"What happened?"

Seeing his projection screen, it suddenly became blurry.

The originally dazzling silver energy originally occupied a large area of ​​space, but in just a moment, the silver light was confined to a small area and moved back and forth.

"According to the analysis, Captain Marvel is at a disadvantage."

Friday's voice also sounded at the right time, and Tony Stark's face changed.

No matter how he felt about Captain Marvel, and even made a plan to counter the Marvel armor, Captain Marvel was more or less a member of the Avengers. Although he was not familiar with her, it was true.

If Captain Marvel could continue to crush this Roman, no matter what the future would be like, humans would still have some say. It seems that Captain Marvel is the only one who is born as a pure human, has super-powerful power, and stands on the side of humans.

It must be said that the power of this woman is indeed quite powerful and outrageous. He just made a simple calculation and stopped calculating. The terrifying energy that seemed endless was really a bit scary.

But what did Friday say to him, this terrifying woman actually fell into a disadvantage.

This point is simply a bit outrageous.

"Say it again!"

For a moment, Tony Stark suspected that he was hallucinating and hoped that Friday would give a different answer.

"According to the analysis, Captain Marvel is in a huge disadvantage."

Friday answered again, but the result he gave was that Captain Marvel's situation became even worse.

Professor Charles on the side, although he did not deliberately listen to Stark's communication, was able to sense Tony Stark's movements with just a little mental power, and a little smile appeared on his face.

In his perception, the energy levels of Romen and Captain Marvel are roughly in a relatively balanced state, but there is one thing that Romen is far stronger than Captain Marvel.

That is the ability that Romen mastered. In addition to the initial abilities, Romen also expanded his abilities to a certain extent.

The simplest one is like his old friend's ability to control the magnetic field, which Romen had learned a long time ago.

Although Romen broke through the Omega level, not all of his superpowers can enter that level, but his strength has changed and produced different transformations.

Under this situation, it is not surprising that Romen, who could rely on various abilities to deal with Captain Marvel, has taken the advantage in turn.

Moreover, seeing that the situation is one-sided, Romen has completely taken the advantage.

But this does not necessarily mean that Captain Marvel is unwilling. The strong physique and almost infinite energy make Captain Marvel's attack methods somewhat simple, but it is not a method of eating all the world with one trick.

However, Captain Marvel encountered the fully developed hexagonal warrior Romen, whose advantages did not exceed too much, and his weaknesses were also pulled too far away, so he fell into such a situation.

Comprehensive development, when the strength is equal or exceeded, it is powerful to terror. But if the strength is not as good, it is mediocre in all aspects.

Therefore, this is not something that anyone can do.

In the final analysis, Captain Marvel's strength is still an unsolvable existence on Earth. It's just that he was a little weaker when facing Romen.

In this world, there are not only forces with black technology like Tony Stark. Many of the invited guests knew that two "people" were fighting in outer space without most humans knowing.

The appearance of Captain Marvel and Nan Chan of the Skrulls had already refreshed the horizons of all the controllers of major forces.

But this battle made them realize what kind of destructive power the top strong men can burst out. Maybe even the ultimate weapon of mankind, the attack of nuclear bombs and hydrogen bombs, can obviously not deal with these two existences. On the contrary, as long as these two guys want to do it, they can completely destroy all humans on the surface.

The forces that originally wanted to deal with Captain Marvel were secretly glad that they didn't take action, otherwise they would really be targeted and there would be no way to deal with it.

Another point is the attitude towards the mutant force of the Kingdom of Krakoa that suddenly appeared.

"It is recommended to recognize the international status of the Kingdom of Krakoa."




"Approve!"vé! (French for approval)"

A certain five giants started the meeting and finally passed it with a unanimous vote.

The tricks outside the rules are obviously not enough to deal with Romen and the Kingdom of Krakoa controlled by Romen.

In this case, in order not to completely push Krakoa to the hostile side, we can only let them join their own rule system and use their own rule system to restrict it.

Although it is definitely impossible to completely restrict it, or to say that it is impossible to restrict it at all when the strength reaches that level, it will make the other party have some concerns.

As for the tragic situation of mutants in the past, it is actually mainly due to a certain standard. The free and beautiful country on the list has taken extreme actions.

As for the persecution of mutants, except for this country where the persecution is more serious, mutants in other places may not live very well, but they can still ensure their own food, clothing and personal safety.

However, no matter what happened in the past, after the mutants have a strong man like Romen, it is equivalent to a country having nuclear weapons. No matter how other countries feel, they must communicate with them calmly.

Omega mutant!

This name also became familiar to all forces from this day.

When After the previous theory became a real and terrifying existence, everyone had to take it seriously.

This battle lasted for a day, but it ended in nothing, with Romen slightly winning.

The main reason was that the two sides did not have a real irreconcilable hatred, nor did they have the ability to directly kill each other. After fighting enough, the battle naturally ended directly.

Finally, the impact of this battle was naturally quite huge.

The most important thing was that the Avengers received more contacts, and the forces that wanted to establish diplomatic relations with the Kingdom of Krakoa also Countless.

The Avengers were somewhat restricted from operating abroad because of the Ultron incident, but this time, Captain Marvel's powerful strength has solved a lot of problems.

Krakoa is a newly established kingdom. It was originally a country without any reputation, but after Roman showed his strength, other forces also came to prepare for diplomacy.

In the end, Roman felt that this world still has to speak with strength.

It's like he has strength and doesn't have to worry about anything. The Kingdom of Krakoa is still his king, and he can only be a hands-off boss, which is quite comfortable.

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