Time passed quickly, and it was time for the Kingdom of Krakoa to be officially established.

On this day, high-level officials, wealthy people from all over the world, and superheroes like the Avengers were all invited to Krakoa.

"Is that Professor X and Magneto?"

It was Tony Stark who flew to Krakoa in his latest battle armor.

Just after arriving in Krakoa, Tony Stark was a little surprised to see two familiar figures.

These days, he also learned a lot of information about mutants, such as Professor X and Magneto, and he naturally did not fall behind.

But both Professor X and Magneto have been missing for a long time. Of course, if they were not missing, just from the age, the two people are already very old, and it is hard to say how much power they can exert.

But now he saw that the two former leaders of the mutants who were only middle-aged were standing together in harmony at this time, and they were standing behind the boy named Romen.

"That's right, Boss. According to the data analysis, it's Professor X and Magneto."

Seeing two powerful mutants standing behind Romen, Tony Stark felt uneasy.

Whether it was Professor X's telepathy or Magneto's ability to manipulate metals with magnetic fields, these two people were too dangerous for a superhero who could only rely on armor.

In fact, not only Tony Stark, but also other human high-level officials were more or less shocked when they saw these two people.

In addition to the fact that the status of these two people was a little scary, the two people actually stood together, and it was obvious that they had joined forces. Suddenly, the evaluation of the country of Krakoa also rose a lot, which was roughly that they should not be easily provoked.

"Everyone is here, so let's start."

Looking at the sky, a ray of light fell, and the last person was considered to be all here, and Romen also spoke.

Captain Marvel Carol saw Romen, and her face showed a little more uncertainty.

She felt that she remembered Romen's face correctly, but the strength and aura seemed to be much stronger than a year ago.

It has grown so much in one year? She felt that maybe she was just illusory.

Also, this place also feels a little strange, it seems a bit like the subspace, but also a little different.

After arriving in Krakoa, even the well-informed Carol felt a little strange at this moment.

As for Romen, he was going to establish the Kingdom of Krakoa, and he would be the king of this country.

Although at first, Romen was a little surprised that Professor X and Magneto would choose a monarchy and directly make him the king, but Romen could accept it.

Originally, Romen thought that they would discuss a parliamentary system, and then Romen would be the speaker or something like that.

But there is no problem in being the king. Anyway, on Krakoa, Romen is no different from the king.

In the process of establishing the Kingdom of Krakoa, everything was kept simple.

As for the people who were invited, they were mainly witnesses, and they also prepared the foundation of Krakoa, that is, the three drugs developed by the Flower of Krakoa.

If not, there would be no need to make such a big fuss.

Because the process was compressed, it didn't take a particularly long time to finish.

"Do you still have the ability to move in space?"

Watching the process end, Tony Stark suddenly saw Captain Marvel and suddenly punched Romen, which made him a little worried. The king of Krakoa died directly under Captain Marvel's fist on the first day of his accession to the throne.

But just when he was worried, Romen's figure suddenly flashed and appeared in another place, which also attracted the attention of many people.

Everyone is familiar with Captain Marvel. It was she who revealed the matter of the Skrulls. Her combat power is also very strong. She can move freely in the universe. It can be said that she is the closest to Superman in DC comics.

"What do you mean?"

Looking at this big-faced woman indifferently, Romen spoke coldly.

But Aunt Marvel had no intention of stopping this time.

Recalling that Romen had revealed the news of the Skrulls to him before, and then the situation of the founding of Krakoa this time, she felt like an old ox being led by the nose, so she was very angry.

After the Kingdom of Krakoa was officially established and Roman was successfully inaugurated as king, she couldn't help but want to have a good fight with Roman.

Although she had killed countless Skrulls in these days, she still feltThere is not much sense of reality. Good things need to find an enemy of equal strength and have a good fight.

Therefore, Carol turned into light and flew towards Romen. The terrifying momentum made Romen a little angry.

"If you want to fight, just have a good fight."

Looking at this old woman, Romen had no intention of tolerating.

A year has passed, and Romen's strength has also been greatly improved. At this time, it has also reached a bottleneck. Although the accumulation of power has not stopped, it is stuck at a position, which is probably the threshold of the Father level.

In addition to the reason of Ancient One's retirement, this bottleneck is also the reason why Romen wants to go public. He wants to expand his influence and further strengthen the mirror dimension so that his strength can have a chance to go further.

However, although his strength has not broken through at the moment, he still has a chance to fight with Aunt Marvel with all his strength.

Of course, it is impossible to fight on Krakoa. Romen teleported and took Aunt Marvel directly into space.

Although Krakoa is also very powerful, there are still people above him. The aftermath of his fight with Aunt Marvel is too great, and the asteroid belt is shattered. Krakoa may be able to withstand such a toss, but the people above. Aunt Marvel did not think about the people on the surface. There are still many representatives of major forces here, and there are more mutants. Aunt Marvel, who would even save aliens, would not think of hurting so many mutants, because she knew that Romen had spatial abilities, and if she did not resist, she could be taken away by Romen. "Friday, where are they?" Tony Stark also contacted Friday through the armor. "According to satellite exploration, they have entered space and are transferring signals for you to play battle scenes." Hearing Friday's words, Tony Stark's face changed a little. It took only a moment to enter space. This ability was too outrageous, and then he immediately started watching Friday's broadcast.

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