Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 938: Boundless merit

A certain province of Central Plains, thousands of miles away from the northeast, is a barren mountainous area.

There are only a hundred households in Xiaowang Village. Due to poor transportation, all the young and strong laborers in the village have gone out to work, leaving all the old and weak women and children. Grandma Li is almost 80 years old this year, and her children and grandchildren are not at home. She lives alone. She usually has a good body and bones, but it was difficult to breathe suddenly for some reason this afternoon, and her face flushed.

Grandma Li insisted on asking for help from the neighbors. The neighbors were shocked and prepared to send her to the hospital. But the nearest small hospitals are more than a hundred kilometers away, and people are afraid that they will not be able to arrive. After all, this is an emergency. Everyone was in a hurry. A 13-year-old doll who was still in elementary school in the crowd suddenly said loudly: "I remember, didn't the government install an emergency phone in our village last time? It is said that the villagers can call if there is any dispute. Call the above and the government will solve it for us."

Many of the others had no culture and asked: "My baby, do you remember the phone number?"

The boy immediately took out his cell phone, dialed the phone soon, and explained the situation in detail. The phone was actually answered by the Zhushen computer. After learning the situation, it immediately ordered a helicopter to fly to the best local hospital, and then rushed to Xiaowang Village with medical equipment and the best emergency doctors.

At the same time, the Zhushen computer asked about Li's symptoms over the phone, and promptly guided the villagers to relieve the pain through massage and massage, so that the patients could insist on arriving at the hospital. Xiaoqiang's guidance was very professional and popular, and finally made Grandma Li boil for more than 20 minutes, until the medical staff arrived.

A helicopter landed in Xiaowang Village, which is inconvenient to traffic. The local villagers still saw the helicopter for the first time. Seeing that it was actually here to rescue Li, an old man couldn't help being surprised: "Why send a helicopter?"

The boy who called before then dug his nostrils and said, "Second master, didn't the government publicize it last time? We are all citizens of the country, our lives are the lives of the country, and our difficulties are the difficulties of the country. The phone calls have passed. Of course, the country must send people over as quickly as possible."

The second master is very old. He came from the old society and hasn't experienced anything? Some time ago, he had a leg injury at home and didn't know the situation outside. At this moment, after listening to the little boy, his eyes suddenly shed muddy tears. : "Guwa, is this all true?"

"Of course it is true." The little boy looked proud. "The teachers in the school have said that in the future, our country will not be exploited or oppressed. We are all masters of the country. The country serves us. If you don't believe me, ask the teacher! "

The second master nodded again and again, and said with emotion: "Okay! This is the people who are the masters, okay!"

Grandma Li quickly boarded the helicopter and was sent to the best local hospital for free treatment. After the Lord God dealt with this matter, ten minutes later, another "promoter" who was responsible for explaining the policy to the grassroots people was sent over. Promoters are the most basic civil servants hired by the current government, but their salary is not low, with an annual salary of 300,000 yuan, and they are not counted as various benefits.

The propagandist is a young and beautiful female college student wearing professional attire. She enthusiastically explained to everyone: "Guys, my name is Li Xiaoni, and I am the propagandist of our film. Coming here today is an important thing for everyone. Discuss. We are now living in Xiaowang Village, either elderly or children. It is not convenient for children to go to school. It is also difficult for the elderly and children to see a doctor. After all, our transportation is inconvenient and it is very far from the school and the hospital. A clean and tidy community where everyone can move in for free."

"There are parks in the new community, entertainment places for the elderly, schools and hospitals, etc. The transportation is convenient and the environment is beautiful. If you move in, you will love it!"

Everyone's eyes widened: "What? Let's live in such a good place, don't you need money?"

"That's right." Promoter Li Xiaoni said with a smile, "Not only does it require no money, but also gives everyone a subsidy. Users who are willing to relocate will receive a reward of 1,000 yuan per person per month until they die naturally."

Everyone was surprised and happy, but some people were still reluctant and said: "We have land in Xiaowang Village. What can we do when we get there?"

Li Xiaoni smiled softly: "My fellow villagers, how much can each of you earn every year when farming in Xiaowang Village?"

"Three to five thousand." Someone answered, "A good year can make five to six thousand yuan."

Li Xiaoni said: "If you move to a new community, a state-owned workshop will be established in the new community. Everyone can go to work there. You can earn more and earn a basic salary of two thousand. If you work hard, it is not difficult to earn four thousand yuan a month."

"What? Earn four thousand a month? Good! How long will it take?" Someone asked in surprise.

"It's not long, it's not long. You only need to work six hours a day. If you exceed six hours, you will be paid for overtime." Li Xiaoni hurriedly said, "Moreover, the state will give you various benefits, such as money for holidays and red envelopes for children. "

Everyone's eyes widened, is there such a good thing?

At this time, an old man with glasses in the crowd wiped his tears and said: "Good time! It's a good time! But then, isn't the country's burden heavier? My old man doesn't want to add a burden to the country."

Li Xiaoni looked at the old man with a respectful look, and said, "Master, the country should give you a gift! In the past, our country competed with the people for profit. So many central enterprises only cared about their own money and ignored the interests of the people. Instead, they left their interests behind. A handful of people. It is different now, our country is rich and strong, our technology is advanced, and we are the masters of the country!"

Having said that, she continued to ask: "Do you know about state-owned enterprises?"

"I know, it's a state-owned enterprise." A young man who went home yesterday to deal with housework and had studied in college replied, "But didn't the state-owned enterprises in the past all lose money? Later, the state-owned enterprise reforms were changed to private pockets. "

Li Xiaoni said with emotion: "Yes, the previous state-owned enterprises were too chaotic, not only did not make money, but also lost money. But now everyone can rest assured that all of our state-owned enterprises have gone through the integration of advantages and injected the most advanced technological strength. The business of the company is controlled by the main **** computer, which allows our company to earn more and grow bigger, and all the money earned belongs to every citizen of the country!"

"Let me tell you this. According to the estimation of the main **** computer, the wealth created by our country this year is about 280 trillion yuan. On average, for everyone, that is, each person has created 200,000 yuan of labor. Value! This data will increase at an annual rate of 20% in the future! So don't worry that the country can't afford it, we will only get richer and stronger, because we have technology! We have people's will! We have fighting spirit!"

Hearing what Li Xiaoni said, everyone immediately became excited and shouted excitedly: "There is fighting spirit! There is fighting spirit!"

Li Xiaoni smiled slightly: "Well, as the saying goes, hearing is false, seeing is believing. I will take a few folks to the new community now!"

Everyone immediately rushed to express their willingness to go. Li Xiaoni soon took care of the people and sent them to the community by helicopter.

Similar situations have occurred in all parts of the country. The Lord God name makes the distribution of benefits perfect and fair. It not only does not weaken everyone's enthusiasm for work, but also makes people full of energy. Because in the consciousness of everyone, the country is one's own, and one's own is the country. Working hard to build a country is equivalent to building one's own home, which perfectly interprets what a "country" is.

In just a few months, the common people have a new and refreshing feeling. They all regard themselves as masters of the country, pride themselves as citizens of the central state, and are satisfied with the ability to create more wealth for the country. This makes many cultures. People exclaimed: Isn't this a legendary society?

Of course, while the country is thriving, everyone remembers one name, and that is Zhang Jun. It is the country that this person has changed, helping the mansions to fall, turning the tide on the tide, and making everyone live a good life. Nowadays, no one can oppress anyone, no one can exploit anyone, and no one can override the law. Everything speaks by rules!

Suddenly, some places even became popular for Zhang Junjian's shrine. The so-called shrine is an ancestral hall built for living people for the purpose of kneeling and worshipping. The establishment of Shengshi allowed Zhang Junyuanshen to absorb more aspirations.

Almost everyone often thinks about Zhang Jun's goodness, thank him, and bless him. So at every moment, there are countless aspirations penetrating time and space, entering Zhang Jun's soul, making his soul constantly growing. This is merit. Only when a person makes merit, the people will appreciate him and bless him.

Zhang Jun temporarily left the legendary school and learned about the progress of the country through the main god. He was very satisfied with Xiaoqiang's progress, and then discussed with him: "Xiaoqiang, I am now growing the soul, can you help me?" Then He mentioned the situation of the primordial spirit absorbing the power of aspiration.

After listening to Xiaoqiang, he said in a relaxed tone: "This is very easy. I will send the promoters to various places to promote, so that everyone will go to public places to pray for the boss every weekend. In this way, people will think of the boss more frequently in their hearts. Good for the boss."

Zhang Jun's eyes lit up and said, "This is a good idea!"

"We will build a'prayer hall' in each community. The funds for the construction of the temple will be allocated from my commission. This will not take up national resources. Also, all those who participate in prayer will receive a certain amount of money. Material rewards, such as flour, rice, etc., I think this will attract many people more." Xiaoqiang said.

Zhang Jun couldn't help laughing "haha": "In this way, it won't take long for my soul to condense the womb!"

After talking about the matter, Xiaoqiang said: "Boss, the newly established federal states are already very deeply integrated. They are gradually reducing their commercial relations with us, and will eventually isolate the Heavenly Kingdom and the Central State completely. I don't think so. My daughter-in-law and their market, after all, the Central State and the Skywalking State can be self-sufficient and do not have to expand the market by themselves. Only in this way, the resources we need to build the country will not be met."

Zhang Jun sneered: "You want to cut off the deal with us? Okay! Xiaoqiang, don't you want to develop the ocean? This project will be launched tomorrow, I want to see, who can't hold on first!"

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