"Junior brother, stop joking. Let's talk about what this thunder tribulation is like. Are you really going to ascend to heaven and become an immortal?"

Lu Jin kept looking at Luo Men and spoke with some curiosity.

Hearing Lu Jin's words, people like Wang Ai and Lu Ci also pricked up their ears and wanted to hear the inside story.

As early as after the heavenly tribulation appeared, they knew that the Sanyi Sect, which was very powerful in the past, would only be more powerful now. Regardless of whether Luo Men became an immortal or not, he was safe and sound under this heavenly tribulation. There must be some powerful means.

The most important thing is the word "immortal". For native aliens, becoming an immortal is actually the highest pursuit. However, this matter is still too far away.

How many kings and generals in the world cannot escape the pursuit of immortality. Even if they know that they have no chance, they still have some ambitions.

At present, the man who is closest to ascending is in front of them, so they naturally want to listen carefully to the specific situation.

"Immortal? It's not quite there yet."

Luo Men was not surprised to hear Lu Jin's words.

The topic of becoming an immortal is so attractive.

But to be honest, he is still a little short of it.

With the help of the heavenly tribulation, the transformation that Luo Men completed can be said to have crossed the road that should have taken dozens or even hundreds of years to complete.

As for the last little distance left, it seems to be only a little bit, but if you want to complete this little breakthrough, even Luo Men himself doesn’t know how long it will take.

Of course, compared to others, he has more or less seen the end of becoming an immortal.


These four words made everyone who heard them ponder for a while.

In the end, what they can judge is that ascending to immortality should not be a legend, but something that can really be done. Then, the man in front of them may really become an immortal one day in the future, and it is possible that the people present will see it in their lifetime.

In this wave, everyone’s reading comprehension ability is also directly maxed out.

"Then why did you bring about the thunder tribulation this time? Because of you, all parties used a lot of energy to suppress the matter."

Lu Jin was also straightforward. He couldn't keep his words to himself, so he asked quickly.

"I have some small insights, for example, like this."

Looking at Lu Jin, the Qi in Luo Men's hand suddenly turned into a purple-gold light. Those with sharp eyes could see that there were strange runes flowing in the light, but when he looked at the runes carefully, he suddenly felt dizzy.

The purple-gold light formed a circle in front of Luo Men, and then Luo Men also stretched his hand into it. When this hand came back, a swallowing capsule appeared in Luo Men's hand, which was the swallowing capsule that Luo Men had hidden before.

"Is this an ability similar to the innate ability of the little girl of the Feng family? No."

Lu Jin was a little uncertain, but shook his head again and directly refuted this point.

He could feel a familiar place from Luo Men's method, but he couldn't remember it.

"Oh, that's right, it's Tongtian Talisman!"

Suddenly thinking of the familiar place, Lu Jin also stared at Luo Men's eyes and spoke.

Hearing Lu Jin's words, the faces of the people present changed more or less.

Everyone is familiar with the Eight Wonders. The Jiashen Rebellion at the beginning was caused by this, needless to say. Among the people present, there are several people who have hidden the means of the Eight Wonders. Even Tongtian Talisman, the entire Sanyi Sect can learn it as long as it passes the assessment.

When everyone heard Lu Jin say Tongtian Talisman, they were thinking, could it be that the Eight Wonders are really the art of becoming immortal?

Of course, Luo Men's next words naturally broke their fantasy directly.

"I call it the Immortal Heaven Talisman, which is slightly related to Tongtian Talisman, but on the basis of Tongtian Talisman, there is a little understanding, and then it perfects itself in the heavenly tribulation."

Hearing Lu Jin's words, Luo Men also nodded and gave the answer.

Although this Xiantian Talisman is mainly related to Rune, Rune came first, and then referred to Tongtian Talisman, and then Xiantian Talisman was derived. However, due to the rules of the world, the rules of the newly developed runes are closer to Tongtian Talisman, so it is called this.

The purpose of the Sanyi Sect's three levels of reverse life is to reversely refine oneself back to the innate Qi. After Luo Men's improvement, the purpose is no longer so ethereal, but to pursue the innate Tao body.

And now, after this heavenly tribulation, the three levels of reverse life have also gone a step further, beyond the original intention of the practice, and truly have the foundation to the immortal way.

Therefore, now Luo Men's three levels of reverse life can also be called the immortal Tao body. It is no longer the innate first, but the immortal of the immortal!

"However, this is not the most important thing. I have improved the three levels of reverse life.Next, let's call it Xiantian Daoti from now on. Brother Lu and the others can consider practicing it after we go back."

The words spoken from Luo Men's mouth, under the effect of a certain unique force, let everyone know that the Xiantian that Luo Men mentioned was those two words.

For a moment, all the people present were a little silent.

Is Xiantian Daoti a real practice that leads directly to the immortal road?

If not, they really couldn't imagine why Luo Men dared to name this practice with the word "Xian".

"By the way, Lao Zhang, let's get together when we have time. We haven't seen each other for a few years. I'll leave first. "

After watching Zhang Zhiwei say that, Luo Men disappeared from the spot, and the people present were also stunned.

To be honest, when Luo Men called Zhang Zhiwei Lao Zhang, the sense of disharmony of the scene was too strong.

But Zhang Zhiwei didn't care, and was also thinking about finding a time to get together with Luo Men later. He really wanted to see what kind of existence the so-called Zhixian was.

Moreover, after a short close-up perception, Zhang Zhiwei felt that Luo Men, who was not very proficient in thunder magic at the beginning, gave him a very domineering feeling. It was like the majestic power of heaven, lurking in Luo Men's body.

Zhang Zhiwei has been practicing these years. The more he practices, the more he feels Luo Men's strength. It is really difficult to rise against the world's suppression.

However, in addition to his cultivation, he is most confident in thunder magic. At present, it is very likely that Luo Men will surpass him. He still wants to see it in person.

Of course, he is in a high state of mind, so he will not be like his little apprentice, who will be broken at any time.

In general, in this era, the only one who can see Luo Men's back seems to be this seemingly old Taoist priest.

"This method is really like that of an immortal. The name of the exiled immortal is really not wrong. "

After a long time, Lu Ci sighed, and then looked at the mushroom-headed boy behind him, and he didn't know what he thought of.

'Strength, I need to eat more, and one day I will become an immortal.'

As for Wang Ai, he didn't say anything, but a yellow-haired young man behind him looked at the place where Luo Men disappeared with burning ambition in his eyes.

Not only these few people, because of Luo Men's appearance this time, the subsequent impact will not be limited to these few, and will gradually ferment over time.

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