Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 952: Dragon


His spiritual realm began to expand, extending three million miles outward on the original basis. These three million li is not a small number. He immediately felt that many powerful sea beasts lived in the newly added Dao Sea, and one of the "sea beasts" immediately stunned him.

"Dragon! It's actually a dragon!" He was stunned and his whole body stiffened.

I saw that it was a golden little dragon, about three meters long, with four claws, scales the size of a tea bowl, and its eyes were deep red. It was swimming and playing in the sea with a graceful posture. When the spiritual realm enveloped the sea where it was, it seemed to be frightened, and immediately swam outside like light and electricity.

This is a dragon! Where did Zhang Jun let it go, and immediately used all his strength to seal the surrounding area. In a short time, Xiaolong felt his malice, and it immediately became angry. With a dragon's roar from the sky, the terrifying power emanated, shaking the spiritual realm, and it might collapse.

"Not good!" Zhang Jun was shocked, and immediately appealed to Dading for help, "Wumingding, stop it, I will give you three divine writings!"

The Wuming Ding had no reaction, but as soon as I heard that there was a divine text, a ray of chaotic light flew from the mouth of the Ding. As soon as he spit and swallowed it, he put the little golden dragon into the cauldron, and then the Wuming Ding's voice sounded: " Unexpectedly, there are real dragons in the world!"

Zhang Junqiang suppressed the surprise and curiosity in his heart, and did not continue to discuss this issue. Anyway, Xiaolong has been imprisoned. It will not be too late to wait until he goes out here. He said: "Where is the third killer array?"

"It's here, it's in the **** seat." Wuming Ding said.

After stepping on the last stone steps, Zhang Jun saw a **** seat. I don’t know what material the **** seat is carved out of. It exudes ten colors, majesty and grandeur. Just in front of the throne, there is a square pool, the pool flowing a layer of bright light, under the bright light is a large amount of amber liquid.

"This is the sacred liquid. All believers who have climbed the last step of the sacred ladder have the opportunity to bathe in the sacred liquid and have the blood of the gods." Wuming Ding said, "you know the elixir, and you should know how to use it."

Zhang Jun nodded again and again: "Yes, if this divine liquid is used for alchemy, the effect can be increased more than ten times, and it will be able to make a peerless divine alchemy!"

Then he looked at the throne again: "You said that the third forbidden killing array is in the throne, why is it like this?"

"You don't know that this **** seat represents the **** position of the gods. On the surface it is a **** seat, but in fact it has a **** kingdom inside." Wuming Dingdao.

Zhang Jun blinked: "Then can you take away the **** seat first and study it slowly when you have time?"

"Yes." Wuming Ding said, "But if you missed today, if you want me to break this path and kill the formation, you need to pay another divine text."

Zhang Jun rolled his eyes and said, "Okay, no problem, but you'd better give me a discount!"

After the words were over, the chaos and light energy swept across, and this **** seat was put into the pot. Zhang Jun couldn't help but wonder, what kind of inside the tripod, is it a small world in itself?

Putting away the **** seat, Zhang Jun looked around with a pair of eyes, and found that the jade pagoda, stone steps, and bookshelves near the throne were all inlaid with various gems he had never seen before. These are not mortal gems, they are similar to life gems, totaling twenty-eight. Without saying anything, he immediately picked up these gems and put them in his pocket, for fear of being snatched away if he was too late.

Finally, he also found a shelf made of throne-like material behind the throne, on which three volumes of jade books were placed. This jade is of extremely high quality, and it feels refreshed immediately when you hold it in your hand, and you can see that it is a gemstone. When I opened the jade book, I saw that it was filled with divine texts, and every divine text was radiant and brilliant.

"Silk!" Zhang Jun took a breath of air, his heart beating so loudly, and he exclaimed, "A lot of divine writing!"

"Take it away and go." Wuming Ding said, "This temple is going to collapse."

Zhang Jun asked: "Is it dangerous?"

"It's more dangerous," Wuming answered.

Zhang Jun smiled "hehe", thinking of something in his heart, and said, "There should be people behind this holy son? I wonder if they have come up yet?"

However, it was said that the Saint Son had not returned for a long time after ascending the God's Ladder. The seven archangels felt that something was not right, and they were ignorant of other things. They didn't go far when they were shocked to see Shengzi rolling down the "Bone Record" of the **** ladder. The long-bearded archangel caught the son, turned his body, and saw that he was bleeding from seven holes and a big **** hole appeared in the center of his eyebrows.

"God! How could this happen! Where is the blood mark of your Highness?" The archangels who saw this scene roared in unison, making their voices thunderous.

"Kill him! Must kill him!" The archangels roared, with blood spraying three feet long in their eyes, and then turned into seven hurricanes and rushed up the **** ladder.

Eight hundred, nine hundred, they could already see Zhang Jun standing at the top, and the other party was grinning at them. Of course, this Zhang Jun has changed his appearance. The Holy Lord's wishful magical powers are so good that he can change into any kind.

"Beast! You are so bold, you even steal the blood of the saint son, you should kill, you should kill 10,000 times!" They roared wildly, murderous in their hearts, and angry.

Closer, closer, and will approach that person soon. But at this moment, the hateful person waved his hand gently at them, a cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and then his body disappeared.


The seven archangels climbed the stone steps, but where is Zhang Jun's shadow? At this moment, the entire temple was shaking.

"No! The **** seat is taken away, here is going to be annihilated!" The long bearded big angel hissed with horror in his eyes.

It's a pity that it was too late, and there was a sudden surging of divine light in the hall, and then suddenly collapsed, as if there was a black hole in the center that swallowed everything. Under this terrible swallowing power, even the emperor could do nothing. So they desperately urged the quasi-large magic weapon in their hands, and the holy light of the body guard was emitted.

"Bo, Bo!"

The holy light exploded one after another, and the three weaker archangels screamed and their bodies shattered on the spot. The four archangel elders were also full of fissures. They were seriously injured, but somehow they persisted.


The whole temple shrank into a very small point in an instant, dazzling, and then suddenly disappeared. At the original location of the Shenming Ruins, a large chaotic zone full of time and space turbulence appeared, which was extremely dangerous.

At the same time, thousands of miles away, the four archangel elders guarding the badly wounded Saint Son fell from the void. Each of them was extremely embarrassed. All the quasi-Daluo magical instruments in his hand were scrapped, and they were also seriously injured. It is impossible to recover.

"No matter who you are! The Holy See will not let you go, **** beast!" They were extremely angry, yelling up to the sky, and constantly cursing Zhang Jun.

At this time, Zhang Jun had already returned to his Hunyuan Secret Realm, and he was looking through the three jade volumes filled with divine texts with a smile. Counting it carefully, there are as many as 13,170 divine texts on the three volumes! This is definitely a windfall! With these divine texts, he can let Wuming Ding do many things!

With more divine writings, Zhang Jun's people have become quite arrogant, and he waved his big hand: "Wuming Ding, you immediately release that little dragon, I will tame it."

"A thousand divine writings." Wuming Ding said lightly.

Zhang Jun almost stared out his eyes and cried out strangely, "What are you talking about? A thousand divine writings? Why don't you grab it? It's too dark, too dark!"

It's no wonder that before asking it to do things only three or five divine writings, there are only ten more, but now it is asking for a thousand in one breath, it is simply killing people and stealing money!

Wuming Ding said lightly: "Do you know what a dragon is?"

Zhang Jun was stunned and said: "Who doesn't know about dragons. Horse faces, dog noses, cow beaks, antlers, snake bodies, eagle claws, fish scales, lion tails, and shrimp beards are totems created by ancient ancestors."

"The difference between your statement and the truth is tens of thousands of miles, and the point is not mentioned at all." Wuming Ding said slowly, "Dragons are innate spirit beasts, born before humans, and their life span can span the epoch. This little dragon Although it has just been born, its strength is already at the emperor level, and when he grows up, its strength will be even more incredible. The owner of the eye on you is far from its enemy."

Zhang Jun was completely stunned, that eye is naturally Buddha's eye! Even Buddha is not an opponent of grown-up dragons? What is the level of the dragon? Hunyuan? Even higher? So he suddenly felt that it would be nothing to smash a thousand divine writings, so he said viciously: "Okay, I agree!"

"It's useless to promise, I'm afraid you can't support it." Wuming Ding said, "Do you know what dragons eat?"

Zhang Jun swallowed, and suddenly felt bad. He asked carefully: "What can dragons eat?"

"Eat the world's precious treasures." Wuming Ding said, "Don't you have gems in your hand? I think they are all good colors. Killing gems, guarding research, space-time gems, space gems, luck gems, these things just can feed the dragon."

Zhang Jun's face was suddenly ugly.If this dragon has been raised for a period of time, he still has to eat himself poorly?

"Of course, if you are not willing to give up the gem, then you can drink it for a while." Wuming Ding continued.

At this moment Zhang Jun was already trembling, as if he wanted to change his mind, and murmured: "This dragon is definitely not to be raised!"

"But..." Wuming Ding suddenly changed his tone. "Compared with the treasures of heaven and earth, dragons actually like to take pill, the higher the better, the better. This dragon is still very small, so you can give him an ordinary **** pill. It's okay."

Zhang Jun suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. Shen Dan's words were not a problem! He is well versed in divine mind alchemy. As long as he has enough recollection, what kind of divine alchemy can't be made? So he finally smiled on his face and said decisively: "God alchemy is not a problem, let it out!"


The little golden dragon suddenly appeared in front of Zhang Jun. At this moment, it was extremely irritable and angrily. A pair of red eyes swept left and right, as if to find something to bite. The breath from its nostrils turned into a gust of wind, sweeping the entire spiritual realm.

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