Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 925: Might gather

This fourteenth-level **** looked incredible. He couldn't understand how Zhang Jun did it. Even the Holy Master has no such ability! If you are loyal to him, can you still get such benefits in the future? He believes that there is not much needed, as long as there are three or five magical powers, the strength can be improved by leaps and bounds!

In a flash of thought, he made a decision and said: "Thank you! I will do my best to do this!"

"Your future code name is ghost." Zhang Jun looked at him, "You just have to remember a little bit and do things for me, I can make you reach the peak of Manifestation! Even your holy master may not be able to reach this level."

"Yes, the ghost understands!" The fourteenth-level **** warrior saluted deeply.

"You go." Zhang Jun waved his hand to let the other party leave.

The ghost's figure flashed and disappeared in the same place. Zhang Jun showed a different color and said to himself: "The strength of this ghost should be higher than me, but after all, he is not really a manifestation of the sage. Once he enters the battle, he still has to Suffer."

After laying the "ghost" chess piece, Zhang Jun continued to traverse the world, the first step is to recruit a group of capable and responsible people, let them become the first batch of managers. And this group of managers drew part of them from the rich gang.

Since Zhang Jun rectified the Fugui Gang, this organization has been very complete and sophisticated. Every member can meet the requirements in terms of ability and spiritual will, because Xiaoqiang evaluates them 24 hours a day.

It can be said that after every wealthy gang joins, they must continuously accept Xiaoqiang's admonitions. Year after year, day after day, every member is extremely loyal to Xiaoqiang and works very seriously.

The interim government established the Management Executive Committee, referred to as the Management Executive Committee, which will take over the management at all levels. Whether it is an enterprise, an agency, the government, or the military, it will be under its management.

Central enterprises and state-owned enterprises have begun to conduct comprehensive audits and replacements. In just a few days, the state has completely controlled these monopolistic and profitable enterprises. Of course, by the way, many huge corruptions and countless chains of interests have been uncovered.

It's just that Zhang Jun has reached an agreement with many power giants, and he has not moved these people. Of course, it is inevitable that some people will be taken to vent the anger.

The reform of the entire country is proceeding in an orderly manner, during which it has naturally encountered resistance from many people, but in the face of the powerful national power and historical torrents, they are very vulnerable and cannot change anything at all.

Such a big country involves all aspects of change. This is undoubtedly an arduous project. If Xiaoqiang had a strong execution and planning ability, it would have been impossible to accomplish such a major task. Of course, without the silence or cooperation of the power giants, this matter is also not easy to accomplish.

Changes are going on bit by bit. This is a long process. It cannot be completed without months or even years. Zhang Jun is not in a hurry.

Specific things are done by the Wealthy Gang and the Provisional Government, with Xiaoqiang in charge of the overall situation. And Zhang Jun led the crowd to deal with emergencies at any time, such as the raids of the Shengjiao.

Since the "ghost" left, people from Shengjiao have appeared several times, but they were all repelled by him. He killed several tenth-level gods. There was news from the "ghosts" that the people of the sacred religion had retreated, because they knew that they could not make a big wave, but would fall into a dangerous situation.

Compared with the small actions of Shengjiao, the threat from neighboring countries is much greater. The Japanese side declared that China and Turkey are hostile countries, and dispatched warships to blockade the seas, and held large-scale military exercises with the American Federation. Forces such as the Federation of Southeast Asia, the Federation of India, the Federation of Central Asia, South Korea, and the Federation of Europa have expressed their views in words or actions.

Regarding these changes, Zhang Jun did not have any response from the Provisional Government. Instead, he asked Tianxingguo to issue a clear statement. The content of the statement was that Tianxingguo would establish a military alliance with the Central Power. In war, the other side will give full assistance at all costs.

As soon as this statement was issued, joint military exercises at sea were immediately cancelled, and the surrounding army buildups also disappeared. No way, the nuclear bomb attack of Tianxing Nation some time ago frightened these forces. Others' nuclear bombs can enter, but yours can't get out, so there is no way to do it, you can only endure it.

A statement made by Tianxing Nation immediately made all threats around the central state disappear, at least until those forces came up with a way to deal with Tianxing Nation’s nuclear bomb, it was safe.

When the overall situation was finalized, Zhang Jun took Xiaolongnv and others quietly to leave, and returned to Wudang Mountain to meet with all the sages. At this moment, all the sages and powers have gathered in Wudang Mountain. They are Fan Wenzheng, Ji Fuzi, and Su Taidou of Confucianism; Sun Xiaochan, Huankong, Huoyun of Buddhism, and Li Daojun, Li Shengjun and Luojiashan of Xuanhuang Small World Smiling mother-in-law.

With the nine sages and powers gathered together, Zhang Jun, a junior, would naturally be waiting for him. Some of these characters, he has never seen before, and he has to see them one by one. Everyone was obviously interested in Zhang Jun and asked about his life history.

The laughing mother-in-law of Luojiashan actually looks very young, holding a jade-necked bottle with a willow in it, wearing a purple robe and a white gauze, she is about forty years old. She smiled kindly, and said to Zhang Jun: "Little baby, I heard Li Daojun said that you have Buddha's eye relics. Is it possible to take a look?"

Zhang Jun smiled bitterly: "Going back to seniors, the relic is in the sea of ​​knowledge of juniors and cannot be taken out."

The smiling mother nodded: "Great goodness! You have a destiny with the Buddha, and the future is limitless." Then she said, "My Xuanhong from Luojiashan takes your blessing back to the body, and I am currently hitting the pass of the Xiansheng. I thank you for her. "

Zhang Jun was overjoyed: "Senior Xuanhong is finally going to be a saint? Congratulations!"

Smiling mother said: "I heard that there is a female disciple with the innate nine senses by your side. I wonder if you can cut love? I have an authentic nine senses cultivation method in Luojia Mountain, and she is still the most suitable practice here."

Zhang Jun naturally refused, he said: "Please forgive me, senior, my disciple is also very talented in the path of medicine, and juniors are not willing to let go."

The laughing mother-in-law was not angry either, she smiled "hehe": "Never mind."

Then, a tall monk wearing a big red robe looked over and asked, "Junior, where did your Buddha's eye relic come from?"

Zhang Jun's heart moved. He knew that the Buddha's eye relic came from the Tibetan area, and this great monk was the Huoyun master of Tibetan Tantric Buddhism. Does he know the roots of the Buddha's eye relic?

Thinking of this, he didn't conceal it, so he listed the causes and consequences, as well as the things he knew. He knows that since this Buddha's eye relic is on himself, it is impossible for others to take it away. Otherwise, he is afraid that someone would have started it earlier, so he is not afraid of anything.

After listening, Master Huoyun sighed, "No wonder!" Then he stood up and bowed to Zhang Jun.

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