Unconsciously, a month has passed quietly.

In a month, under the leadership of Romen and with everyone's joint efforts, this base has been almost perfected, at least everyone can live in a single wooden house.

In a month, Romen has helped the mutants with only level 2 abilities to evolve their abilities.

After sublimation, there are also a few guys with relatively useless abilities, and their abilities have become much more useful.

For example, his own ability is to generate static electricity at high frequency, which has evolved into a static electricity field, with excellent paralysis effect within a certain range. Hunting, or defending against enemies, are all good hands. This ability, Romen also copied after he became stronger.

And Kenley's super sense of smell has also been upgraded to a higher level. Although it has not evolved into a new ability, the coverage range has been greatly improved. Kenley has made great contributions to hunting and finding prey, as well as preventing enemy invasion.

After the abilities of others have been upgraded, although they are not so powerful, they are not useless.

However, due to the strength, the little fat man Buck has not been sublimated for the time being. If Buck's superpowers are sublimated, he will most likely become a fourth-level mutant, and Romen cannot afford this level of consumption now.

In addition to internal changes, Romen did not ignore external information.

After some means, Romen also built a safe and hidden network access channel in this base, which would not reveal the location information of the base, and could also access the network to understand external changes.

Because he carefully learned the hacker's methods, Romen was able to learn more information on the Internet.

Recently, Romen also knew that there were some problems with the Avengers, and the source of the problem seemed to come from Iron Man, Tony Stark.

Although it was not specifically spread, just through some collected information, Romen was sure that the big event this year had happened.

Since the New York War, the most dangerous event in the world, the Ultron event, is about to happen.

The only difference from the New York War is that the danger of the New York War came from aliens, while this time the crisis came from the smartest people on the planet, led by Tony Stark.

The general source of the matter is that the battle-hardened superheroes have become professionally fatigued, and Tony Stark, who has taken off his iron armor, has invented "Ultron" - an artificial intelligence robot with self-awareness and learning ability, and entrusted the responsibility of protecting the world to Ultron.

But, as expected, there was an accident.

What the superheroes did not expect was that the evolving Ultron came to the conclusion that "humans are the biggest threat on Earth" and began to implement a plan to eliminate humans.

According to the information that Romen knew, the next situation was roughly like this, but it was not very surprising. Many times, the danger of this world comes from smart people like Iron Man or Mr. Fantastic, among which Mr. Fantastic Reed is the chief scourge.

According to the information provided by Romen, Reed of the 1610 universe destroyed more than 60 universes and opened Iron Man's skull to get the seventh Infinity Stone, so he was nicknamed Crane-Opening De.

Many subsequent events have been derived, such as the latest 6160 universe, which also derived the ultimate Spider-Man V3, who is theoretically impossible to exist, a handsome middle-aged man, and his wife is a red-haired white girl, MJ, who has a perfect love life, a son and a daughter, and is sensible, and is also a middle-class person, and can be called the perfect life template of Peter Parker...

The topic has gone too far, and back to the current problem, the appearance of Ultron is closely related to the Mind Stone.

Moreover, in this incident, there are also Scarlet Witch Wanda and Quicksilver Pietro. The only doubt is whether these two people have any relationship with Magneto, and whether they are mutants themselves.

It is not known yet, and the Ultron incident has not yet fully unfolded, so there is no need to worry for the time being. However, when Ultron is completely out of control, Romen can consider temporarily disconnecting from the Internet. At that time, Ultron is invincible in a sense on the Internet, and it will be troublesome if he is found.

In the short term, Romen has no idea of ​​contacting Ultron or meeting the Avengers. If he gets involved in such a big event and is noticed by the Ancient One, it will be troublesome.

"It is troublesome, but how strong can telepathy be with the Mind Stone?"

Romen is a little curious. Just poking people to hypnotize, or creating Ultron or Vision, or creating superpowers, Romen feels that it is not enough.

Since it is the Mind Stone, it should be able to exert the strongest power when it is handed over to a strong person with telepathic ability., such as Professor X.

However, after thinking about it, Romen decided to try to get in touch with the Mind Stone in the future. If there is a chance, he can directly get the Mind Stone. Telepaths are definitely the best match for the Mind Stone, and he is a telepath.

As for Vision, whether it can be born or not, Romen doesn't care at all, because it has nothing to do with him.

After surfing the Internet for a long time, Romen also turned off the computer.

After leaving his cabin, Romen prepared to exercise well.

Over the past few days, Romen's strength has increased, but it is still in a growth stage. Therefore, if he has time every day, he will exercise well, such as practicing Sun Breathing.

Sun Breathing can be said to be a perfect match for heat absorption/release ability. This type of ability can improve the strength of the ability and the physical strength through exercise. Sun Breathing can be perfectly exercised to exercise Romen's body as comprehensively as possible.

However, because the exercise time is relatively short, and the Sun Breathing is too powerful, Romen has a limited time to use Sun Breathing every day. In addition to using Sun Breathing during training, Roman would use Thunder Breathing most of the time. Roman, who has the ability of electrostatic field, is also very suitable for Thunder Breathing.

Because Sun Breathing comes from Yoriichi Tsugikoku, it is a natural ability deduced, so the starting point of the requirement is very high. It is a breathing method with a high lower limit, but a higher upper limit.

Other breathing methods are developed by those swordsmen themselves, but they have a more complete strengthening route from weak to strong. It has a low lower limit, but the upper limit is weaker than Sun Breathing.

So Sun Breathing is difficult to learn, but other breathing methods are easier to learn.

When Roman uses Sun Breathing for training, the scene will be more exaggerated.

Therefore, when Roman trains, he will not be in the base.

Leaving the base, coming to a more hidden mountain spring, Roman took off his clothes and sat in the mountain spring. The water surface was just at the chest position, which could bring enough pressure without too much impact.

As Luo Men began to breathe, the temperature around him also began to rise. A large amount of heat gathered from all around. After a while, a large amount of water vapor emerged from the mountain spring water and began to evaporate.

If he did not practice in the mountain spring, but practiced in his own wooden house, then Luo Men's house would be likely to be burned down.

Moreover, when practicing, the temperature will be concentrated, and the area a little further away will be very cold, so it may have a greater impact on other people. Therefore, Luo Men's training is a distance away from the base.

Luo Men, who entered the state of practice, also had faint patterns of fire and lightning on his body, which appeared and disappeared from time to time and looked very magical.

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