Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 980: Smooth journey

[Qi. Meng. Book. Net ☆ update. newest. fastest ☆ no. pop. window ☆ full. free. fee] All the powers looked at each other, and Li Taichu gave a light cough and said: "Zhang Jun, I think It is necessary to tell you the origin of Xian Ting. ☆www.☆Xian Ting is not what you see on the surface. There are only twelve eminent saints sitting here. To be more shallow, there are twelve small worlds involved behind Xian Ting. Go deeper. , Xian Ting represents the core inheritance of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism."

Chaos Monarch nodded: "Lao Li's words are true. It is not possible to enter the place where there is strength. Xuanhuang Small World is the inheritance of Taoist ancestors, and this has obtained a position. Little Kunlun has a strong inheritance and strength, so there is also A position. But Granny Xiao and I don’t have that qualification, because we don’t belong to the core heritage of the three religions."

Li Taichu: "I said this to tell Zhang Jun that no matter how tyrannical Xian Ting is, it will always be Xian Ting. You can use your methods to resist, but you must not go to Xian Ting Xing Shi to ask the crime."

Emperor Wu Lei coughed slightly: "I agree with Lao Li. Those so-called core inheritances are actually forces that can enter the great world of Middle-earth. For example, the small world of Xuanhuang is part of the great world of Daomen."

Zhang Jun frowned slightly and asked the Five Thunder Emperors: "Didn't the Emperor tell me that the Great World of Middle-earth is closed?"

"It's closed, so most people can't enter. However, some powerful forces still have a way to enter the Great World. The Middle-earth Great World contains the most precious resources of the Three Religions, and those who enter can Obtain the most fundamental and core inheritance of the Three Religions." Five Thunder Emperors explained, "Although the practice world of Middle-earth is declining, the Apocalypse religion dare not attack us. The big reason is the existence of the great world of Middle-earth."

At this time, even Ouyang defeated the sky and said: "Instead of going to Xian Ting, it is better to go to the Great World of Middle-earth to have a chance. You are in the Heavenly Kingdom and the Central Kingdom, so why not have us in Xian Ting. Xian Ting representative Those powers in China have deep roots. Even if your power is very strong in half a year, it is not suitable to directly conflict with them."

Hu Lao San smiled "hehe", he walked over and patted Zhang Jun on the shoulder: "Gentlemen complain directly, they bully you, you should really fight back. But the power you just mentioned is far from enough. Nothing else. Said, if Xian Ting uses a large magic weapon, no **** warrior or light armor will be enough to see."

Ouyang Baitian nodded again and again: "Yes, you need to harden yourself to strike iron. After all, external force is external force. We help you for a while, but can't help you for the rest of your life. After you become a sage, you will be cloned by hundreds of millions of times with a single thought, and you will have the power of an emperor. , Even Xian Ting dare not humiliate you."

"That's right, I think Shen Tianjun dared to slap the ancient emperor's mouth, and he just broke into the retreat of the Middle-earth world. After you become a sage, you can slap him a few times." Chaos Emperor laughed, "I believe. The day when you become holy is the time when those old folks are terrified."

Zhang Jun took a deep breath, suppressing the strong murderous intent and resentment in his heart, and calmly said: "Thank you all for your advice, but after half a year, I still have to go to Xian Ting! Don't worry, I must have been sacred at that time."

Everyone was secretly shocked, and in half a year, he was revealed? Even if Shen Tianjun didn't dare to say how much time it would take to manifest the saints, Zhang Jun dare!

The Chaos Emperor said with a weird expression: "Zhang Jun, your Dao is too extraordinary. The step of condensing the Dao Fei is extremely difficult. I did not expect you to succeed so quickly. But the step of turning the Dao Fei into a Dao is even more difficult. You are sure of half a year. Breakthrough within?"

Zhang Jun understands that this statement is true. Had it not been for the help of Chaos Cauldron, he would not be able to condense the Daoite today. Even when he condensed the primordial spirit, Chaos Cauldron assisted him, so that he had more than five hundred and sixty trillion spiritual thoughts, which shocked the past and the present.

However, although the above two levels are difficult, he has the confidence to advance to Daojun. Without him, the six changes of the holy fetus and the blood quenching pill will make him reach an unprecedented level. What's more, as early as the condensing of the Dao birth, his Dao was already perfect. His Dao was blessed with more than 10,000 divine texts, and God Dao and Sanqing Dao complemented each other, which is simply a freak. Chaos Cauldron once said that when his Taoist birth is 10%, he will be bright and smooth in the future, and the time for the avenue to emerge from the cocoon is just around the corner.

"I'm sure." Zhang Jun said lightly, "Furthermore, after the manifestation of the sacred, I should reach the realm of the sage in about a year, and then reach the realm of the emperor in about three years. As for the level of Zhun Da Luo, I dare not say anything at this moment. "

Everyone doesn't know what to say, half a year Taoist, one year saint, three years emperor? What speed is this? Even if Haotian God is reborn, it can't be so fast, right?

Li Taichu sighed and said: "Okay! We are also expected to be the emperor within three to five years, and we will help you by then."

Zhang Jun is determined to go to Xian Ting to discuss an argument in the future, but before that, he still has to deal with Xian Ting first. About half a day later, when the sky was about to get dark, Xiaoqiang, a sage, appeared. He frowned and said, "Boss, those people are here."

"Oh? Where?" He asked calmly.

"They appeared on the coast. I told them the location of their boss. They are coming." Xiaoqiang said, "Three men and two women, young, all of them are in the middle and late stages of returning to the real world."

Hearing this, Li Taichu said: "As we guessed, the sages of Xian Ting will not show up easily. They only send disciples to explore the way."

Zhang Junsen smiled: "I don't believe that the old ones won't come out!"

In the national banquet hall of the Kingdom of Heaven, Zhang Jun did not wait long when five young men and women arrived under the leadership of the guards. As soon as the person arrived, Zhang Jun asked the guards of the gods to retreat. And there was only Su Mei beside him, and several emperors hid their figures.

The five young people didn't look at Zhang Jun after they came in, and they all glanced at Su Mei's body. The eyes of the three men flashed, and they felt amazing. It wasn't until the end that they concealed Zhang Jun's lightly. A tall, handsome young man in a white gown asked in a condescending tone: "Are you Zhang Jun?"

"I'm Zhang Jun, who are you? What are you looking for?" Zhang Jun asked calmly, not surprised or angry.

"I am the small world of Yuangu, and the disciple of the Yuangu Emperor's seat is inspired by the god!" the young man said proudly, his nostrils pointing towards the sky when he spoke.

"I haven't heard of it." Zhang Jun said lightly, "Go ahead, what are you looking for with me."

The young man was furious. He respected the ancient emperor as the head of the immortal court. He didn't even know? He sneered: "You, a little ant-like person in the lower world, of course don't know the situation of the big people in the upper world. Well, I don't bother to talk nonsense with you, just tell you the purpose of this."

As he said, he pointed at Su Mei: "This woman is a charming body, right? Tsk tsk, she deserves her name, even I look at it. It's a pity that your woman wants to go with us, and she will never come back. Up."

Zhang Jun was still not angry, and asked calmly: "You want to take her away, can you give me a reason?"

The youth's face sank: "You want a reason? Then I tell you! Xian Ting's order is the reason!"

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