Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 954: Occupy Black Africa

After feeling the other party's meaning, Zhang Jun almost tilted his nose. He snorted and immediately hid the soul. Of course, he was definitely not out of anger, but secretly decided to let this guy dry for a while. This kind of foodie has eaten the **** pill for a month, is it gluttonous? What if there is no **** pill to eat suddenly?

Thinking of this, he gave a weird smile in his heart, and said to himself: "This little dragon will leave it alone for two months. I don't know what's going on here? I'll go to Tianxingguo and build Xiaoqiang's body. , By the way, take a look at the situation over there."

Africa, the country of heaven.

The development of Tianxing Country has been on the fast lane. More than 200 million biochips have been installed and debugged. With more than 200 million chips, the management of the entire country is much easier. In addition, the land area of ​​Tianxing Kingdom has expanded wildly. The total area has increased from more than 4 million square kilometers to more than 20 million square kilometers. The entire sub-Saharan Africa is completely under Xiaoqiang's control.

Originally Zhang Jun did not advocate such a rapid expansion, but he was not at home during this time, and everything was in charge of Xiaoqiang. Not long ago, a once-in-a-lifetime expansion opportunity was seized by Xiaoqiang, so he took almost the entire southern Africa in one fell swoop.

It seems that the Hundreds don't really value Black Africa. Their layout in Black Africa is not perfect. It is difficult to find a descendant of the Hundreds. At the same time, the economy of Black Africa is extremely backward, and due to the turmoil of the international community in the recent period, many countries in Black Africa have begun to fight year after year, resulting in countless refugees and a large number of casualties.

For unknown reasons, the Holy Spirit Sect, founded by Shengjiao in Black Africa, has been severely hit by unknown forces. Many churches have been attacked by missiles, causing people to panic all day long. This indiscriminate bombing lasted for a month, and an unknown number of civilians were killed. What irritated Tianxingguo was that the Western media unanimously believed that all this was done by Tianxingguo.

Xiaoqiang will not respond to this. However, shortly afterwards, a wave of viruses broke out in the entire Black Africa, code-named "Angel of Death." It spread so fast that it spread to most of Black Africa in almost a week. The international community paid great attention, and all countries were extremely panicked. Finally, the United Nations, which was held by several major federations, made a resolution that the world will block South Africa to prevent the spread of the virus.

In order to blockade Black Africa, the United Nations has decided that all human beings who have left southern Africa, including ships, airplanes, and automobiles, will be regarded as endangering mankind, and United Nations warplanes will immediately attack them. Spy satellites from dozens of countries continuously monitor Black Africa around the clock. The sea was blocked, the air was forbidden to fly, and the entire black Africa became a dead end, an island on earth overnight.

People in black African countries were surprised and angry when they heard the news. How could this be done? Are the blacks not people? Why abandon them? So riots began, governments of all countries were overthrown, and the country fell into anarchy. Under the threat of the virus, people seem to be crazy, burned, killed and looted. Every day, a large number of civilians are killed and injured, and society is paralyzed.

According to incomplete statistics, the death toll caused by the "angel of death" has reached 70 million, and the death toll is still rising at a faster rate. Xiaoqiang found through satellite calculations that in three months at most, the entire Black Africa will die.

For this situation, Xiaoqiang originally wanted to wait and see the changes, but through a qie listening to the federal high-level meeting held in New York, the central city of the American Federation, he immediately made a decision to occupy the entire Black Africa!

The meeting was highly confidential, and there was no internet connection at all. Xiaoqiang still sneaked into it through micro-robots to listen to it. Since only qie listened, he only got the content of the dialogue.

"The Holy See wants us to eliminate black Africans in Black Africa within half a year. We have already used the virus codenamed'Angel of Death'. The effect is very good, and the task will be completed by then." Then he paused and introduced the Angel of Death. Virus, "Angel of death is a super-spreading virus that can damage human brain nerves. It only takes three minutes from infection to death."

"And one of the brain deaths, the human body will not decay. After about forty-five days, the virus will control the human body and become a zombie. However, we have not found any zombies. We have to wait for a while. When the zombies appear, our plan It succeeded. Those zombies have very strong offensive power. With them, I think the Skywalker will be destroyed in a short time."

Another said: "I can understand the matter of the Kingdom of Heaven. It is our arrogant enemy. The threat of nuclear weapons is too great. But I don't understand why we must exterminate black people?"

"I am not quite clear about this situation. Listening to the above words, it seems that blacks were a very warlike and powerful nation in the ancient times. They claimed to be the subjects of the black giants. Moreover, intelligence shows that there are already very few blacks among them. Upon awakening, the Primordial Bloodline in their bodies is slowly recovering. The above does not want this situation to continue, so the blacks must be eliminated."

"The entire Black Africa has become a land of zombies, will it not affect us?" Someone raised concerns.

"There is no need to worry about this. We have antiviral drugs. When the people in Black Africa are dead, we can use drugs to purify there. At that time, Black Africa will be a pure land, and then it will be occupied by our American Federation and become a part of the Federation. ."

"Don't you know? If there are only the above reasons, the above may not be determined to exterminate Black Africa. I heard that there are two religions in Black Africa, one is the Holy Spirit religion established by the Holy Church, and the mysterious religion supported by the Kingdom of Heaven. About the Holy Spirit It’s said that there is a great figure above who doesn’t like the Holy Lord, so he advocates the extermination of black Africa. The mysterious religion established by the Heavenly Kingdom is even more terrifying. It is said that believers of this religion are the greatest enemy above, named Shen Tianjun. The above is also worried that Shen Tianjun can use his willingness to get out of trouble, and he has no choice but to make this move."

"It's just that, isn't it too inhumane?" someone said.

Others scolded: "Idiots! We are the noble blood of a hundred races. What are those niggers? They are humble reptiles. Even humans look down on black people. Do you have to sympathize with them?"

The person who spoke before then became silent immediately and stopped expressing opinions.

After qie heard the above content, Xiaoqiang immediately took action. First, he announced that Black Africa was separated from the management of the international community, and severely rebuked all countries for inaction; second, he announced that Tianxing Nation would take charge of the entire Black Africa and make it as soon as possible. Antiviral drugs are free for everyone to use; third, the future of Black Africa will be renamed Tianxingguo. Anyone who joins Tianxingguo will become an employee of Tianxing Group. Fourth, the corpses of all those who died from the virus must be incinerated because they will become cannibal zombies.

After the announcement of the above resolution, a large number of drones began to throw leaflets in Black Africa, telling them that even if the whole world abandoned them, Tianxingguo would not abandon them. Tianxingguo regards them as relatives and friends and will definitely ask for help.

In addition, all the radio, television and other propaganda methods of all black African countries were occupied by Xiaoqiang, and then vigorously propagated the matter, so it didn't take long for everyone to know that only Heaven can save them. In this way, in just three days, half of the countries announced their integration into the Kingdom of Heaven, and those corpses were all burned to ashes by people from all over the world. This kind of thing would be credible, not credible.

At the same time, Xiaoqiang quickly developed virus antibodies through the technology of Secret Cube, and then used drones to spray them in all human-inhabited areas in Africa and quickly eliminated the epidemic. However, in just three days, hundreds of millions of people have died. This is also helpless. The production of the virus takes time.

The rest of the matter will be much easier. Skywalker has taken over all the countries and occupied the entire Black Africa of nearly 24 million square kilometers. Originally, it took at least several decades for Tianxingguo to eat the entire southern Africa. Now, because of the opportunity, it succeeded in one fell swoop, which is not a bad thing.

At present, Black Africa has a population of more than 700 million. These people will be uniformly equipped with biochips, and then uniformly migrate to the most suitable place to settle. Tianxingguo unified the construction of housing and infrastructure for them. It can be said that almost overnight, people in black Africa were freed from poverty and led a life of ease and freedom.

When Zhang Jun learned of all this, he was shocked. The descendants of the Hundred Races were so cruel. They killed 200 million innocent people at once, and their purpose was to prevent the growth of Shen Tianjun and Tianxing Kingdom!

Regarding that dialogue, Xiaoqiang has already announced it all over the world, causing an uproar, and there are protests and rallies in every country. However, the whistleblower quickly learned about the brutality of the descendants of a hundred ethnic groups. They directly dispatched troops to carry out the massacre. Tens of millions of people died under guns and guns around the world, which was terrible.

"If we do this, those people will try their best to stop us." Zhang Jun said, "Can't wait any longer, I want to help you build a new body as soon as possible, so that you can show your holy, so as to fully control the situation."

Xiao Qiangxixi: "Has the boss found the three emperors?"

"I don't need emperor." Zhang Jun smiled slightly, "You prepare now, I feel like a mountain rain is coming, the sooner you prepare, the better."

"Okay!" Xiao Qiangxi was happy.

Five minutes later, Zhang Jun came to Xiaoqiang's computer room. The computer room was filled with a large number of white light emitting things. It was obvious that it was the celestial crystal that cost 10 trillion US dollars to manufacture.

Xiaoqiang said: "Everything is ready, as long as the Tianjing assembly is activated, and then my psychic signal is compressed into a road tire, I can do the rest by myself."

Zhang Jun nodded: "This is not suitable. I want to move your computer room and these Tianjing to my Hunyuan Secret Realm, which is more convenient and safer."

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