
On the way up the mountain, a man in a suit, with a wicked curve at the corner of his mouth, handsome and somewhat feminine curly hair, suddenly stopped, and a pair of scarlet eyes showed a bit of doubt.

Looking at the end of the mountain road, a figure slowly walked out.

The figure wearing a fiery red feather fabric gave him a sense of déjà vu.

In a trance, Muzan seemed to see the terrifying guy resurrected and stood in front of him again.

"What's fun? Where's the fun? What do you think of human life? Why do you want to forget it?"

The voice that has always been haunting Muzan, like a nightmare, lingered in his ears again.

Looking at the handsome man on the mountain road, through the transparent world, Romen can clearly see the other party's tight muscle density and the outrageous, weird internal organ structure of five brains and seven hearts.

Romen didn't know how strong his desire to survive was that made Muzan construct such a structure, just to make his body without any weaknesses.

Not only that, but he also had the ability to split into more than 1,800 pieces to escape.

"This look! This look that sees through everything!"

Muzan looked at Romen's eyes, and the fear that was engraved into his cells surged into his heart again.

[Stripes·Open! ]

The stripes that he had been able to try to open were opened by Romen in an instant.

The fiery red flame stripes were derived from the left forehead, and the golden lightning stripes were on the right side of the neck, extending to the right side of the lower jaw.

The familiar position, the familiar flame stripes, the familiar indifferent eyes, and the action of raising the knife, everything, echoed with the past time and space, and the god-like man gradually overlapped with the figure in front of him.

The trembling body, the fear that was firmly imprinted in the cells, followed him like a shadow, like a maggot on the tarsal bone, tightly entangled Muzan's heart.

As Romen was about to fight with the posture of Sun Breathing, the time and space in front of him seemed to be in a trance.

The surrounding was a pure white space, and in the center of the whole world, there was only a man wearing a red haori with his back to him.

This world is a world where souls exist, and even reincarnation, which Romen is also very clear about.

And the souls of some dead people sometimes stay in the human world for various reasons, whether for the people they love or because of some regrets.

Tsugikoku Yoriichi, the man who walked on behalf of the gods in the human world, has been wandering in the human world because he did not kill Muzan and end the evil ghost.

However, before Romen could think about it, Tsugikoku Yoriichi did not talk to Romen, and Romen's vision changed instantly, but he found that he could no longer control his body.

"Tsugokuni Yuichi?"

Feeling the extremely strong body, Luo Men instantly realized that this was not his body, but Tsugokuni Yuichi's body. Or rather, Tsugokuni Yuichi used some means to allow himself to be in his field of vision.

"So, is this a teaching?"

No one answered, but he felt that this body was moving, and it was practicing the Sun Breathing.

Putting away distracting thoughts, he concentrated on observing Tsugokuni Yuichi's movement details, breathing rhythm, and the kind of inexpressible feelings.

[Breathing of the Sun·Form 1 Round Dance]

[Breathing of the Sun·Form 2 Blue Sky]

[Breathing of the Sun·Form 3 Red Mirror of the Sun]

[Breathing of the Sun·Form 4 Illusionary Sun Rainbow]

[Breathing of the Sun·Form 5 Train]

[Breathing of the Sun·Form 6 Burning Bones and Sun]

[Breathing of the Sun·Form 7 Yang Hua Tu]

[Breathing of the Sun·Form 8 Flywheel Yang Yan]

[Breathing of the Sun·Form 9 Sun Turning]

[Breathing of the Sun·Form 10 Huihui Enguang]

[Breathing of the Sun·Form 11 Halo Dragon Head Dance]

[Breathing of the Sun·Form 12 Flame Dance]

From Form 1 to Form 12, under the first time of Tsugikoku Yoriichi, they were fully displayed in front of Luomen, and an almost perfect demonstration was given, from the surface form to the internal meaning, all perfectly displayed.

After showing the twelve types of moves, the scene in front of him changed again.

There were two more people in front of him, a feminine man with a smile, who was Muzan. There was also a woman with a numb face. Although Luo Men had never seen her, he could guess that this should be Tamayo.

And this scene, needless to say, was the first and last meeting between Tsugakuin Yoriichi and Muzan.

Muzan at this time was very brave. He thought Tsugakuin Yoriichi was very weak and fearless, so he just threw his hand and hit him.And Tsugikoku Yoshiichi thought that Muzan was very strong, so he also went all out. In just a moment, the twelve sword forms of Sun Breathing were instantly completed, dividing Muzan into several pieces.

"Do you regard life as life?"

As he said this, Tsugikoku Yoshiichi, who was about to kill Muzan, saw Muzan's body suddenly exploded and turned into pieces of flesh in front of him.

In just a moment, Tsugikoku Yoshiichi reacted and quickly swung his sword to connect the first form to the twelfth form of Sun Breathing, and performed it in a continuous cycle from beginning to end. In just a moment, he had swung 1,500 swords. However, there were more than 1,800 pieces of flesh that exploded from Muzan. After cutting off more than 1,500 pieces, more than 300 pieces of flesh and blood escaped.

"I've always wanted to... find someone to listen to me..."

"Those who have exhausted their ways will end up in the same place."

"I can't protect anything important. In life, I haven't done anything that should be done. I am a worthless man."

"But, powerful younger swordsman, take my share and kill Muzan."

Watching Muzan escape, the world in front of him became dark again. It was still Tsugikoku Yoriichi, but this time it was his face, looking at him and talking seriously.

Without waiting for Romen to answer, the scene in front of him returned to Muzan again. If it weren't for the complete preservation of his perception of the breathing method, the scene just now really seemed like just a dream.

The red-gold color started from the sword body near the hilt and spread all the way to the tip of the sword, and the red sword opened.

"Tsugikoku Yoriichi!"

Watching the black blade in Romen's hand change to a red-gold color, the memory of death hit Muzan's brain fiercely.

Without any preparation, the emotion of fear had completely occupied Muzan's brain. At this moment, Muzan looked at this man with stripes on his face, the red sword, and the pair of eyes that seemed to see through everything, coupled with the familiar and terrifying breathing method, and he just wanted to escape.

However, all of Muzan's actions were clearly visible to Romen through his observation of the transparent world.

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