Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 907: Shocking Fang

The tenth place is called Fayundi. The Bodhisattva in Fayundi can realize the wisdom of all Buddhas, also known as Buchu Bodhisattva, which means that he will become a Buddha. The Bodhisattva of Fayundi has great compassion, great magical powers, and the clouds with merit and wisdom are tightly guarded, can emit great lightning, shake the sound of thunder, and defeat all demons.

The immeasurable and incredible doors of liberation and immeasurable magical powers of the bodhisattvas of the ten places are also accomplished here. And with the wise wisdom, free supernatural power, wisdom and brightness are not different. If the wisdom of the Buddha is like the fifteenth moon, then the wisdom of the Fayuntian Bodhisattva is like the thirteenth or fourteenth moon, and it is only a little short of reaching Consummation.

Buddhism practice is the most important focus. As soon as Zhang Jun's spiritual realm entered the tenth place, he himself became a Bodhisattva of Dharma Cloud Land. In an instant, the big lotus blossoms were suddenly released from his seat, and immeasurably bright, illuminating the world of law and benefiting all beings. The great lotus flower appeared, and the world of ten directions was shaken. From his feet, two knee chakras, manipura chakras, face gates, between his brows, tops of his head, etc., they all released immeasurable light, illuminating the vast world and immeasurable beings. .

As soon as he entered ten places, his supernatural powers were self-contained, and the many supernatural power seeds in his body bloomed in the lotus pond, teleporting supernatural powers, metal supernatural powers, thunder and lightning supernatural powers, psychedelic supernatural powers, etc., all mature in an instant. At the same time, the rest of the lotus shook one after another, together with the Sanqing lotus and the emperor lotus, swaying at the same time.

When Sun Xiaochan was preparing to continue initiating the wisdom of the Bodhisattvas of the Ten Places, he suddenly felt a powerful repulsive force, and that repulsive force obviously originated from the Buddha's relic. This made his empowerment failed and could not continue. He couldn't help being shocked. He closed his hand and looked at Zhang Jun. He saw that his whole body was shining brightly. It was the realm that the Buddha of Fayundi should have, but this arrogant weather was too amazing!

I saw that the light actually penetrated the Zen forest, broke into the wasteland, and then entered the wasteland and other small worlds, even the secular people of the lower realm have sensed such great power and great power.

Zen Master Huan Kong was surprised and delighted: "This kind of power, I am afraid that only when I wait for the manifestation of the saints, right? Zhang Daoyou really has extraordinary roots!"

Sun Xiaochan sighed and said: "This momentum is nothing, but I can only empower him to the'ten places', but the wisdom of'waiting enlightenment' cannot be transmitted. I feel the repulsive power of the Buddha's eye relics. So that I cannot continue to empower him."

Zen Master Huan Kong said: "The wisdom of the ten places is nothing but the wisdom of the three-point Buddha when you realize it. He is a great bodhisattva who is about to become a Buddha. You are afraid that you are not qualified to empower him."

"Isn't it qualified?" Sun Xiaochan smiled bitterly and shook his head, "Yes, is the wisdom in the Buddha's eye relics beyond my reach? I think he is waiting for the achievements of Juepin in the future, and he will far exceed me."

While talking, Zen Master Huan Kong's expression tightened: "Look, his body is about to turn back!"

In an instant, many lotus flowers and lotus ponds in Zhang Jun's body suddenly shrank, and many divine powers and true powers converged inward, and finally turned into a group of extremely sharp energy. The center of the energy is the divine power condensed by many supernatural powers, and the outer shell is Zhang Jun's extremely powerful Xianwu real power.

The energy of the whole body is gathered into such an oval energy ball, which is not big, but contains the power of terror. The little turtle hiding in the lotus pond finally showed its head. It slowly rose up, actually supporting the energy ball with the turtle shell and floating in the sea of ​​consciousness. Zhang Jun suddenly felt that his physical body was turning back, half-step magical powers, Yuanjue, Xiangang, Neigang, and Waigang, and then retreated to internal vision, energization, and dark energies.In the end, he quickly became an ordinary person. people.

This is one of the hardships faced by the Guizhen monks, which is called physical retreat. The meaning of retreating the body means that the cultivation base will slowly dissipate, leaving only pure spiritual power, and that spiritual power will be used at the last moment to open up the spiritual realm. This situation is the same as the hatching of an egg. The egg white and yolk are all gone, and their essence is all transformed into chicks. This is broken and then standing.

After his strength was emptied, Zhang Jun felt his body soft and almost fell on the ground. The 48,000 pores all over his body spewed a foul smell. It seemed that his body was decomposing at a speed that could be seen by the naked eye, his bones and hair were black, and his internal organs were corrupted. If this is the real world, there must be a large number of flies around him, because flies like the breath of corpses the most.

"Oops! How could his body turn back so badly? It's terrible!" Zen Master Huan Kong was shocked, and hurriedly took the pill from his body for first aid.

Sun Xiaochan also had an ugly face, and said, "What supernatural powers did this kid cultivate? How could he suffer such a mysterious catastrophe? If there is no elixirs to save him, I am afraid it will be hopeless!"

At this moment, Zhang Jun suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were already muddy due to sex, and he couldn't see things clearly. He tremblingly took out a porcelain bottle from his pocket, then poured out a pill and swallowed it into his abdomen. The pill is turquoise and exudes a faint fragrance. As soon as the fragrance comes out, it directly drives away the rancid smell.

"Huh? Life-returning pill! This is a supreme high-grade spirit pill!" Sun Xiaochan was greatly surprised, and then suddenly he was taken aback. Zhang Jun was from Shennong Sect. How could he lack the pill? Thinking of this, he suddenly laughed. : "It seems that we are worrying about it, maybe he can pass this level."

Zen Master Huan Kong understood what Sun Xiaochan was referring to, and said: "Then it depends on how many pills he has prepared and the level of those pills. I hope he can survive it!"

After Huabuyi returned to real life, he opened the second door of the first cave and obtained a large number of high-grade spirit pills and **** pills from it. It doesn't hurt to prepare more pills, and it really came in handy at this time.

A life-returning pill was put into the abdomen, and the body was stopped in just a few breaths. If there is no such medicine, Zhang Junshiyou will turn into a pile of dead bones and die. From this alone, we can see the importance of the pill for the practitioner. Two monks with the same qualifications turned back physically, the former would undoubtedly die without a pill, but the latter could be carried by the force of the pill.

When the effect of the Huiming Pill stabilized, Zhang Jun said helplessly: "Don't worry, the two of you, my family teacher asked me to bring me a set of refining pills handed down from ancient times, which can help me force the pass."

Sun Xiaochan and Zen Master Huan Kong looked at each other. When their bodies turned back, it would be good if they could have a few tribulation pills on their bodies, but he had a set of pills handed down from ancient times. Zen Master C Kong could not be surprised and asked him. "Daoyou Zhang, where does this pill come from? Can it help you through this calamity?"

Zhang Jun took out a handful of "Three Treasure Replenishing God Pill" and swallowed it, and his complexion gradually became ruddy. Seeing this scene, Master Sun Xiaochan and Master Huan Kong's eyes twitched, and they had also had the Three Treasure Replenishing Spirit Pill before, but it was only after they returned to the truth that they finally got it at a high price. This pill can make the dying person full of energy, and no matter how much it eats, there will be no side effects. It can make people break through at the most critical moment. It is definitely a rare pill.

Learned full of energy, refreshed, and at least the body has recovered to the level of holding pill. Zhang Jun smiled and said: "The pill that my master prepared for me is called'Frightening God's prescription.' There are also pill prescriptions. There is an allusion. In the ancient times, there was a great ability to cultivate a pill, but his lover was mediocre, and he had no chance to cultivate to his level. In order for the two to stay together, the great ability would be exhausted. Ten years of effort, traveled all over the world, and refined a set of pill. It is with that set of pill that his lover forcibly reached the same level of cultivation as him. This pill is the magic formula, the pill. The mystery and greatness of God can shock the gods."

Zen Master Huan Kong and Sun Xiaochan didn't know what to say, Shennongmen really had a lot of money, but it was just a retreat of the flesh, and they came up with such a set of heaven-defying prescriptions! If he waited for his manifestation, how exaggerated would it be?

Zhang Jun was not conscious at all. He triumphantly introduced the alchemy to the dumbfounded two persons: "This group of alchemy has forty-nine alchemy, including seven low-grade spirit pills, seven middle-grade spirit pills, and seven High-grade spirit pills, seven low-grade **** pills, seven middle-grade **** pills, seven high-grade **** pills, and the final seven superb **** pills. These pills must be taken gradually and slowly, and it takes seven days before and after. To work."

Sun Xiaochan didn't know what to say anymore. He was also a generation of sages. At this time, he felt like a countryman entered the city. He was almost blinded by the pills Zhang Jun took out. After he recovered, he coughed dryly and said, "Zhang Jun, just tell me, what level can your physical body reach after taking these pills?"

Even when the Manifestation of Saint is facing a professional talent like Zhang Jun, he can only ask for advice humbly.

Zhang Jundao: "According to the introduction on the pill prescription, my strength will exceed the eleventh-level gods of Shengjiao. If there are twelve-level gods, it is almost at that level."

Sun Xiaochan naturally knows the **** warriors of the Holy Sect. He murmured: "Twelfth-level gods? Eleventh-level gods can challenge the peak of return to truth. How strong will the twelfth-level gods be?"

When speaking, Zhang Jun had already swallowed the first low-grade spirit pill. Suddenly, his bones all over his body "cracked", and a tyrannical force came out from his body, making him want to roar up to the sky. Then came the second, third, and seven low-grade spirit pills, which he took one day to finish.

At night, he stopped taking medicine, but just meditated to refine the qi, so as to completely absorb and refine the spirit pills that he swallowed during the day. With only seven low-grade spirit pills, he reached the level of Xiangang. At the same time, he observed with Buddha's eyes and found that the body was evolving at an incredible speed.

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