Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 997: Big killer

He took the space pocket in his hand and sent in a hundred divine thoughts in advance, each of which touched a part. The parts were extremely small and tiny, not the same as the tip of the needle, but as soon as his divine mind attached it, he immediately felt a sting like a needle, which meant that it was more difficult to control a magical artifact with only one divine mind.

So he added a hundred more spiritual thoughts, or blended into these hundred parts, so the tingling sensation was immediately relieved a lot. So he continued to add a hundred spiritual thoughts, and this time, the tingling sensation completely disappeared. When his thoughts moved, one hundred magical artifact parts were taken out of the space pocket.

He roughly estimated that the weight of each artifact part is about three micrograms, and the weight of 81 trillion parts is more than 480 million catties, which is undoubtedly a terrifying figure. Moreover, eighty-one trillion sounds like a huge number, but if these tiny parts are glued together, its volume is less than one cubic meter. In other words, the conspiracy of the metal that constitutes this kind of magical instrument is 40,000 to 50,000 times that of steel.

"A magical artifact is more than 480 million catties. If it weren't for me, I am afraid that I would not even have the qualifications to use it. I don't know which of this artifact is compared with that of Xiaolongnu's sword. Stronger?" he thought.

Next, after making a little preparation, he sent two hundred and forty-three trillion divine thoughts into the space pocket, and every three divine thoughts locked a part of the magic artifact, so 810,000 parts have been photographed. come out. According to the steps in the metal book, the first step is to sort the 810,000 metal parts, and the second step is to combine them.

I have to say that the Taoist Huntian who created this artifact is a genius and a lunatic.Each arrangement and change of the parts can form a different shape of the artifact, which may be a sword or a sword, and it can also form a killing array. The defensive array even becomes a talisman, a sword light and so on.

Zhang Jun used this artifact effectively, so he decided to combine it into a artifact that was exactly the same as the golden mace. After some preparations and calculations, the 24.3 billion divine thoughts are perfectly matched, arranged and combined according to the part numbers. Within a thousandth of a second, these parts exploded into a ball of thunder, bursting out with great power.

When the thunder light disappeared, a mace that seemed to be condensed by thunder appeared, but it was a little bigger, about nine meters long, and someone's body was as thick. If Zhang Jun used it, he had to enlarge his body, otherwise it would be difficult to even grasp. He immediately shook his body, and instantly grew into a ten-meter-high giant, and then held the Thunderbolt Mace.

Since the Huntian Thunderbolt contains nearly half of his divine consciousness, when he starts it, he has a feeling of bloodliness, as if the Huntian Thunderbolt is part of his body. A destructive force of thunder is hidden in the inner part of the Thunderbolt.

"Awesome!" He couldn't help exclaiming, "With the eight-style mace technique, the emperor can be seriously injured in one fell swoop!"

He immediately swung his blundering mace and displayed the eight styles of mace, sweeping, tapping, and cutting, each of which brought up the sky full of thunder, and the momentum was earth-shattering. After performing it for a while, he suddenly screamed, and the two hundred and forty-three trillion divine thoughts were arranged and combined again. Huntian Thunderbolt's mace turned into a thunder light and exploded, and then immediately formed a peerless killing array, Huntian Thunderbolt Killing Array.

From the outside, this killing array is a regular octahedron, which is completely composed of thunder, which can block the enemy instantly, and then use its terrible thunder power to crush the enemy.

Zhang Jun kept evolving, knives, swords, talismans, and formations became more and more proficient. After more than an hour in this way, he suddenly felt exhausted and could not help being taken aback: "Oops, too much physical exertion!"

He hurriedly closed his hand, and with a thought, the Huntian Thunderbolt Kill was collected into the Hunyuan Secret Realm, which could be released at any time when used.

"It seems that I don't have the strength to use this thing for a long time. In a fierce battle, I can use it for about ten minutes at most." He said to himself, "It seems that there will be no dangerous moment. It’s good to come out, let’s use my golden mace, and then I have to learn all the eight styles of mace.”

He rested for about three days, and took dozens of sacred pills to restore vitality, which made him feel better. And then, he transplanted all the fifty-five kinds of nerves needed in the Hunyuan Secret Realm and let them grow inside. After doing this, he walked out of the fourth door.

What he has to do now is to wait for the suspicion in it to become familiar and to produce seeds. This process takes about a month. More than a month outside, but a hundred years inside, enough to make all the magical medicines that are already sufficient in these years seed. At that time, he could pick up the medicines and cultivate them wholeheartedly.

After he came out, he had planned to practice the eight-style maestro, but suddenly felt something unusual in the Hunyuan Secret Realm. The dome that the upper archangel Nide gave him was shaking slightly at this moment, causing the little golden dragon to lie on the side, breathing bubbles while observing it.

Zhang Jun immediately entered the Hunyuan secret realm and reached out and touched the big egg. At any rate, he is a man of medicine, even if he faces an egg, he can judge its general condition through various signs.

"This egg doesn't seem to be right." He frowned, then lost his thoughts.

"Yes, it must have been sealed for a long time. The little girl inside was in a bad mood, which led to the phenomenon just now." Thinking of this, he patted the big egg and said, "Little girl, don't be angry. Your grandfather did this for your own good, and you should understand his painstaking efforts."

Dadan calmed down as expected, and Zhang Jun continued to enlighten her as soon as he saw the effect: "Don't worry, I am a disciple of Shennong Sect. My medical skills are not bad. I will try my best to treat your disease."

After speaking, he began to urge the Buddha's light in the relic of the Buddha's eyes, preparing to use it to purify the big egg and treat the strange disease of Ned's granddaughter. But this time there was an accident. The Buddha's Eye Relic was indifferent to his orders. He even tried several times without success.

"Strange!" He frowned, but couldn't figure out why.

In desperation, he had no choice but to use other methods, muttering to himself: "You need to know the root of the disease to cure the disease. The chick is in the egg, how can I diagnose and treat her?"

Thinking of this, he patted the dome and asked loudly, "Little girl, can you hear me?"

Little Jinlong grinned, and seemed to laugh at Zhang Jun's actions. From its point of view, how could the egg speak? It also came out of the egg back then. When it was still in the egg, it would never speak. of. Then it was happy for a while, and its eyes widened in surprise, because inside the egg, a sweet and gentle voice came out: "I can hear it."

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