faint smile on his face. He said: "His Royal Highness, don't be angry, as long as Zhang Jun appears, the old man will definitely be able to keep him."

Hearing what he said, Yang Tian felt a little relieved, and said politely: "Xiang Fa has already half-step magical powers. Of course I can rest assured that you are out there. But that Zhang Jun is very cunning. Next time we must be fully prepared. Can't let him run away."

A destroyer said: "According to the spy's report, the nearby Wealthy Gang had undergone major personnel changes, and Zhang Jun did not leave. It is very likely that he also knew about the ancient cave."

"That's the best!" Yang Tian sneered, "I told him to come and go!"

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