Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 956: Ghost Valley

Nangong Zi turned around and looked a little strange: "You are now the leader of the Cultivation Alliance, is it convenient to come forward?"

"You are my woman, I naturally want to help you." Zhang Jun said lightly, "I was not strong before, but now it's different. As long as Qi Tian doesn't become the emperor, I can help you kill him!"

Qi Tian is a monk of the Qi family of cultivation family, and Qi family is a middle-class cultivation family. That Qi Tian was a genius of comprehension, at the age of sixteen, he became a first-grade pill. In order to promote his wife, he killed Nangong Zi’s mother, Nangong Hanxiang, and then walked away, then broke through to a half-step magical power.

Nangong Zi survived. Her biggest wish in recent years is to avenge her mother and do something to "kill her father to prove the truth". It's just that Qi Tian's strength is very strong, and the family power can't be underestimated. Even if she has Zhang Jun's help, she is still far inferior to each other in practice.

Nangong Zi thought for a while, and said: "I have been secretly inquiring about Qi Tian these years. He now has the strength to return to the peak of truth, and he claims to the outside world that he will manifest himself within ten years. Qi Tian is now in the Qi family. Patriarch, besides him, there are two other people in the Qi family who are both in the early stage of the return."

After finishing speaking, she said again: "I don't think you can reveal your identity. After all, it is difficult for you to come forward as a cultivation leader. If you really want to help me, then hide your identity, otherwise it is better for me to come forward by myself."

Zhang Jun thought for a while, and said, "Whether you come forward yourself, Xiaoqiang's light armor should be developed soon. Then you will drive the light armor to Qijia."

Nangong Zi naturally knew about Light Armor, and she looked shocked: "Let me drive Light Armor? This is okay, Qi Tian definitely can't beat Light Armor."

Zhang Jun said: "In the future, I will let Xiaoqiang make more light armor. In that case, even practitioners will not dare to violate the law at will."

Nangong nodded: "Okay, I listen to you!" Then she lowered her head, "After revenge, I will retreat."

Zhang Jun understands the meaning of her words. For many years, she has been living for hatred, physically and mentally exhausted. This is her mental barrier. If this barrier is not removed, her thoughts will be inaccessible, and her cultivation will be unable to break through.

Pat her shoulder and said: "I will help you."

Border Province, Qi family's cultivation cave.

The Qi family is a family of comprehension that only emerged in the late Qing Dynasty. Since Qi Tian's grandfather Qi forgets his love, the family has flourished. At present, the assets controlled by the Qi family's outer door have exceeded 100 billion, and many cronies have been planted in local governments. Recently, the domestic situation has changed drastically. Zhang Jun has taken over the central state. As a member of the Cultivation Alliance, the Qi family has acted a lot more low-key.

Qi Tian is 50 or 60 years old, but now he looks only 20 years old, very young and handsome. He sat in the hall with the Qi family's junior figures standing below, all holding their breath, listening to the patriarch's arrangements.

"In recent months, the family business has plummeted and income has plummeted. I have warned you that there will be major changes in the country, so you must be prepared. And you, after the incident, the family is in a hurry and suffers huge losses!" Qi Tian patted. The table, an angry face.

One person stood up, named Qi Fei, Qi Tian’s cousin, and he replied respectfully: "Brother, this can’t be all to blame for us. The former officials saw the money open, so we can do business with the Qi family. But now it’s different. Those who are officials have all been fired, and those who do things are all weirdos who don’t need money and sex, and there is no way to buy them. Some time ago, we threatened a few of them, and they actually dared to call the police. , Almost something happened."

"Trash!" Qi Tian snorted coldly. "We are practitioners. Those government officials are just ants. What's to be afraid of?"

Qi Fei sighed and said: "The third brother has been in retreat recently, and I don't know the situation outside. The country is very fierce now, and each county has sent two mechas. Some time ago, the Huajia in the neighboring county was half-step magical. Hua Chitose was angry to kill a disobedient official, but was killed on the spot by mecha. I was on the scene at the time, and it was shocked."

"What?" Qi Tian was taken aback, "Now that the technology has reached this point? Can I make mechas?"

"Yes!" Qi Fei said with a bitter face, "and the people of the government also spread the word through the people of the rich and wealthy gang in the past, and the people of our family should also install what kind of biochips and accept the unified data management of the country. "

"Fart!" Qi Tian stood up abruptly, "We were all gods who flew into the sky in ancient times and wanted to control us? Dreaming!"

"Yeah." Qi Fei said, "We are also a middle-class family anyway, and there are three real masters in the clan. The country wants to control us. It is really whimsical. My Qi family absolutely cannot agree."

Qi Tian pondered: "The current government is no better than the previous one. It is not easy to deal with, so we have to unite with other cultivating families to fight together."

"It's too difficult." Qi Fei sighed. "The legendary school founded by Zhang Jun and the others has a great influence. Some time ago, I heard Li Shengjun's preaching and gained a lot. With these great powers to support him, who would dare to confront him? Besides, he is the martial arts leader of the world of secular practice. Our Qi family also signed the alliance letter at the beginning."

Qi Tian sneered: "Anyway, as a practitioner, it is impossible to accept biochips being implanted. I have to go there in person and try my best to contact those forces that have resistance!"

"Haha, brother, I have a way." Qi Feidao, his expression suddenly became very serious.

"Qi Fei, what can you do?" Qi Tian came to be interested and hurriedly asked him.

Qi Fei smiled "hehe" and said: "The third brother knows that the Hundred Clan of the wasteland is invading us, and this has led to a major change in the current situation."

"Yes." Qi Tian nodded. "The Hundred Clan is very powerful. Zhang Jun said that if you don't prepare early, human beings are likely to be ruled and enslaved by them."

"This is inevitable." Qi Fei said sternly, "The descendants of a hundred races have already controlled several major federations. The next step is to destroy the Heavenly Traveling Kingdom and the Central State. If our Qi family does not prepare in advance, it is likely to follow Those people are just like ashes."

Qi Tian squinted his eyes and stared at Song Feidao: "Song Fei, did the ancient people talk to you?"

Song Fei sighed, "The little brother has not concealed the matter until now. Yes, their people have indeed contacted me. Not only have they contacted me, but other cultivating families are also in contact with the descendants of the hundred races. Let's always find a way out. ?If you lose to the descendants of a hundred races, there will be a way to survive."

Qi Tian fell silent, and did not scold Song Fei. After a while, he said: "Just tonight, I want to meet with the messenger of the hundred races."

Song Fei was overjoyed: "Okay, third brother, I'll make arrangements right away!"

Zhang Jun didn't practice much while staying in Heaven Xing Kingdom. He refined a lot of divine pills and spirit pills to distribute to everyone. Even more, everyone is invited to enter his Hunyuan secret realm to practice. The speed of cultivating in the secret realm is much faster than outside.

On this day, Zhang Jun is taking a more elegant homework. Chu Chu is not very interested in practice, and has been learning Guigu arithmetic with Mei Susu. Although Chu Chu did not like to practice, he himself possessed the "Guigu Destiny" and was able to concurrently study the three geniuses of the Guigu School, namely mathematics, martial arts, and aspect studies.

The martial arts here is not pure martial arts, but also includes the commanding ability of platoon troops; the vertical and horizontal studies here is not just the way of vertical and horizontal communication, but also the way of power in the world. As for the calculation, it is even more unpredictable, and Mei Susu is only rough.

I have to say that Chu Chu learned very well, especially her Guigu Mathematics, which has surpassed Mei Susu and reached a very high level. Mei Susu was also on the side. She took out a piece of parchment and said, "This is the'Ghost Valley Arithmetic Map' passed down from generations to generations by the people of my Ghost Valley Sect. Get a real heritage."

Chu Chu made a bitter face: "I still can't solve it now."

Mei Susu said helplessly: "It's because I have limited learning, and I can't teach you too much. It's a pity."

Zhang Jun's heart moved, he always felt that Guigu Gate should not be simple. You know, that Emperor Qin Shihuang was the sage-level power who opened up the Dragon Realm back then. Where can the contemporaries go? Su Qin and Zhang Yi, one is Wu'an, who holds the seal of the six kingdoms, and the other is Wuxin, who is strong in Qin. The two are both disciples of Guigu. With this disciple, is Guiguzi ordinary people?

Moreover, that era was at the end of the Warring States Period, and a hundred schools of thought were contending. For hundreds of years, Laozi, Confucius, Mozi, and Laozi have been shining through the ages. Is the Guiguzi that follows Fanliu?

Thinking of this, he smiled slightly and said, "Can I see this calculation?"

Mei Susu smiled and said, "Send you off."

After the big change, Jun Buyu and Mei Susu both came to the Kingdom of Heaven and practiced with peace of mind. Based on their relationship with Zhang Jun, they were really willing to give him the picture.

Zhang Jun took the Guigu calculation map and saw an extremely complicated calculation problem recorded on it. The so-called arithmetic problem is actually a very huge mathematical hypothesis. If this hypothesis is taken out, I am afraid it will immediately become one of the big problems in the mathematics circle. Zhang Jun’s wisdom is like a sea, and he can see at a glance that this arithmetic problem is extremely difficult to solve, and it may only be solved by Xiaoqiang.

Thinking of this, he asked: "If you can solve this problem, will you be able to find the Ghost Valley Cave Mansion?"

Mei Susu nodded with certainty: "Yes, it has been passed down by word of mouth from generation to generation, and there will never be a mistake."

"Okay." Zhang Jun said, "I let Xiaoqiang work out this calculation, and then let's go directly to Guigu Cave House to see what kind of place it is."

Mei Susu had no objection. As the descendant of Guigu Sect, she really wanted to go to the cave to have a look, otherwise she would not be stunned.

"Naturally, if we can open the cave, Chu Chu and I will be able to inherit the more profound Ghost Valley unique knowledge."

While the three were talking, the five-year-old Ling'er was listening to music and eating lollipops, wandering around in the secret realm alone. This place is so beautiful, the mountains and rivers, the flowers and plants are all beautiful, she is completely immersed in it. Ling'er was originally playing with Dongdong, but Dongdong was playing, and suddenly she sat on the ground in a daze, still thinking about it.

Ling'er felt boring, ignored Dongdong, and played alone. It didn't take long before he saw a dragon, a little golden dragon blinking his eyes and blowing bubbles.

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